It was a nice day ga eul and jandi were working in the porridge shop. Ga eul was not focusing she was thinking about the bet.

Jandi can't possible start liking jun pyo right she like ji hoo. Ahh this so frustrating why did I agree to this bet. You agreed because you thought you would win and also because you thought losing would not be bad. What! Losing is really bad because he is going to take my innocence away from me.

"Ga eul are you alright you been looking out into space and wiping the same spot forever" jandi asked

"Oh I am alright. Also"ga eul was scared to ask if jandi liked jun pyo because she was afraid of the answer.

"Just spit it out!"

"Do you like jun pyo?"

" you have to be kidding I would never like epically after today."

"what happened today?"

"well yesterday I went to club and today I woke up in a hotel room with different clothes than the ones I had on yesterday. Then today when I went to school there was a picture if me sleeping with a men on the screen. And when jun pyo so this he got mad without asking my side of the story." Jandi said frustrated.

"That's why we came to fix this problem." Woo bin said.

"We will help you jandi" yi jeong said.

After a few minutes of talking they decided to look at the picture again to figure out what the man looked like. They all huddled around the computer.

Yi jeong went behind ga eul and put one arm around her waist to pull her closer to him. She turned around and glared at him but he acted like he did nothing wrong and continued look at the screen.

"Two can play this game" ga eul thought while leaning into him more and snuggle into him more.

Yi jeong was suprised but then he just smirked and put his other hand around her waist too. The two were snuggle and not paying attention to the screen but when they felt woo bin nudged them they jumped apart lucky for them jandi did not see otherwise yi jeong would be a dead man right now.

"Come on yi jeong let's go "woo bin said while smirking and walking out the door.

"Bye" yi jeong said while walking out the door.

"Bye sunbae" ga eul and jandi said in unison.

After a few hours jandi and the boss left the shop but ga eul stayed to close the shop. Ga eul was dancing to trouble maker when she feel someone hand wrap around her waist she jumped and span around she then saw yi jeong. They noses were touching and yi jeong arms are still wrapped around her waist.

"Hi" ga eul said in a whisper.

"Hi" yi jeong said.

He lowered his head and captured ga eul lips it was a sweet innocent kiss until yi jeong brushed his tongue on ga eul's bottom lip asking for an entrance so ga eul opened her mouth and his tongue slipped in she could help but moan. Yi jeong lifted ga eul and placed her on the table behind her then he spread her leg wide and went in-between them. They kept on making out they only stopped because they made to breath. They had their for heads touching while they tried to catch their breath when yi jeong caught his breath he stepped away from her and he was about to leave when he remembered something.

" ga eul when you give me your body I want you to wear this" he then gave her the bag he had when he walked in.

Ga eul got curious and opened to find a dress.

"Yah yi jeong what is this" ga eul said almost shouting.

"Bye" yi jeong said while ranking to his car so ga eul could not get him.


Ga eul looked at the dress. The dress was not bad other than the problem if she bends over everybody will she her underwear the bad part was there was a note attached.

i thought this dress would be cute on you ga eul and when it's time to give your body up to me i want you wear only this and nothing else. If you no what i mean. Also when you come i want you to help me get a vase form the very bottom self because i can't bend that far and i know you are really flexible.

- your oppa