Hello! I present another story! I know I have alot of other ones that need done but I got this idea and so had to use it. I hope that you like it. So disclaimer: I don't own D N Angel or FMA. So onto the story and please review! Please!

this is dark talking to daisuke or thinking.

This is Daisuke talking to dark or thinking.

and normal.

Chapter 1


The red head ran thru the streets of a strange country. He had woken up to find himself in the gutter. He was running out of breathe and was getting tired.

"Daisuke, turn into me and I'll take over."

"No, what if their after you? I can't let them have you."

"Dai I can take care of myself. Just let me take over. I'll ask what they want."

"Right." The red head now identified as Daisuke turned down a alley way and thought of his love, Risa Harada. Slowly his small body grew into a taller one, his hair turned a dark purple and grew longer, his red eyes turned a deep amythst. A smirk came across this new persons face.

"Now time for some fun. Thanks and sleep for now, Dai."

"Right, thanks Dark." The red head fall asleep and Dark ran out the alley way to come face to face with a tall woman with fairly curly hair. She had a very beautiful face with full, deep crimson lips. Her eyes were a purple like his but a lighter shade.

"Well now what happened to the little red head?"

"He left, gorgeous. But I'm here so lets have some fun." Dark said with a purr in his voice.

"Yes lets have some fun." She ran at him and he was ready for her when there was a pain in his right shoulder.

"What the hell?" He looked down to see three spears sticking out of his shoulder. He followed to where they orignated and saw the womans fingers. "Whats up with your fingers lady?"

"I have the ultimate spear. I am Lust, a homunculis and my orders were to bring the short red head but you'll have to do." She lifted her left hand and her fingers grew. Dark knew this was not good, he had to get away. He took his left hand and brought it down on the spears. Damnit! The only thing he succesed in doing was almost breaking his hand.

"As you can see my spears are very hard and strong. Nobody can get out of them."

"Well I guess it's a good thing I'm not a nobody." Dark smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean? Stop struggling and come with me. I don't want to hurt a beautiful man like you."

"Well I'm glad that you noticed how handsome I am but I'm no mere human."

"You look like one."

"Just because I look like one doesn't mean anything." Dark took out a black feather and pointed at Lust and shot a big blast of purple energy. Her eyes widened in surprise but stood her ground. The blast conected, exploding and the ground shook from the impact and when the smoke dissapated she was nowhere to be found but there was still the three spears in his shoulder. He grabbed them and pulled them out. He stiffled a groan as they pulled free from his flesh. Blood poured from the wounds. He looked back to see the women start to regenerate.

"So whatever they, they can regenerate. I wonder how many times." He noticed how fast it was. "Better get out of here before she's complete so I don't have to fight again." Dark turned and left holding his shoulder. He ran thru the abandoned streets and happened across the main street. He turned the corner and started running again. He looked behind him to make sure she wasn't coming after him and ran into something really hard. He stumbled back holding his head. First my shoulder and now my head. What's next?

"I'm so sorry sir. I should have been watching were I was going." Dark turned to the object he had hit. It was a suit of amour. A big suit. A woman with spear fingers and a man in a suit of armour. No wait, there wasn't anyone in there.

"Are you alright sir?" The suit asked.

"Yes thank you. Please excuse me." Dark turned to leave and tripped over something. What the hell! He got up and looked, he had tripped over a really small boy.

"Brother, are you alright?"

"Yeah. And you-" he pointed to dark, "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!" He shouted. Man he has big lungs.

"Sorry but I'm in a hurry." Dark turned around to look and saw her coming out from the alley. Shit! "I need to go. Sorry again." The short one looked behind and saw the woman. His eyes widened. "Al that's Lust!"

"I see brother." Dark was walking away. The short one went after him. "Why is Lust chasing you?"

"That is none of your concern." Dark growled.

"It is my concern. She a Homonculis, that makes it my concern for certain reasons." Dark looked down to the short boy.

"I told you it's none of your concern little boy. Now leave me alone." Dark turned and ran off.


"Brother, that's not what he said."

"I wonder what the homonculi want with him."

"Maybe the same thing they want with us. Human sacrifice."

"I don't know. I've never seen him before. And did you notice those clothes that he was wearing, they were to short for him."

"Yeah I did notice. Brother are you hurt?"

"No why?"

"There's blood on you." The suit pointed to the short ones shoulder.

"No I'm not. That man must be. That's his blood. Come one Al lets follow and see if we can help."

"Right." They followed to find him fighting Lust. He was doing pretty good. He ran at her and was able to dodge her spears. Dark came at her and she threw her spear but he jumped and landed on them and ran at her. He had a feather in his had and using his magic he made a purple sword. He came upon her and using his feather sword he chopped her head off. Her body fell and didn't get back up. The brothers were surprised. Lust wasn't regenerating. Had he killed her that many times or was he just that good? Dark stood there and watched her turn to dust. After she was gone he fell to his knees and clutched his shoulder groaning heavily. The brothers ran to him.

"Hey are you alright?" Ed asked.

"Fine. Now get away from me."

"No I have to get you to a hospital."

"I told you to get away!" Dark said glaring at Ed. His eyes were still purple but they had slits in them scaring Ed. He backed off and watched as Dark stood up and walked away.

Dark walked until he knew he was safe. "Daisuke. Wake up." he grunted hoping to not alarm Daisuke but he needed to go back to normal, meaning Daisuke needed to come out.

"Dark? Are you alright?" Daisuke asked just waking up.

"Fine but I need to rest, please take back over."

"Right." Dark gave control again and passed out before Daisuke could ask any questions. Just then s short boy and a suit of armor rounded the corner and started at Daisuke.

"Where's that man that ran this way?" Ed asked.

"What man? I didn't see anything. I'm the only one whose come down here."

"But why are you here?" Ed asked narrowing his eyes suspisously.

"I like to come here to think."

"Right, we'll be leaving now."

"Wait." Daisuke said. Ed turned.

"Can you tell me where I can find a place to stay?"

"What? You must know were to go."

"No sorry."

"Right, come this way." Ed motioned for Dai to follow and they left the alley.

"There's a hotel right there."

"Thank you. Maybe I'll see you guys later."

"Yeah." Ed waved and walked away. Dai watched and when they were gone he went in and got a room.


Ed walked away from the red head and then turned to his brother.

"Al, did you notice anything about that boy?"

"No not really, why brother?"

" The clothes he was wearing were the same as that guy who took down Lust, plus his shirt was bloody where the other guy was too. And his reason for being there didn't make any sense."

"That's right! So what you think that means brother?"

"That there's something going on that I need to find out. That boy and the man must be the same person. That's strange but It's a possiblility. And what to the homonculi want with him? That's what I want to know. We're going to need to keep an eye on him."

"Right." The two brothers walked back to their hotel and went to their rooms to think about what happened.

~End of Chapter~

Ok so the end of the first chapter. Please tell me what you think. Reviews always help me get motivated, and if you liked this story please read my other ones and tell me what you think of those. You can click on my username and check that out. Please and thank you. So untill next chapter. Peace out~!