Victor placed Kate's limp body on the bed. Even though she wanted to put up a struggle, her arms and legs were just too weak and they failed her. Then, there was the overwhelming nausea and the gut-wrenching pain in her stomach. It felt like knives stabbing her deep down into the depths of her soul. Even though she couldn't think straight, she knew one thing: She had to get out of here…and soon.

Victor leaned down and gently took her face into his hands and looked into her dazed eyes, "My darling Nikki, or should I say Detective Kate Beckett, you have disappointed me. You know, it's never a good idea to disappoint me. It's just too bad things didn't work out because you're quite a beautiful woman, and I do deeply admire your fiery spirit. You've been quite a conquest," he softly whispered into her ear. Victor placed his hand behind her neck and drew her face even closer to his own. Anybody who betrayed him the way she did would have been dead by now, but he looked down at her full crimson lips and decided that he would possess this exquisite woman. He would make her want him as much as he wanted her. He pressed his lips against hers roughly. She tried to fight back, but she was powerless. As he deepened the kiss, she bit his lip and drew blood. "You're such a wild one, aren't you Nikki?" he viciously whispered. He lustfully looked her over, and lightly ran his finger from the nape of her neck, down the front of her blue velvet gown, and finally let it come to rest on her stomach. "Aren't we feeling well? That's too bad. Maybe a glass of wine would help with that," he snickered. "You rest for now, darling. Don't worry. I'll be back in a few hours to pick up where we left off." And with those last words, he walked out of the room and locked the door.

As soon as Victor mentioned the wine, Kate knew. That bastard! He had baited her, trapped her, and poisoned her. When she heard the door shut, she turned her head and let the tears silently fall onto her pillow. She would never let Victor see her cry. Damn it, if she had only listened to Rick, she wouldn't be in this mess. He had begged her not to go back, but she just wouldn't listen. Why did she always have to be so damned stubborn, especially when it came to him? She thought of Rick and the tenderness in his deep blue eyes when he looked at her. She wanted him so much. There was so much left unsaid between them. So much more left to say, that he would never know. Now, she would never see him again.

She was trapped. She could barely move, and the unrelenting pain in her stomach was excruciating. There was no escape, and Victor would be back. With the next wave of pain, she slowly slipped into unconsciousness…