Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Jasper/Seth
Prompt: "Are we gonna do this or what?"

I want to fuck Seth Clearwater.

My eyes travel over the huge wolf forms as they listen to me explain about the newborns. From the majority of the wolves I sensed hostility or downright hate. A couple of the wolves didn't really mind working with vampires but I could tell we wouldn't be best friends anytime soon. The sandy colored wolf was the only one that wagged its tail when our eyes met. I could almost see the grin. That had to be Seth.

After the wolves left I wanted to run into the forest, catch Seth and kiss him senseless with the bark of a tree digging into his back. But, Bella caught me, asking questions about my scars and then Alice wrapped her arms around me. Alice knew my urges when it came to Seth, supported them even, that is why I loved her so much.

Everyone else had left; Alice and I were about to when we heard a twig snap. We both turned and looked up the hill. A sandy colored wolf stood at the top, looking down at us with golden eyes. We watched as it walked down the hill, coming to a stop before us before it phased back into its human form. Seth was nearly as tall as I was, which is impressive but…even more impressive is what was revealed by the lack of clothing.

Seth catches where my gaze has gone and he glances down as well. I can tell from his emotions that he's not bashful about being completely naked in front of me. Alice is amused as she watches us. As Seth looks back up he's smirking. I think my cock hardens instantly. God, I want him.

When Seth takes another step forward I can feel the heat of his skin radiating off him. His white teeth catch his bottom lip for a moment and when our eyes meet I can easily read the lust in them. "So…" He says.

"You two are so cute!" Alice exclaimed clapping her hands together. Seth gives her a grin before his eyes return to mine.

"Are we gonna do this or what?"