Authors Note:

Hello all! Sorry this isn't a new chapter! I just wanted to let everyone know that I am NOT abandoning this story. After 'ALWAYS', I really just lost my will to write because it was such an AMAZING episode and I couldn't really get past it enough to write (and I was busy trying to keep up with all the amazing stories written on here). That being said, CASTLE is coming back soon and it will defiantly get me back into the writing mood. I have two other stories I would like to write regarding CASTLE. One is an idea I am really excited about that I can't believe someone hasn't done yet. It would be a longer story and I am hesitant to start because I have 'Fate' to work on and I not sure I could do it justice and I am also working on two screenplays which is my true passion and another reason I haven't updated 'Fate' since May. If you are an avid writer for Castle and are having trouble thinking of a new original story feel free to send me a message. The other storyish idea is twelve steamy/horrific/crazy one-shots called that will be titled "The Dirty Dozen" (They will all be rated M). Who knows who could pop up in a chapter! I would like to thank everyone for their reviews as I still get them from time to time and I will try to get another chapter up for everyone as soon as I can. Thank you for being patient and let's hope we don't go crazy until the 24th!

Until next timeā€¦.