Chapter 9- Le Fey's Dragon Tales, Pt 2

Goblins were used to weird things happening, as their job included witnessing acts so bizarre; that the only scientific explanations they had was that it was magical, which wasn't that hard to believe in the first place.

Most wizards didn't know, nor really cared, but the magic that goblins used was very different than what they, as in wizards, and, for that matter, many of the other magically races used. Goblin magic relied heavily on complex equations, observations, and theoretical probability.

That is what made goblins so much more capable in managing money then wizards, because they have a much better sense of calculating numbers and seeing what types of properties numbers had then other magically adapt creatures. It made them especially formable when creating potions, preforming alchemy, studying arithmancy, and their use of runes.

However, they did lack a few things that wizards defiantly had in strides. They weren't able to cast charms, but made up for that with their extensive knowledge of runes. Another ability they lacked was the ability to use transfigure. As record shows, no goblin was able to transform something it something else with just a wave of their hand, so the study of transfiguration went almost completely unnoticed by goblin society.

But it wasn't just the ability to turn a stick into a pin that they didn't study, but also the ability to turn oneself into something else. Animagious abilities, druidic arts, and even metamorphmagi where completely neglected in goblin society.

Right now, that was something that Ragnok regretted not studying further as he was about to be witness to some of the greatest and oldest transformations that could take place in the magical world.

He and the other goblins taking part in this ritual were at the top level of the chamber, but safely behind reinforced marble stone, which had been enchanted with the use of runes to allow them to see through the marble. Ragnok also had various runes set up around the room in order to monitor the health and status of each of the Dragonouvs as he called them, as it was much easier to categorize them as that rather than individually. It would be good to have some sort of data on the ritual for future use.

Ragnok had been at the ritual chamber from the beginning, the moment when they had taken their potion. For the most part, it was very bland from there, as all the Dragonouvs passed out on the floor and then the chamber was flooded with the vaporized potion. But after about 2 hours into it, things began to get interesting.

The skin on each one of the humans began to bubble like boiling soup, which lasted for maybe an hour, before it started to peel off. Their hair grew to abnormal lengths and then began to fall out, but was quickly replaced with more hair. Ragnok was also able to see the bones inside the Dragonouvs growing and reforming.

Ragnok had also paid close attention to Bellatrix's left forearm, and during the skin regrow he saw the dark mark begin to steam up into a dark green vapor before it vanished once and for all.

'Interesting,' Ragnok thought as he took some notes down, 'It seems that this ritual really does have the ability to clear and restore someone's body. It may be worthwhile to see if we can create something to mimic that effect.'

Ragnok then heard a deafening scream from inside the chamber and immediately turned his attention to Harry, whose scar had just began to flare up into a deadly green color and was currently smoking like Bellatrix's mark was. But what was interesting was the fact that the child did not have his mouth open, nor did he look like he was making any noise at all. In fact, it looked like he was calm, but it was obvious that whatever that noise was it was coming from him.

A couple of the goblin helpers, who were wearing some of those nuclear radiation suits, approached Ragnok. One of them said, "Lord Ragnok sir, should we go down into the chamber and evacuate the boy?"

Ragnok starred through the marble, as that audible scream's sound began to lessen, and then smoking began to stop.

"Negative, stay on standby," Ragnok said.

The other goblins bowed to him in a chorus of 'Yes Lord Ragnok' and left Ragnok to his own devices.

'What could possibly be going on inside them?' Ragnok wondered as he looked inside the chamber.


Morgan looked at her 'other self' lovingly as Harry started to put the pieces together on how he and she were connected. She was actually quite impressed with Harry's mental capabilities, especially since he had lived such a hard life for so many years and also because of the fact that he was still very young. Though, she wouldn't expect anything less from herself now would she.

She began scratching the same spot on the back of his head, which like her, he thoroughly enjoyed. It was just something about that spot that made both of them relax and calm down, kind of like a mother cat carrying her kittens by the scruffs of their necks.

It was quite hard for Morgan for the past couple of years not having any contact with Harry. For the first ten or so months since Harry's birth she had frequent contact with the boy through his sleep, since he wouldn't dream when he was younger, but rather spend time with Morgan. It may not have been much at the time, considering that Harry was a baby and couldn't really talk with her intelligently and he would usually just sleep or play around with her, but later in life when he got older and smarter she would be able to talk with him, give him advice, and even train him through this state of unconsciousness.

