Ready, Able

An Emil x Richter fanfic

By: Kotomi Mitsurugi

Chapter 6:

Off My List

Writer's Notes:

Just finished playing Tales of Berseria and I'm a fucking wreck.

Sleepy head...wake up...Emil…

"" I sighed, still half asleep. I did not want to leave this dream.

"I said GET UP!" Richter roared out of annoyance.

The sudden change of tone shook me awake and I jumped to my feet immediately, "S-sorry...not a morning person."

"Hm. Drink this then. I have no sugar or creamer so you'll have to drink it black." The half-elf stated.

I happily took the mug of coffee from him, little did he know that was exactly how I enjoyed it. I took a sip of the brew and it brought me into a purr. The bitterness and the strong aroma was coaxing me out of my sleepy state; it tasted so good. My eyes shifted towards Richter and I could see a mixed look of surprise and approval on his face. Our eyes met and I did not break our gaze, but instead I smiled warmly to him. It was only when I started to get caught up into his mesmerizing emerald eyes I looked away and continued to enjoy my coffee. The half-elf scoffed at this and pushed up his glasses closer to his eyes, pretending he didn't notice the interaction.

"Hurry up and let's get moving. We're already running late." He said, slightly irritated.

I nodded hastily and quickly gathered what I could while still holding my coffee. I'm sure I looked silly, but I didn't care. After I drank what was left I got dressed in my day clothes. Asgard wasn't too far off from where we were and it was our goal to be there by mid-day. The skies were almost clear of clouds and it seemed that it was going to be another beautiful day. I'm not the type to complain, but maybe a little rain wouldn't hurt. I craved the wilderness in all its forms.

Once Richter and I had our camping gear packed up, we continued forward to the City of Ruins. I, personally, didn't have a huge interest in the ancient lore back then, but it would be nice to actually have time dedicated to look around. The night that he and I talked about the places we wanted to visit and Asgard was one of them. Richter tried hiding his excitement from me when it was agreed upon, but I could see his eyes sparkling with happiness. He wasn't "ruin crazy" like Genis's older sister, Raine, but he still had an appreciation for them nonetheless. Remembering that discussion caused my cheeks to blush. Seeing him happy makes me happy…

*thump-thump. thump-thump*

My heart was beginning to race as I replayed that moment in my head over and over. Then without warning, my mind wandered into the last "dream" I had and I almost tripped over my own feet. I wanted to see more of him than what he'd be willing to show me. A man can dream, right? I quickly snapped myself out of the daydream as quick as I had fallen into it. The last thing I needed was for Ratatosk to give me his input on the matter or to sink so deep into myself that I don't engage with my friend. I focused on the mountains that the City was nestled in and realized we were almost there already.

"Hey Richter!" I exclaimed, "I think I see the entrance for Asgard!"

He turned his head towards with a smile, "I think you're right, let's hurry."

His strides became much more aggressive and I had a hard time keeping up. I guess he was getting excited! I started walking at a much faster pace just so I could keep up.

As we approached the edge mountain, we could see the endless crevice that cut through the city. The sight was almost breaktaking like the first time. It made you wonder how long it had been there and what exactly created it. I remembered some of the stories that Lloyd told me during our brief travels together and it was true that our worlds were split into two. That itself wasn't the cause for the fissure in the earth, but it gave me a lot to think about. This world was filled with mysteries and long lost myths, and I hoped I could continue to contribute to this new world. When we approached the path that lead us to Asgard, we could hear the faint howls of the wind flying past us. Luckily, the winds were not violent and unpredictable like my last visit here. Strangely, the closer we got to town the more my stomach began to grumble. Hunger was setting in and I was hoping it was for Richter too, before he got carried away with his ruin studies. When we approached the entry, I felt him nudge me lightly on my arm.

"Let's go eat at the inn, I'm starved!" the red-head exclaimed while patting his belly.

I almost let out a sigh in relief, "Sounds good to me! I'm hungry too."

We made our way towards the inn, eager for a good meal. Luckily I had my own stash of gald on me so I could order my favorite food, pork cutlet bowl. Just the mere thought of it made me salivate. The buildings surrounding us were familiar and I got a rush of excitement. I wondered if he was enjoying himself, too. Traveling alongside Richter was much fulfilling than it would have been with Marta. The feelings of guilt creeped up onto me...I hope by the end of this journey I had the courage to make my dreams a reality. Even if it was partial of my dreams.

