In the basement office, Diego Soto and Rebecca Madsen were going about the everyday business of two people trying to catch America's most dangerous criminals as they returned.

"Oh!" Madsen said, rising from her office chair.

"What?" Soto said, ambling toward her as quickly as his bulk would allow.

"Another one."

"Another sixty-three?"

Madsen nodded.

Soto sighed. "I guess we better get a move on," he said. "Maybe we can catch this one before he commits any crime."

Again Madsen nodded.

Diego and Rebecca emerged into the San Francisco sunlight and began to walk across the island towards the ferry, doing their best to look like any ordinary tourists. "Sir?" an unfamiliar male voice said. "Ma'am?" The duo jumped, hearts fluttering rapidly with fright, then turned on their heels to find a male tour guide staring at them.

Diego gulped audibly.

"Yes?" Rebecca said with a slight nod.

The tour guide held out his hand. "Can I see your ticket?" he said.

Diego turned with a frown to Rebecca. She held up an index finger.

"We don't have one," Rebecca said.

The tour guide frowned. "You don't have one," he said, taking a step forward.

Rebecca shook her head.

The man's eyes narrowed. "Then how did you get on the island?" he said.

"We're police," Rebecca said.

"Oh!" The man took a step back. "I'm so sorry." He took another step back. "Hope you have a nice day." The tour guide turned on his heel and walked away.

Diego didn't speak until he and Rebecca were safely on the ferry as it drifted across the waters of the San Francisco Bay. "That was bad," he said.

Rebecca smirked. "No," she said, "it wasn't."

"How can you say that?"

"He let us go, didn't he?"

Diego nodded.

Rebecca shrugged. "So I don't see what you're so worried about," she said.

"I think he's suspicious," Diego said.

Rebecca sighed. "Well, if you're so worried, why don't you tell Hauser what you think once we meet him in San Francisco?"

Diego nodded. "I will."