But on that Halloween night, she had somehow lost the connection that she had with Harry for some unknown reason, and was unable to reach him in any way. It had driven her almost to the point of insanity (not really but close) as she, even though she was inside the boy, was able to witness everything that happened to him. She saw how unceremoniously he was dumped on his supposed relatives' doorstep by that Dumbledore, how badly they treated him while he was under their care, how Narcissa had come to and taken him out of that hellhole, and now how he was going through this inheritance ritual to one of the many families that he would later have control of.

It was also because of that ritual that the block between him and her was broken and now she was able to reach him. Although she may not know why it was blocked or why it was broken, all she cared right now was that she was now reunited with 'her' Harry.


While Morgan was getting reacquainted with Harry, Ragnok was looking at something he would never imagine seeing in his whole life. After 6 hours into the ritual, something very strange happened, as blood began to seep through the Dragonouvs skin and then evaporate into thin air.

There had yet to be any really weird changes to their bodies at this point, but once Ragnok saw the blood, he had immediately ordered for some teams to gather by the entrances in case of something bad happening.

But that would all be in vein, as he saw from all six of them wings sprouting from their backs. They all began growing, each reaching a different size, and all of them having a different sort of style and color to it. As that was happening tails began to sprout from each of their behinds, and then changes began taking place to their arms, legs, and rest of their body parts in a very similar fashion, until the only human thing left was their torso and head.

It was long before things got even more intense as different elements began to engulf each one of them. It was good that Ragnok had the foresight to make sure that he knew who was who during the transformation, as by this point it would be almost impossible to know who was who.

Narcissa was covered in a block of solid ice, black colored fire or lightning of some sort covered Harry and Bellatrix, a twister surrounded Andromeda, molten magma covered Hermione, and some sort of bronze colored metal covered Nymphadora.

"Lord Ragnok, what's happening?" one of the support goblins next to Ragnok asked.

Ragnok shook his head, "All I can do is guess, as I am not very certain myself. My best bet is that they are going through the final stages of their transformation."

"How long do you think it is going to be like this Lord Ragnok?" another Goblin asked.

"I am not totally sure," Ragnok replied, "but all we can do is wait."


Harry seemed to be very comfortable with the woman who had identified herself as Morgan Le-Fey. He somehow felt that on more than one occasion, probably when he was little, he had somehow been with her. He didn't really understand how this was possible, but he was able to make out a basic idea what was going on.

He was asleep and in some sort of dream like state where he was with his 'other self' as the goblin put it. It didn't take a super genius to figure that much out.

"Um….excuse me" Harry said, a little timidly. He still wasn't sure how he should talk to her, as he was told that she would be extremely powerful and she did call herself the darkest sorceress of all time.

"Oh, no need to be shy," Morgan said softly, "I'm not going to bite."

"Oh well… okay um… where am I?" Harry asked her, not entirely sure on how what he should ask first.

"Ah that is a good question," Morgan said, "well, currently your body is in some sort of goblin ritual chamber if I am correct, but we are inside of you."

"How is that possible?" Harry asked, "How can I be in two places at once? Is this like a dream?"

"Maybe I should backtrack a little bit" Morgan responded, "As It may give you a little more perspective if I do. You see Harry, back in my day I was a very powerful and feared witch, for good reason; 'll tell you some stories some other time if you would like. But anyways, I was on par with the great Merlin in terms of power and knowledge; however the difference between the two of us was that while he used 'light' magic, my prowess was in 'dark' magic."

"But isn't being dark bad?" Harry asked her. He remembered having similar thoughts back when he found out he had ties to her, but after he reassured himself that he was not evil and that his cousins still loved him, he didn't think back on the subject.

Morgan seemed to frown a little bit, "No Harry. I know it may be hard to grasp but good and evil are not associated with light and dark. In fact, it is hard to even think that there is dark and light magic because how can someone decide what's dark and what's light. I believe that magic is magic, where there are different fields in which one can study, and gain different abilities."

"So you are not evil?" Harry asked, and then she chuckled.

"Well, I have always been portrayed as the villain, but I don't think I am evil" Morgan said. "But one person can't just decide if someone is evil as everyone is entitled to their own way of thinking. So I'll ask you, do you think I am evil?"

Harry thought for a second before shaking his head, "You don't seem bad, so I guess no."

"Well that's a relief" Morgan said, "Can't have you thinking that 'you' are evil now."

"Um…. So where are we?" Harry asked, causing Morgan to chuckle slightly.