The inn was much more lively now since peace had been established five years ago. Both of us ran into a group of people exiting the building while we wriggled our way past the crowd and into the inn. He turned his head towards me as we made our way to the counter and gave me a look that screamed, "Did that just really happen?". I couldn't help but laugh at his expression and he started to laugh too. I loved it when he laughed, I could always tell by his eyes that his laughs were genuine.

"Welcome to Asgard Inn!" the receptionist chimed. "What can I do for you?"

"Ah...yes." Richter cleared his throat. "Could we order some food? Mabo curry for me and…"

"Pork cutlet bowl, please." I interjected.

"Absolutely. Please take a seat and we'll have your food out shortly." the receptionist replied while motioning us to sit down at table in the lobby.

We both nodded in gratitude and made our way towards an empty table. Before grabbed our seats, my eyes noticed a familiar face in the corner of the eating area. Silver hair and blue clothes, it was none other than Genis and what appeared to be his sister, Raine, sitting there enjoying a meal of their own. What a small world!

"Genis, buddy! And is that you Raine?!" I cheered, "It's me, Emil!"

Both the half-elves turned their heads towards me with the look of astonishment on their faces.

"Yo, Emil is that you?! Fancy seeing you here with…" Genis's voice trailed off, "...Richter?"

"Why exactly are you here with him? Please, come sit and start explaining." Raine followed.

Wholeheartedly, I had forgotten that the last time we saw each other was right after our battle with Richter within the Ginnungagap. Their impression of him was not a good one and it was valid for them to feel that way. I just hope I could explain things to them without much trouble. He reluctantly followed me to a table next to there's and proceeded to sit quietly while I began to answer their questions.

"Ratatosk let him go early. I'm not sure how he's holding the door sealed on his own.." I began while being careful not to out the more intimate details. "..but he sensed that I missed him and knew I wasn't happy with my current life. Richter has always been my best friend despite everything he's done. Ratatosk, er, the other half of me wasn't innocent either. The whole thing was a mess and I hope you both can give my friend another chance."

Both the half-elf siblings were flabbergasted, their eyes met each other for a moment and then Raine turned back towards me. Genis awkwardly cleared his throat, as if he knew what his sister was about to say.

"O-okay, that was quite the explanation, Emil. Of course Genis and I both understood what happened then and we aren't the kind to hold grudges." She calmly stated.

The younger brother chimed in, "Yeah, the world isn't exactly black and white. There's a lot of grey in it. I'm glad you came around, Richter."

Richter graciously bowed his head towards them, seeing him gesture in gratitude like that caught me off guard.

"I cannot repent all the damage I have done, but I sincerely appreciate you both for accepting me to be here and welcome me as Emil's friend." he spoke softly.

"Any friend of Emil's is a friend of mine!" Genis replied with a smile. "All I ask is to treat him right this time around."

"Y-yes, of course." the red-head responded, nearly choking on his reply.

Raine then tilted her head in confusion, "Where's Marta? I think this is the first time I haven't seen her by your side, Emil."

"Oh, yeah...she's back in Palmacosta." I replied nervously. "She knows I'm traveling around the world with Richter."

They both gasped in surprise at this, which was expected. Everyone knew that Marta followed me around like a puppy.

"Now THAT'S a surprise, dude." Genis quipped. "She was ALWAYS all over-"

"GENIS!" Raine spat while bopping him on his head in disapproval.

I looked over at Richter and he was stifling laughter. I playfully bumped my shoulder into him, now holding back laughter of my own. Even I couldn't deny how she was back then. She's still like that on occasion.

"Heh, yeah that's true. She wasn't happy at first at the idea of Richter and I traveling the world together, but she came around." I responded.

Before any of us could continue our conversation, the food that we ordered earlier was brought to our table.

"Please, enjoy!" The inn staff said while bowing and taking there leave.

Immediately Richter and I started to dig in to our food. Oh my Goddess, this pork cutlet was amazing. I noticed that he, too, was digging in as well. He was practically in a whole other world as he ate his curry, it did look pretty good. Lowkey, I was relieved that the conversation about Marta was cut short. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about parts of this whole mess I've created in my current life.

"You two must be hungry. Don't let us keep you! I'll be heading to the stone dias here shortly and Genis will be doing his own thing." Raine spoke, adding a small wicked smile when she said 'stone dias'.

I was startled when I heard the red-headed half-elf slam his hands onto the table, his eyes widened with excitement. Richter almost choked on his food as he struggled to muffle out the words "I woughld licke to jooin *cough* you."

