It was normal day ga eul was working in the porridge shop dancing to music since nobody was in the shop. The music was really loud that she did not hear the door open. Yi jeong walked in trying to find jandi but he ended up finding a girl dancing.

'She has a nice butt' yi jeong thought while staring at her shake her hips.

He then went over to her and taped her shoulder which caused her to jump and spin around and face. Ga eul quickly turned down the music.

"Sorry about that. How may I help you" ga eul said in her sweetest voice.

"I am looking for geum jandi. Is she here?" Yi jeong asked.

"No she is not here right now." Ga eul

"Well do you know her" yi jeong asked staring at her.

"Yes since kindergarten" ga eul said.

"So you are her best friend" ga eul then nodded her head.

Yi jeong then grabbed her wrist and started to drag her o his car.

"where do you think you are taking me" ga eul said while shouting when yi jeong threw her into his car.

"I just want have a chat with you" he then shut the door and ran to the driver's side and got in before ga eul could run.

"yah I can't talk right now I have to work" ga eul said while trying to open the door.

"I am sure your manger will be ok" yi jeong said while driving off so ga eul could not get out of the car.

They went to yi jeong studio the ride there was silent when they arrived the got out of the car and went into the studio.

"I am going to make some tea look around and make yourself comfortable" yi jeong said while going to the kitchen to make some tea.

When he got back he placed the tray of tea on the table and looked around to find ga eul bending over to look at a pot. Yi jeong's eyes were transfixed on ga eul's bum he could not move his eye's away. After a while he noticed the more she bent the more her skirt went up.

'Come on a little more and I can see your pantie come on! 'yi jeong thought.

But sadly for him ga eul stood up and fixed her skirt and turned around and noticed yi jeong was there and staring at her but she could not help but blush.

"You know your very cute when you blush" yi jeong said while smirking.

"what is that a Casanova lines?" ga eul said while sitting down.

"Now what is the reason you dragged me here?" ga eul said.

"I just wanted to tell you to warn your friend not to fancy jun pyo that much" yi jeong said while sipping tea.

"and why is that" ga eul asked a little angry.

"Because commoner and rich people like us don't go together" yi jeong said in a calm voice.

"Trust me jandi does not want climb that tree" ga eul said while getting up she was about to storm out when yi jeong grabbed her wrist and spun her around. They were really close that their chests were touching while their faces were an inch apart.

"ok let's make this interesting if jandi starts to climb that tree you have given up your body for me for a year" yi jeong said while grabbing her butt.

"fine but if I win you stop being a Casanova for a year" ga eul said while trying to remove his hand from her butt but he was to strong so his hand stayed on her butt.

"ok then let's seal the deal" yi jeong said. He then lowered his head captured her lips it feel magical for the two and after a little while he brushed his tongue on the her bottom lip asking for an entrance and before she could respond they heard someone give a whistle so they broke apart from each other to see woo bin.

"yo bro I came to ask if you want to go to a club but it seems like you are busy" woobin said with a smirk.

"actually he is not busy you can go with him after he takes a shower to wash off all the tea he has on him" ga eul said while walking over to the table.

They were smirking thinking she was saying that yi jeong can go after taking a shower with her but the smirks stopped when ga eul came over with the tea pot and poured it over his head likely for him the tea was cold.

"Bye" ga eul said while smirking and walking off.

Woo bin just kept on laughing while yi jeong was confused.

"That is some girl "woo bin said

"I know" yi jeong said while staring out the door she left.