"Oh, must have gotten off topic with the whole 'evil-good' thing. Ah well, you see Harry back in my day, when I was younger and a little more foolish and ambitious then I am now, I sought a way to give myself immortality."

"Immortality?" Harry questioned her.

"Oh yes, I sometimes forget that your only five. Well immortality is given to those who want to live forever and never die." Morgan answered. "Back when I was younger, it was all about living forever. People back then, and even today I bet, want to find ways in which they live on, whether it be physically or through their deeds. I was the same, but I didn't want to live on because of the things I did, but rather live on physically."

"But why?" Harry asked, "Why does it matter either way?"

Morgan again chuckled and ruffled Harry's hair, "I wasn't as humble back then as am now. I wanted to be able to bask in my glory, as I already knew that people would always remember me."

"So then what happened?" Harry asked.

"I failed," Morgan said, though she didn't seem happy or depressed by that fact. "I tried to brew a potion that would grant the person everlasting life. It took me a few years until I 'thought' I had gotten it right, but it was a mistake. The potion itself wasn't bad for me completely, but it didn't give me immortality. Rather, it strengthened my magical abilities and even made my physical self-more beautiful."

"So then what was wrong?" Harry asked her, "Now that you're stronger, why didn't you try something else?"

Morgan shrugged, "Times changed. People became frightened of the things I was doing since they didn't understand or were listening to that Merlin."

"Oh I know him!" Harry said, "He was your rival right?"

"We were more than just rivals Harry" Morgan said bitterly, "If there was one man I could kill, it would be him a thousand times over. I hated him, he hated me. The only difference between the two of us really was that he had public support while I was the black sheep."

"Oh sorry," Harry said. It was obvious to him that the topic was a delicate one for Morgan.

"Its fine Harry," Morgan said, "You should know my feelings about things, as you deserve to know more than anyone, but not now. I think when you a little bit older it would be a good time to tell you, you know so we can talk about the events and all that. Is that alright?" Morgan asked, and when Harry nodded in acceptance, she kissed the top of his head. "But back on topic, with my constant battles with Merlin and his supporters, I didn't have time to try and find another way to give myself immortality. So when I knew my life was just about over, I made one last bid for immortality, but I didn't look for it in a normal way. No, I wanted to be reborn in another child in the future so that there would be a second coming of Morgan Le-Fey. It was my hope by that time people would see that my magic was actually not all bad and would give me respect out of love rather than respect out of hate."

"But then why me?" Harry asked. It was odd because out of all the people that could possible become the second Morgan Le-Fey, it was him. There had to be some sort of reason why it was him.

"Yes, that would be a good question." Morgan said. "Well, the spell I used was something that would reborn me in a child that met certain qualities that I wanted. This would include character traits, gender, heritage and those types of things."

"What was the spell called?" Harry asked, "And what type of things were you looking for?"

"Eh, I don't know" Morgan said honestly. "When you get more in tuned with magic, it becomes less about words and more about just doing it. Your strong enough, or will be, that you won't need to constantly say magic words to make things happen." Morgan then smiled at Harry, "as for the second question I was looking to be reborn in a boy, but I wanted him be a twin, with a sister. The idea was that I wanted him to have a close female companion other than myself. I was also looking for him to be a pureblood, which I know is a little racist now, but back then it wasn't as much."

"So because I was a twin and was pureblood, I was chosen?" Harry asked.

"Of course not just that" Morgan said, "My list of requirements is actually very long. I wanted him to be somehow related to the Pendragon family, which you are through your Dragonouv blood, though that's more Eastern European royalty. I think the Dragonouvs were even related to the Romanovs of Russia, but that's not important. I also wanted someone who was from both 'light' and 'dark' families historically speaking, I'm not sure if they are now, but back in the day the Potter family was very 'light' while the Blacks… not some much."

"So the fact that I am a twin, a pureblood, and I have Potter, Black, and Dragonouv blood are the reasons that you're with me?" Harry asked, trying to make a mental list for Morgan's reasons.

"It wasn't just the heritage and family things I was concerned about. I was also looking for someone who was brave, ambitious, curious, honorable, cunning, and a bunch of other character traits I can't even remember." Morgan then smirked a little bit, "The last thing I wanted was that the person I would be bound to would be bound to more than 3 other girls… through marriage."

"Marriage?" Harry asked. "I'm not married… am I?"

"Let me help you a little bit," Morgan said, "a spouse is a word used to describe someone you are married to."