Raine was humbled by this, not realizing that she had another ruin maniac to craze with about her discoveries. Genis's facial expression had the biggest eye roll I'd seen yet.

"Y-yes, of course! You most certainly may join me. It's a real treat to analyze such a monument..-" she babbled on and on to Richter.

The younger half-elf sibling leaned in towards me and whispered, "We can go chill out somewhere while these two go crazy over some ruins."

I nodded in approval towards Genis's proposal. I knew that Richter would enjoy analyzing ancient monuments with someone else who was able to carry on a related conversation of his liking. Plus, catching up with another dear friend was a plus for me as well.

I felt his hand grip my forearm gently, causing me to turn towards him once more.

"Would you mind if I joined Raine for awhile? We could meet up back here, we are staying the night here after all."

I nodded in approval, "Not at all, go for it! I know you've been wanting to check out the ruins. Go enjoy yourself."

Whilst our interaction with each other, I hadn't noticed the elven siblings were watching us intently, eyebrows raised in curiosity. Before Richter made his leave with Raine, he placed the payment for not one, but two meals onto the table. It was a very nice gesture, but it still had me bothered.

"H-hey, I could have paid for my own you know.." I mumbled in irritation.

"I know. It's the least I can do." Richter replied with a smile, however his eyes had remorse in them.

Not wanting to cause a scene in front of our friends, I accepted the gesture and made a personal pact with myself that I was going to pay for our room tonight. I also was going to have a talk with him about holding onto his guilt again. I understood why he feels obligated to make things "better", but they already are. He's here, with me and that is enough.

"Man, I could take a nap right here and now." Genis sighed as he laid back with his arms cradling his head.

After we split up from the inn, Genis and I decided to laze around the town and found a perfect spot to lounge and look at the scenery of the canyon and the mountain surrounding us. After that delicious meal I just had, I could about fall asleep too.

"Oh yeah, same here." I replied while also laying back.

"What brought you and Raine here, anyways? I meant to ask back at the inn, but I got sidetracked." I asked while shifting my head towards the young half-elf.

He also turned his head towards me, "Nothing too fancy, honestly. Raine wanted to check up on the stone dias here and make sure things weren't going astray like what happened a couple of years ago. We've been cooped up in Iselia for awhile without traveling around, so we wanted to stretch out our legs anyways."

"Ah, that's neat." I responded lightheartedly, "Glad I wasn't the only one with travel fever. It was a nice surprise running into you both."

"Mmhm!" Genis hummed. "I won't lie, it was a surprise for us to see you with Richter...but then again, it's not."

I felt my face flush in slight embarrassment. Why would he say something like that?

"Do you really think no one notices? You're naive, boy."

What the hell, Ratatosk? You too? I must have been naive, because I had no idea what either one was meaning. I guess I better ask instead of remaining silent and guilty.

"U-uh, what makes you say that?" I asked hesitantly.

Genis flipped over on his side, his left arm propping up his head and had a huge grin on his face.

"Emil, my dude, anyone who actually paid attention to how you talked and looked at Richter could figure it out. It's okay though, I don't judge. Does Marta know?"

"N-no." I stammered. "I've tried really hard to be with her and forget him. It's complicated…"

"Oh snap…" the half-elfs voice trailed off, "Are you ever going to confess your feelings? To Richter or Marta?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, after the journey with Richter I plan on telling Marta. I don't know when I'm going to tell him though...I don't want to lose him again."

"Well, I think you deserve to be happy. And Richter seems to make you happy, so don't lose hope just yet. You said that he came to you right? That must mean something." Genis contemplated.

"Yeah, that's true...he came during a time that I needed him the most." I spoke softly. "Ratatosk and I still have a mental link somehow. I have a hunch that he's already told Richter how I feel."

"No fricken' way!" Genis exclaimed, his eyes wide open, "You think he would actually do something like that?"

"Yes, I do. It's Ratatosk we're talking about."

The young half-elf turned back onto his back, looking as if he was deep in thought.

"Hmm, I wonder if Richter said anything to him first. This is all just speculation though, your best bet is to talk to him yourself." he said with his eyes closed.

The thought of trying to talk to Richter again about that made my belly do flops and sweat bead in my palms. The last time we talked it didn't go well, but I do remember the look in his eyes when he told me we can't talk about it. There was pain and perhaps...longing? I may never know the truth if I don't dig for it. I may never know the truth if I push him away, either.