Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis or the song. This little piece of fluff is purely for S&G.


I'm not paralyzed but I seem to be struck by you

He was bored. The Prince of Tennis turned golden cat eyes to lazily survey the raucous club. He'd barely arrived when Momo-senpai had greeted him drunkenly, shoving an unknown beverage into his hand and disappearing just as abruptly as he'd appeared into the writhing mass. Tch. Girls in next-to-nothing tops and barely-there skirts and the men that surrounded them. Same old same old. But then his eyes stopped, arrested.

She was staring into space and he doubted she'd intended to draw any kind of attention to herself. She was slender yet curvy in a little black thing, long auburn tresses tumbling over one shoulder and down her back. Small white teeth nibbled on a plump pink bottom lip and he swallowed. Innocently alluring? Must be an act. Still he found himself setting his untouched drink down on the bar and unconsciously making his way towards her.

I want to make you move 'cause you're standing still

"You seem to be lost, Usagi-chan. Isn't it past your bedtime?" And just like that he couldn't breathe. Because two big deep startled brown orbs suddenly met his gaze. Oh wow. Those had a punch. The prince cleared his throat and for a brief moment something in the back of his mind said that he might be starting something he could not finish. He glanced away from her as he regained his lost composure, looking for all the world the bored, famous sports star while on the inside he reeled. But then he mentally scoffed as his natural arrogance reasserted itself.

Still. Eyes really shouldn't be so potent. Glancing back at her out of the corner of his eye he noted that she hadn't responded, was in fact gaping at him, but that didn't lessen her appeal. On the contrary she seemed charming and artless and achingly sweet. As he rubbed at the sudden pang in his chest the prince wondered if he had ever experienced quite this feeling before. No. He had not.

She was flushed and holding her hands tightly before her, looking determinedly at the floor. He wanted to touch her. He wanted to have those eyes on him again. He wanted to dance with her.


If your body matches what your eyes can do

She'd spotted him right away. Tomoka had dragged her to this club to meet her new koibito. And as Kaidoh Kaoru was a tennis pro and star he moved in high circles. Being the granddaughter of a famous coach herself, Sakuno wasn't unfamiliar with this scene but hardly comfortable in it. She'd much rather be in her little kitchen trying a new recipe. The last one had turned out so well...

But then she'd looked up and spotted the beautiful man listening uninterestedly as his smiling spiky-haired companion handed him a drink and slung an arm over his shoulder. She'd looked away. Sakuno could appreciate male beauty as well as the next girl but that didn't mean anything. Of course she knew who he was. But the chances of her actually meeting the famous Echizen Ryoma were astronomically small. Even if they were in the same room.

She had people she loved and her baking. She was quite happy. Uneasily she wondered why she was giving herself such a pep talk at this moment. Then there was a smooth voice addressing her and she looked up into glowing yellow eyes, mocking and completely compelling.

And just like that she was paralyzed.

You'll prob'ly move right through me on my way to you

A/N: It's 1:00 am, hey. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

usagi- bunny

koibito- lover/boyfriend