Just then, Harry's entire face turned red, in both shock and embarrassment as he remembered when Nymphadora came over to him and told him that he had six spouses. "I'm…. Married… Six times?"

"Married, no not yet, but going to be, absolutely" Morgan said.

Harry then began thinking for a second, as it was kind of a lot to take in. He suspected that he would get married one of these days, but to six different people. How does someone handle that? Then he began thinking about his cousins and how they would get a little nervous when the subject got close to talking about marriage and taking the head of the family. Did they know and were keeping it from him?

"Just to let you know Harry," Morgan said smiling, "I know your thoughts, and to answer that question, yes they did know and yes they did keep the knowledge away from you. But don't be mad at them as all three of them are very new to the idea of raising you. You're not an ordinary child Harry, you're the "boy who lived" or whatever they call you, heir to like 15 different houses, and most importantly my incarnation and heir."

"But why did they keep it from me?" Harry asked. He didn't like the idea of things being kept from him. Ever since he learned about the wizarding world, the idea that secrets could be kept from him made him nervous.

"Well, we can speculate on the subject," Morgan said, "but I believe they did it for a couple of reasons. I guess that they were unsure on how well you would take it, whether you would be happy, or scarred. They may have been nervous that you could get an over inflated ego of some sort and believe that you were better than everyone else."

"I don't feel better than everyone else," Harry said, "I mean I'm just marrying six different times. If anything, they should feel bad. I now have to worry about taking care of six different people when I grow up, not to mention they'll probably want kids. That's like 6 plus 2, 6 different times or something like that!"

"Harry, it's not as simple as it sounds," Morgan said. "It's not normal to have six different spouses, and when you get older, you'll realize that they fact that you have six girls will make others jealous." She then smiled a little bit, "Though I think you can do it. You are a great person and there is no doubt in my mind that any of those girls will be dissatisfied with you, even if they have to share."

"Will you help me then?" Harry asked Morgan. "If I have troubles or don't know what to do, will you help me?"

"I don't think I have to" Morgan said, "your cousins and sister will be more than enough. Sure if you think you'll need my help, just ask, but I think that you are just fine." Morgan then looked around and sighed, "Well I think our time is coming to a close, so I'll see you when you go to sleep tonight, or if you take a nap. If you have any troubles and want to have a quick word with me, just empty you brain and try to find me inside you. It sounds crazy, but just try it."

"Ok I will." Harry said and gave Morgan a hug. "I'll see you as soon as I can."


Harry woke up, feeling a little dazed and sore all over his body. The last thing he remembered was giving Morgan a hug and then waking up, but then he recalled that he was taking place in a family ritual or something before he and Morgan met.

He tried to move around a bit, but then felt a grip around his stomach tighten slightly, making it harder to move. Harry was able to wiggle his body around the grip, and found his face right in between Bellatrix's breasts, the said person still unconscious.

They stayed like for a couple of minutes, Harry trying to wiggle free, and each time Bellatrix tightening her grip to the point the Harry had to turn his head up towards the bottom of Bellatrix's jaw just to breathe.

"Bellatrix!" Harry heard someone yell behind him, and then felt Bellatrix's grip lessen enough so that he was able to escape.

"What?" Bellatrix said tiredly, "what's going on?"

"You were about to suffocate Harry!" the person yelled, picking up Harry and holding him in her arms. Harry was able to see blonde her behind her, and immediately knew that this must be Narcissa.

"Harry…." Bellatrix said tiredly wiping her eyes, before she shot up suddenly, "Is he alright?"

"Now he is," Narcissa said, rubbing Harry's back trying to comfort him while he tried to catch his breath.

"Are you guys ready?" another voice called out, causing the trio to look over and see Andromeda with Hermione and Nymphadora next to her by the exit. "It's time to go!"


The group walked into the goblin experimental room, the place where they had gotten their measurements done. The whole time Bellatrix was apologizing to Harry for nearly killing him, and each time he would say it was alright, though Bellatrix continued on to the annoyance of everyone else.

Ragnok, who now sported some sort of lab coat, was in the room with a number of other goblins, all dressed in doctors garbs.

"Ah Lady Tonks, Lady Lestrange and Lady Black, the ritual was successful as none of you died."

"That's reassuring" Bellatrix muttered to herself.

Ignoring her sister's statement Narcissa said, "That is very good Ragnok. Now I suppose we will be having a checkup to make sure everything is okay?"

"Right you are Lady Black," Ragnok said. "I would say strip, but I think you are already have that covered" he said laughing along with the other goblins.

