A/N: Been picking up extra shifts in the ER, but I messed up my back and had to sit on the couch for the last couple hours with a heating pad, so here you go. Enjoy! Oh and the science is all BS I made up, I'm not a physicist, and I bypassed my beta this time because I wanted to get this up while I had a chance, I'm sure it would have been better if he had done a once over.


Alarms screamed, lights flashed, people ran in many directions shouting orders or replies nearly crashing into each other as they rushed off to take care of things in which each member was specifically trained to do. Chaos reigned, yet they slumbered.


"McKay, will you just tell me what the hell is going on?" John shouted. Yet after 30 seconds of McKay's high-speed techno-babble, he yelled, "In English!"

"Well I don't know what's caused it but the city is on the fritz. The naquadah generators are overheating and have locked themselves up so that they cannot be shut down or accessed for repairs. The city's sensors are intermittent, doors keep opening and closing. There have been more than a few injuries and I'm sure a few deaths from exploding power conduits all along the corridors in the east wing…"

"Ok, Rodney, how do we fix it?" John said in a calming voice hoping to sooth McKay's mounting hysteria.
"Fix it?" McKay wailed incredulously. "I don't even know what's wrong so how the hell can I fix it?"

At that moment Zelenka came careening around the corner and skidded to a halt next to them out of breath. "Rodney," he said, panting. "A flare… from the..."

McKay cut in, "We've been monitoring the sun since we got here, and there haven't been any flares."

"I know but..." Zelenka began before once again being cut off by McKay.

"Radick, there weren't any solar flares, now how about doing something useful for a change and figure out a way to get those naquadah generators to respond, humn?"

"But if you'd just listen…" Zelenka tried but McKay was pointedly ignoring him as he had continued his ranting of things wrong with the city until Sheppard shushed him.

"What did you say about flares?" John asked Zelenka.

"I'm telling you there are no…" McKay began before being cut off by a look from John and a firm hand from Ronon.

"Thank you," Zelenka said while seeming to unload a ton of anxiety at the same time. "The closest black hole put out a flare of its own." At the groups bewildered looks he explained. "It's not uncommon for things being pulled apart by the gravitational forces of a black hole to… explode, for lack of a better word. Now at some point in time it swallowed up a star, but not a star like any we've seen so far. It seems to have been comprised by different types of gases and elements, it may have even been a large planet that started turning into s star, I don't know." At Johns nod with an apparent 'get on with it' under tone he hastily continued, "Anyway, it's taken hundreds probably thousands of years to get here but a few hours ago the city was bombarded by particles from that explosion. Several different types of radiation and positrons among other things bombarded the city. It's too early to know what these particles effect is on the human body, but the electrical systems, particularly the naquadah generators have been effected massively by them."

"Ok, so how do we fix it?" John asked.

"I have no idea. I think the best thing to do…"

An unnaturally quiet McKay finally snapped out of it and started to rapidly snap his fingers. "Yes, yes, yes. We need to figure out a way to restart the city, like rebooting a computer."

"My thoughts exactly." Zelenka said, non-plussed about being cut off yet again by McKay.

"Well that's easy enough to do; we remove the Zed PM and all the naquadah generators for a few minutes, say 5? And that should give the city enough time to dissipate all the electricity stored in the conduits and cables etc., and then plug everything back in and restart the systems." Rambled McKay as he started to pace.

"Right, but how are we going to unplug the naquadah generators before they overheat and explode?" asked Zelenka.

"Get McCarthy and, uh, uh, you know that Asian chick and start thinking of things so I can exclude all that and think of what you haven't thought of yet." He said in all seriousness as he started to wander off.

Zelenka rolled his eyes, muttered in Czech, and strode off to find his colleagues.

"Hey, where are you going?" John yelled to McKay.

"To the closest naquadah generator. Oh and find Sam. I mean I know them better than she does but she did design them so she might be helpful as well." He turned and rushed off down the call but called back over his shoulder, "And have her bring coffee!"

John and Ronon just looked at each other and shook their heads as if to say, "He's a pain in the ass but you can't help but love 'im".

"I'll go find Sam." John said. "But I think I'll leave most of the charm out of Rodney's request." He grinned, turned and ran off in the opposite direction as McKay.

With apparent worry and anxiety, John overrode the lock on their door. The door slid open and John rushed in a few feet then stopped. The whole world seemed to stop. He could no longer hear the alarms or peoples' shouts. All he could do was drink in the sight before him.

Sam lay, cozy in her bed on her back with one leg bent at an odd angle, the blankets laying rumpled halfway up her abdomen. Her face was turned toward him and her hair cascaded over her pillow, shoulders and created a halo like effect around her face. Her hands rested on either side of her head. John just watched as her slow, steady inhale and exhale caused her chest to rise and fall rhythmically. She was wearing a soft pink tank top that accented the slightly rosy glow of her skin and the plump pinkness of her lips. With the early morning light seeping through the window John knew what heaven was like, his own personal Angels asleep on the bed before him.

After a moment of letting a warm glow over take him it suddenly plummeted like a brick to the pit of his stomach. She shouldn't still be asleep. It wasn't like Sam or Elizabeth to sleep late let alone through a catastrophe. Anyone in this line of work slept lightly.

He took the few paces needed to reach her bed and knelt over it. He ran his hand through her hair and said, "Hey sleepy heads. Wake up."

The knot in his stomach loosened a little when she stirred and pressed her face into his hand and nuzzled it a bit.

Sleepy lids opened halfway and pools of the most unique shade of blue greeted him. Pink lips curled up into a smile. "Hey there." Came a sleepy voice. "We were just dreaming about you." She snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him into bed. They both giggled as the bed creaked in protest at having his weight suddenly upon it as he landed mostly to the side of her but still managing to tangle his BDU clad legs up with hers.

John could have taken a moment or two to savor this, but an ill timed blast rattled the bed and caused pictures to fall from their perches around the room.

"What was that?" Elizabeth said with Sam's voice, for the first time seeming to notice the blaring alarms and chaos reigning just outside her door.

"That." John said launching himself of the bed and reaching out a hand to pull her to her feet, "Is the reason I needed to wake you. The city's gone berserk, something about some flare from a black hole or something. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. All I know is that we need to disconnect power from the city to do a reboot and the naquadah generators aren't' responding. We need Sam's help."

Their door flew open to reveal people running and shouting. Medical personnel ran down the hall with a soldier on a stretcher still smoking as one ran alongside with an ambu bag giving life sustaining air to the patient on the stretcher and others pushed or started cutting off his clothes shouting or accepting orders and yelling at people to get out of the way.

After the stretcher passed, Elizabeth ran out of the door. "Which way?" she asked John.

"McKay went to the closest naquadah generator, we'll go there." He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the way of Lorne and his team running down the corner shouting to someone on the com that they were on their way. Keeping a hold of her hand they ran off in search of McKay, Sam/Elizabeth clad in bare feet, a tiny tank top and small sleeping shorts keeping up with the fast paced run John had set.