Chapter 1

I do not own Eyeshield 21 or Inuyasha

Opening her eyes this morning was like taking a punch to the face for Kagome. What was worse was she immediately knew she was not alone in the king sized bed, and also that she wasn't dressed for company. In fact she wasn't even dressed at all. The unknown figure shifted in its sleep and wrapped it's obviously male arm around Kagome's waist, dragging her closer to his warm body. Whatever happened last night clearly got out of hand. Craning her neck to glance around the room in search for her clothes Kagome realized two things. One was that this wasn't the suite she was sharing with her friends, and the second epiphany was that fucking asshole ripped her favorite blouse to shreds!

Through that anger she found the courage to sneak out of the bed without waking the sleeping male. Picking up the remainder of her clothes she also picked up his football jersey, then spun around and headed to the bathroom. The whole time she was walking to the bathroom she was laughing silently to herself while thinking 'A shirt for a shirt!'As soon as she closed the door she quickly began to dress in hopes of escaping the suite without attracting attention of the stupid blonde shirt-ripper in the other room.

It wasn't until Kagome pulled the jersey over her head and something got caught in its hem, did she realize she had on a ring. The ring wasn't much to look at, just a simple silver band with a humble little diamond resting at the top. She wouldn't have even given it a second thought if it wasn't for the hand and finger it was on. All of the sudden the room seemed to spin and her legs felt like wet noodles. 'What happened last night!"Sliding down the bathroom door, Kagome tried to rapidly swirling thoughts. Multiple possibilities came to mind on how to deal with this situation, but they all ended with her talking to the male in the other room… Not going to happen!

Looking around the room hoping for an answer, her eyes suddenly stopped on a poster of the Vegas strip. Suddenly the quote 'what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas' came to mind. With that epiphany Kagome stood up and walked over to the mirror. Minutes later she could be seen walking out of the suite with just a purse and no jewelry on.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to writing. Please review! :)


Words of Law (Bri)