Three Dog: Hello, Capital Wasteland, and welcome to Galaxy News Radio - the station with the most news for the buck. From Megaton to Girdershade, Paradise Falls to the Republic of Dave, we're coming to you in a special live report.

I'm sure many of you will have noticed that I'm not as excited as I normally am. Well, I have good reason. Good old 101, the Wasteland Messiah himself, may be no more.

I know! I'm getting choked up a little as well. Joining me is 101's companion at the time, Charon, right here in the studio. So Charon, tell us what happened.

Charon: We were moving up near Little Lamplight looking for super mutants when we were ambushed by a deathclaw. It bull-rushed toward us from out of nowhere and sent the Lone Wanderer flying, leaving me and Dogmeat.

Dogmeat: (whines)

Charon: I fired two shotgun rounds into it before it got to me and sent me back, carving deep gashes in my armor. Then, just as it was about to crush my head with its jaws, out of nowhere the Lone Wanderer was back, in his left hand he clenched a Shishkebab, the flame glowing cherry red.

He then jumped onto the deathclaw's head. Clenching its horns he tried to bring the sword down but the deathclaw, roaring like a demon, stumbled left and slid out of view down a slope.

I stood up quickly drawing my shotgun to join him when it happened.

Three Dog: What happened?

Charon: There was a flash of light and a sound like a mini nuke had gone off; a massive smoke cloud was kicked up, blowing me back from the edge. I ran to the top to find nothing. Both the Deathclaw and 101 were gone.

Three Dog: What do you think happened?

Charon: I don't know. Anything could have happened to him. Anything.

Three Dog: You heard it here folks - the Lone Wanderer is no more.

Charon: No!

Three Dog: Excuse me?

Charon: There was no body, no scorch marks, no radiation. Whatever happened to him he is not dead. And let me say this, wherever 101 is, wherever Wheatley is I will say this...

Three Dog: (softly) That's the first time his name's been spoken on this network.

Charon: He is still fighting the good fight.