The Dragonouvs all looked at each other and thought, 'goblins really aren't funny one bit'


Name- Bellatrix Druella Lestrange nee Black

Of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Dragonouv, Rosier and Lestrange

Parents- Cygnus Black and Druella Black nee Rosier

Ex-Spouse- Rudolphus "Lestrange"

Children- N/A

Height- 175cm (68.9 inches)

Weight- 55kg (121.2 pounds)

BHW- 98/60/92 (38.5/23.6/36.2)

Skin Color- Pale/white

Blood Type- DB (Dragons blood)

Eye Color- Violet

Hair Color- Black

Name- Narcissa Selene Black

Of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Dragonouv, and Rosier

Parents- Cygnus Black and Druella Black nee Rosier

Ex-Spouse- Lucius Malfoy

Children- N/A

Height- 178cm (70.1 inches)

Weight- 53kg (116.8 pounds)

BHW- 96/60/90 (37.8/23.6/35.4)

Skin Color- Pale/white

Blood Type- DB (Dragons Blood)

Eye Color- Blue

Hair Color- Blonde

Name- Andromeda Alexandra Tonks nee Black

Of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Dragonouv, Rosier and Tonks

Parents- Cygnus Black and Druella Black nee Rosier

Spouse- Ted Tonks

Children- Nymphadora Tonks

Height- 180cm (70.9 inches)

Weight- 54kg (119.1 pounds)

BHW- 95/60/89 (37.4/23.6/35.1)

Skin Color- Pale/white

Blood Type- DB (Dragons blood)

Eye Color- Hazel

Hair Color- Brown

Name- Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks nee Black- Metamorphmagus

Of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Dragonouv, Rosier and Tonks

Parents - Andromeda Tonks and Ted Tonks

Spouse- N/A

Children- N/A

Sibling(s) – N/A

Height- 127cm (50 inches)

Weight- 31kg (68.3 pounds)


Skin Color- Pale/white

Blood Type- DB (Dragons Blood)

Eye Color- Hazel

Hair Color- Brown

Name- Hermione Elizabeth Potter

Of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Dragonouv, Rosier, Peverell, and Potter

Parents- James Potter and Elizabeth Rosier nee Potter (Lily Potter)

Guardian(s) - Narcissa Black and Bellatrix Lestrange

Spouse- N/A

Children- N/A

Sibling- Hadrian Potter

Height- 103 cm (40.5 inches)

Weight- 18kg (39.6 pounds)


Skin Color- Pale/white

Blood Type- DB (Dragons Blood)

Eye Color- Hazel

Hair Color- Brown

Name- Hadrian James Potter

Of the Exalted Houses of Le Fey and Sytherin

Of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Dragonouv, Rosier, Peverell, and Potter

Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Dragonouv, Rosier, Peverell, Potter, Greengrass, Davis, Bones, and Delacour

Parents- James Potter and Elizabeth Rosier nee Potter (Lily Potter)

Guardian(s) - Narcissa Black and Bellatrix Lestrange

Future Spouse(s) - Susan Bones, Tracey Davis, Fleur Delacour, Gabrielle Delacour, Astoria Greengrass, and Daphne Greengrass

Children- N/A

Sibling- Hermione Potter

Height- 106 cm (41.7 inches)

Weight- 19kg (41.8 pounds)

Skin Color- Pale/white

Bloody Type- DB (Dragons Blood)

Eye Color- Green

Hair Color- Black


The group was now sitting back in Ragnok's office; all wearing their newly dry cleaned and resized clothes. The three black sisters all sat next to each other, in age order, with Nymphadora sitting next to Bellatrix. Hermione was on Andromeda's lap while Harry found his spot on Bellatrix's lap. Even if she did try to suffocate him, her lap was his sitting spot.

Ragnok was very pleased with the results, and although he wasn't able to see their dragon forms, he believed that the experience was worthwhile for him. After each one of them encased themselves in what he suspect was their element, it took the remainder of the speculated time for the elements to disappear. When it had disappeared, they were back into human form, but with the physically changes already done.

"Well I hope that you are satisfied with the results" Ragnok said. "As you can see Lady Lestrange, the dark mark is gone. Lord Potter's scar has all but disappeared, and his eyesight as greatly improved. And Lady Tonks, your boobs are now bigger, as you requested."

Nymphadora rolled her eyes as her mother fist pumped in the air, while Bellatrix kept on rolling up her sleeve to make sure that the dark mark had left her.

