Summary: Continuation of the AU episode (8x13, If/Then), Callie and Arizona find their way to each other.

Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy or the characters in this story. All Characters are property of ABC & Shonda Rhimes.

A/N: It's been a while since I've written a chapter, yeah? Sorry to keep you all waiting; I've been juggling two jobs and working on some personal things and haven't had time to write. Thankfully, I took this past week off and finally finished this chapter. Also, just a few notes: I've decided to be a bit more anonymous with things on FF. Mostly because I'm looking into careers and all that and I'm pretty sure this would come up on Google if I still used the old screenname. And I have no clue what FF is up to with the whole deleting stories and all that, but if anything happens to this or It's Always Been You, I'll make a LJ for fics. ANYWAY. Enough of me, go read. You've been waiting for it.

Arizona climbed up the stairs to her empty apartment. She was completely exhausted from her eighteen hour shift at the hospital and Callie was on-call for the night. She opened her front door and immediately went towards the couch to lie down. The last time she spent the night in her own apartment was three weeks ago and the boxes were still piled up in her living room. She spent so much time at Callie's house with the kids that her own apartment was a whole new world to her. She made a quick mental note to throw the boxes out. Arizona closed her eyes and was just about to fall asleep when a knock came at her door. A groan escaped Arizona's mouth as she got up.

"This better be worth it.." Arizona muttered under her breath while she opened the door. A tall, blonde figure stood outside the door with a suitcase and luggage in hand. "Tim?" Arizona gasped and wrapped her arms around her older brother. "When did you get back? What are you doing here?"

Tim grinned and stepped into the apartment. "I got back yesterday, I'm here to see you and I heard about the girl you're seeing." He replied. "Mom told me when I called the other night. And why does your apartment look like you haven't lived here?"

Arizona rolled her eyes and pouted. "I wanted to tell you myself and I've been spending lots of time at her house..anyway, how was Afghanistan?"

The older Robbins sibling shrugged. "Alright, I guess. I mean for a war zone." Tim sat down on the couch while Arizona followed. "You should tell me about your girl."

"Well, her name is Calliope. She's the head cardio surgeon at Seattle Grace. And she's absolutely amazing." Arizona's eyes lit up at the thought of Callie and Tim could tell his sister was falling hard. "She used to be married to this guy that works with us, but they got a divorce and she has three kids; Allegra, Gavin & Gus. And I know I never even wanted kids, but they're so perfect and Callie changed that for me. She's perfect." Arizona rambled.

Tim smiled and hugged his sister. "I'm happy for you sis. When do I get to meet her?"

"After I get some sleep? And after I talk to Calliope. I'm sure she'd be happy to meet you." Arizona let out a yawn and Tim chuckled.

"Go get some sleep, sis. We can talk about Callie more tomorrow."

Arizona wrapped her arms around Callie's waist from behind, causing Callie to jump in surprise.

"I have a question for you." Arizona said as she released her grip on Callie and spun her around. "My brother Tim is in town and he wants to meet you. So, would you like to have dinner with me and Tim tomorrow? We can even bring the kids if you want, he won't mind." The blonde grinned, her dimples on full display.

"Of course. Are you sure about the kids though? You know Gavin and Gus can be a bit chaotic." Callie noted.

"I'm sure. And I'm sure Tim will love them just as much as I do."

"Mama, where are we going?" Gus piped up from his car seat.

"We're going to Zona's for some dinner. There's someone that wants to meet you."

The usually short car ride to Arizona's apartment seemed to take forever as Callie's nervousness settled in. She had no idea what to expect from tonight.

The family arrived at Arizona's apartment and Gavin knocked on the door. Seconds later, Arizona answered, pushing her hair back and looking a bit flustered.

"Sorry, I don't want to burn dinner." Arizona said sheepishly. "Tim went to the store to get some beers."

"Let me help." Callie replied. Arizona nodded and went to turn on the TV to keep the kids occupied while they cooked. "Really? Aladdin?" She smirked at the blonde, who was jogging back to stir what was in the pot.

"You know I like my Disney movies, Calliope." Arizona winked. "Can you be my taste-tester and tell me if this needs more salt?"

Callie swiped her finger across the wooden spoon and licked the spaghetti sauce slowly. "Mmm..could use just a bit more."


The door opened, revealing Tim juggling paper bags from the grocery store.

"Sorry it took me so long; there was this lady in the checkout line that had a billion coupons and – Oh, you must be Calliope. It's nice to finally meet you!" Tim said, offering a handshake which Callie accepted. "Arizona hasn't stopped talking about you since I've been here." He grinned, his dimples matching Arizona's. "I'm just going to go wash-up before dinner. Excuse me."

Tim walked off into the hallway and Callie looked back at Arizona. "You two look so much alike, it's kind of scary."

Arizona shrugged. "Not really. I mean, his hair is darker and he's taller and his eyes are more green than blue." She rambled.

Callie rolled her eyes. "You're practically identical." Her eyes shifted back to where the kids were watching the movie as Tim sat along with them.

"Hi, I'm Tim!" He introduced himself to the twins and Allegra. "You know, Aladdin is one of my favorite movies. What's yours?"

"Yep, he's practically you if you were a guy." Callie said and Arizona swatted her arm playfully.

"C'mon, dinner is ready." Arizona called as she started serving up spaghetti.

The group gathered around the table and ate silently until Tim broke the silence.

"I guess Calliope has been pretty good for you if you know how to cook now." He joked, dodging Arizona's kick under the table. "This is really good, Sis. Thanks."

Arizona smiled and looked over at Callie. "Calliope helped."

"And it's Callie." The latina said. "I don't like my full name much. Though, Arizona does."

"She's stubborn like that. Always has been, even when we were little." Tim grinned. "Has she told you about the time when she camped out at the pet section of Walmart and wouldn't leave till we got a fish?"

Callie let out a laugh as Arizona rolled her eyes and muttered, "I really wanted a fish, okay?"

"Oooh, Mama, can we get a fish?" Allegra asked excitedly.

"Maybe. We'll see." Callie smiled. "So how long are you staying, Tim?" She asked before taking another bite of her dinner.

"A few days. I'm leaving in four days, and then I have to go to Washington DC." He clarified. "I don't get to see Arizona much and when she told me about you last night, I knew I had to meet you and those guys." He looked over to the kids, who moved down to the floor to play with Arizona and the few toys she had in her apartment. Callie's cheeks turned a shade of pink as she smiled at her girlfriend. "But I wouldn't be much of a big brother if I didn't give you a bit of a warning." He said a bit more seriously. "She really, really likes you, Callie. The kids too. And I don't think I've ever seen her fall this hard."

"I don't have any intention of hurting her, Tim. She's been amazing to me and the kids." She paused to look at Arizona and the kids laughing happily. "We haven't said it to each other yet, but I love her and I'd never do anything to hurt her."

"Good. Cause I'm sure she loves you too."