Eugene: …, that last one-shot was kind of an epic fail.. TT^TT Also, I can't do Japan! Why? HE DIDN'T END UP WITH THE HAPPINESS MACHINE! D: But the good news is, this is the final one-shot and I'm doing Norway-kun! :D


Eugene: Dude, lighten up already. And where there's Norway, there's gotta be the Nordics! Yes, I'll be mentioning them there… anyway, ONWARD WITH THE FINAL ONE-SHOT FOR HETALIA AND THE HAPPINESS MACHINE!

It was an late winter day and people at the Byporten Shopping Mall in Oslo (Norway's capital city) were up and down shopping. Norway, along with Denmark, Iceland, Finland, and Sweden, were also there, carrying random shopping bags while Denmark was swinging his axe around.

"Denmark… how many times do I have to tell you not to threaten my citizens with your axe?" The Norwegian scolded the Dane in a no-nonsense tone.

"Aw, but Norge~ the lines were taking too long! Besides, we wanna get our shopping quick, right?" Denmark tried to reason.

"True, but.." Norway's next words were cut off when the heavy weight from the shopping bags he carried grew heavier. He set down his bags in a round table at the food court near a Coca-Cola vending machine. The others sat down, too. They were just sitting there, people-watching and fiddling with the shopping bags when Finland got up from his seat and said, "I'm thirsty. I need a drink…"

"Try getting it from there." Denmark pointed at the vending machine nearby. There was not many people around it. Finland shrugged and went over to the machine.

He paid for his drink and pressed the Coca-Cola button. He knelt down at the slot and was about to grab it when-

"GYAHHHH~!" Finland shrieked. Everyone in the food court jumped, including the rest of the Nordics. Sweden looked alarmed and grabbed Denmark's axe, rushing over to his side.

"HEY! THAT'S MY AXE, MAN!" Denmark yelled out. Obviously, Sweden didn't hear him.

"M' w'fe, wh't's the m'tter?" Sweden tried to reassure Finland, positioning the axe at the vending machine's direction.

"Su-san, there's nothing wrong! There's hands under the vending machine and-" While the other Nordics were giving him strange looks at this mention, Finland then revealed a paper red cup full of Coca-Cola and a small plushie of a.. Moomin? "It gave me these! This thing must be magic!"

The others stared curiously at Finland, then at the vending machine, then at each other, and at the Finn again.

"Are you sure you're not seeing things..?" Norway questioned.

"Honest! See?" Finland pointed to a dark-skinned family near the vending machine as the same pair of hands poured the father a glass of Coca-Cola into the paper cup and from the red can earlier. Other people passing by watched them curiously at this sight. Then one guy got multiple bottles of Coca-Cola, a girl got a black, white, and pink plaid-patterned pencil case with her drink, and a boy received 2 red t-shirts (with the Coca-Cola logo). More people started to gather around.

"Hey! Lemme try it out!" Denmark bursted out. He tried to get to the Happiness Machine first but Norway's citizens kept scolding him to wait in the line. He pouted a little at first but lit up again when he was in front of the machine. He paid for his Coca-Cola and he got the drink and a..

"Awesome! A crown fit for a king! Like me~!" Denmark smirked, showing off what looked like silver crown with red plush fabric and rubies. It looked real, but it's kind of plastic, actually… no one had the heart to tell him though.

"…Th's b'tter w'rk." Sweden then slid a coin into the slot and pressed the button himself. A clunk came and it turned out that he also got a drink and received… skis?

"Aw~! And here I thought mine's the best; yours is too cool, Sverige!" Denmark said in "mock-jealousy". The light shone in the blue frame of the skis.

More people surrounded the Happiness Machine. A lady got a white plaid purse, a little boy got his Coca-Cola served in an icy-cold glass (classic kind), one man ended up with a small cake in a box, and a lady received a long Subway sandwich! A few people ate the halves as they drank Coca-Cola and laughed together.

Then a few guys also got skis (in different colours) and a little girl got a cinnamon bun and a small flag of Norway's.

"You should go next." Iceland then said, tapping Norway's shoulder.

"Only if you go first…"


"Do it or else you'll have to say 'onii-chan'…"

"Fine.." Iceland walked up to the Happiness Machine and paid for a bottle. He waited for it to come out but decided to give up and walk away. But before he could even do that, a loud thunk came out. Curious, Iceland found his Coca-Cola bottle in the bottom but then also found the same pair of hands.. now holding a camera? Norway peeked down and a flash came, causing both him and Iceland to blink furiously. The Icelander then saw the camera developing the photo and saw an image of Norway.. doing bunny-ears on him?

"You did bunny-ears on me.. Why?" He questioned the Norwegian and raised his eyebrow. Norway just shrugged; it's best if 'onii-chan' doesn't know for now.

"Alright, my turn now…" Norway then went up to the machine and paid for his own drink. He waited and waited for his drink. Sighing, he just kicked at the red hard exterior of the Happiness Machine before encountering an alarming red light of the siren above. Hearing a thunk below, his Coca-Cola bottle came down in the bottom. He just grabbed the bottle dully before hearing the similar sound again. Peeking down, he also saw a small red pillow, a flag (both in Norway's flag pattern), and a figurine of one of his fairies.

"Hahaha! Not too bad, but not as good as mine- ACK!" Before Denmark can say another word, Norway just smacked with his new pillow. Then he set his items as well as his Coca-Cola down before grabbing a Subway sandwich from the lady; from what his citizens recently encountered, he didn't realize that he didn't eat earlier, so he must've been that hungry. Once he got one, he smirked at Denmark's form, being KO-ed by the pillow of wrath.