Spamano/Usuk other pairings.

Fake Boyfriend

Ch. 1

Fuck it! Why does he always do this to me! The way he makes me blush, increase my heartbeat and makes a warm, funny, feeling in my chest.

And it all just pisses me off how easily he can affect me! Of course when I say 'he' I mean the stupid, idiotic, cheery, good-looking, Spaniard.

Antonio to be more specific.

Those were the current thoughts in Lovino's head. While Feliciano was with the 'Potato Bastard' for the night, Lovino had the whole night to himself, but even that wasn't enough to stop thinking about 'Antonio's muscular arms and tan skin'.

'Just stop it Lovino! At least the bastard is stupid enough to not notice this', Lovino thought.

Having enough from his thoughts, Lovino finally decided to go to bed. And just before he went to sleep, he hoped that, one day, Antonio would notice his feelings for him.

"I love you so much Lovi~" Antonio said as he gently lifted Lovino's chin.

Blushing, Lovino tried to look anywhere besides Antonio's loving gaze.

"D-don't c-call me Lovi bastard!" Lovino tried pushing him away, and couldn't believe this was happening to him. But, Antonio had quickly put both of his arms around Lovino's waist, keeping him lock. Lovino then gave up struggling and slowly, hesitatingly, met Antonio's emerald eyes and he kissed Antonio's lips. Antonio, shocked and joyed, eagerly responded back, with much more hunger and need than necessary.

Soon they broke apart, only for the need of air. Panting, Antonio leans in for another kiss. Then-


Lovino's hand instantly went to punch his alarm clock. He was pissed. Very much pissed. Not only did his alarm clock wake him up from an amazing dream, but it woke him up at 6:30 in the fucking morning! He sat up from his comfy bed and look at the wall, which the calendar was hanged up on. It was Monday, no wonder his alarm clock woke him up. He needed to go to school.

Lovino quickly got up, took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, and put on his Hetalia High School uniform. He then looked at his alarm clock again. 6:55 a.m. With only 5 minutes left before the bus came, he went to the kitchen and grabbed the leftover pasta from yesterday's dinner and ate with quick speed. Soon, he was out of the house, with his backpack, and waited for the bus to come pick him up.

"Good morning Lovino," Lovino turned to his left and saw his neighbor (the only person who was normal besides him) Arthur.

Lovino acknowledge him by nodding and kept silent. That's how it was between them. Every day, since the sixth grade, except for Saturday and Sunday, they greet each other and stay silent until the bus comes. However, today was different.

"Hey….Lovino can I ask you something?" Arthur said.

"Depends on what kind of question you're asking me, bastard."

Arthur ignored the insult, since that was Lovino's nature to cuss at absolutely everything, and continued on.

"Do….you…like Antonio?"

Lovino blush immediately and couldn't believe Arthur was really asking him that, and if he really had been obvious about it.

Before he could respond, the bus came to his rescue and he rapidly got on the bus. They both sat together in the back of the bus. Arthur seems to have let the question go, because afterwards he didn't say anything throughout the whole ride to school. And Lovino was grateful for it and relaxed a bit. When they both arrived to school, they went the opposite directions and went to class.

Please Review! And look forward for the next chapter.