Title: Perceptions

Disclaimers: I own nothing. (Cause, really, if I did, they'd have kissed already, argh... :))

A/N: Okay, so, I couldn't help myself, this is a sequel to the short one chapter 'Enchanted Hits' which was a sequel to 'The Lion and the Mouse' which was supposed to be short, but, ah, wasn't. What can I say. I'm reading Grimms, and I got a little inspired after yesterday (also, y'all are lucky that it's not called 'true love's kiss' or something like that, 'cause I'm listening to the Enchanted Soundtrack too much, better put on some Nightwish or Rybak.)

A/N #2: Comments/reviews are welcome, since, I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this quite yet. I mostly have the ending, just don't quite know how I'll get there yet.

"Please don't Mom. Please, please... Emma'll be okay, everything will work out, I promise. Pleeesse Mom."

Phelan took deep breaths and was happy that her hand didn't waver. "Listen to your son Mayor."

Regina whirled and Phelan only barely didn't take a step back at the look in the Mayor's eyes. "You DARE?"

Phelan swallowed, but didn't move the gun from where it was pointing. Honestly she was petrified that Henry was going to jump in front of his Mom at some point. He tended to leap before he looked. She didn't want that.

Regina meanwhile may have been wearing a pant suit, but there was nothing earthly about her. Her eyes were the same color they always had been, but her hair seemed to be blacker than a black hole and the energy around the Mayor made Phelan's hair stand on end. "Look Mayor, the Doc said that there was a chance. If you destroy the world, then there's no chance..."


Regina turned back to Henry and looked down at him, "I'm sorry Henry, but... I'm evil remember, and..."

Henry yelled, "No..." and dove for his mother.