"Thank you very much Ragnok" Narcissa said.

"It is of no bother to us Lady Black" the goblin said. "It was quite exciting for us to, although we weren't able to see your dragon forms, it was still quite interesting."

"Is there anything else we need to do before we go?" Narcissa asked the goblin.

"Yes there are two things" Ragnok said. "I have taken the liberty in having the Potter Estate in Welshpool, Whales restored during your absence. It wasn't as hard as you would think, the estate only being partially damaged, nothing that us goblins couldn't handle."

"Thank you Ragnok" Narcissa said, "We were planning on having that done as soon as we got more organized."

"We were also wondering if you would like to have your residence move there for the time being. It is connected to your Grimmauld home at the moment through the floo so both houses are basically only a powder dust away, but the Estate offers much more room being 21 acres big and a little bit more…. Worthy if you know what I mean."

Narcissa understood what Ragnok meant. Grimmauld place may have the location, being right in the city and close to the Alley, but Lords and Ladies of their caliber, especially Harry's, usually live in an estate or castle of some sort. "Yes that would be great" Narcissa said.

"Excellent" Ragnok said, "I'll have some of my goblins move your belongings there. All the furniture and books have been replaced already so it is just your possessions." Ragnok then reached into his desk and pulled out six envelopes, each one with a different name on it. "These envelopes contain a report on your magical abilities. While you were in the ritual, we took the liberty in having your blood examined so that you many know your special magical abilities. Normally we wouldn't do this, but you are special customers."

"You can do that?" Bellatrix asked, in which the goblin nodded.

"Yes. We take your blood, run some tests and then see what abilities and qualities your blood has. Since were on the subject of blood, you know that none of you now have normal human blood, instead you have dragon blood. We are not totally sure what the difference is, so we are running some tests to see. However, we currently believe that it makes you stronger to diseases, able to heal faster and things of that nature."

"So basically it means were better than normal people" Bellatrix said, to which Ragnok nodded.

"I believe that is it" Ragnok said. "I'll bring you over to our fireplace so you can floo over to the estate, as I believe that our goblins are done with their job."


It was late that night, and Harry found himself in his new room in the Potter Estate. The house itself was a crossbreed of a mansion and castle, being one of the biggest buildings Harry had ever seen in his life. Unlike Grimmauld place, the Potter estate seemed bright and cheerful, but at the same time powerful and noble.

Harry's room was fairly big, with a separate bathroom and office. It even had a balcony porch so that he could sit outside and look out at the grounds. His Puddlemere posters were now plastered over the walls and the room itself was an odd mixture of the gold and red of Puddlemere and the silver and green that Harry liked.

Harry lay on his bed looking at the ceiling of his new room just thinking about things, with Maxi at the foot of his bed. The door to his room creaked open and he turned to see Bellatrix walked in and sit next to him on his bed.

"How you doing Harry?" she asked him.

"Pretty good Bella" Harry replied.

She then kissed him on the forehead, "sleep well Harry. If you need anything, you know where to find Narcissa and me." Bellatrix was then about to leave the room before Harry called out to her.

"Wait, Bella" Harry said, "There's one thing I want to talk about."

Bellatrix went back to Harry's bed and took a seat on it again. "What is it?"

"Today…. When we were passed out. I met Morgan Le-Fey in my dreams" Harry said. He then went on to explain a little bit of what she said about why he was chosen as her incarnation.

Before Harry could ramble on any more, Bellatrix put her index figures to his lips to quiet him. "Listen Harry, It's amazing that you met your other self but you don't have to tell me what she told you. I want you to think about it for a little while and figure out what is personal and what is not. Okay?"

"But there's one more thing" Harry said, "She explained to me about… my spouses."

At that, Bellatrix laughed and patted Harry on the head, "so you explained you marriage problem to yourself. That's pretty funny. Though I'm sorry we didn't tell you, it was just a little hard for us to say it to you."

"I know" Harry said, "and I forgive you."

Bellatrix stood up and walked over to the door. "Have a good night's sleep Harry. I'll tell Narcissa that I told you about your marriage okay. Let's keep the Morgan thing to ourselves until we are absolutely sure you want to tell everyone."

"Thanks Bella" Harry said, "I love you."

"Love you too" Bellatrix said before shutting the door.

Harry then turned on his side and then looked at Maxi, who was looking a Harry tiredly. "I can't wait to see Morgan again, huh Maxi."

All Maxi could do was yawn.