AN: Hi guys! This is the first time I've written a fic in so long, so it's kinda nice to get back into it. Anyway, this is my multi-chapter story about the party Andre throws on the night of the gang's HA graduation. It's rated T for alcohol use and some language, so consider yourself warned. Some may consider it a little OOC because of the drinking aspect, but idunno, they're high school seniors, they want to celebrate! (haha). Also, I'm not sure what year they'd actually be graduating, so just cut me a little slack there :P
Not totally AU, just a future-fic (I do reference past eps)
Pairings: Bori, Cabbie, and implied Jandre friendship. Oh and Trinjin if you have an overactive imagination
Hopefully you don't think it's too OOC, and I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing Victorious-related, except an episode on iTunes.

"…and, as Henry David Thoreau once said, 'Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined.' And I am confident that we will all do just that. Congratulations, class of 2013, we did it!" Tori concluded her speech, beaming at the crowd in front of her.

Was she valedictorian? No, but every year the students voted for one additional classmate (aside from the valedictorian and salutatorian) to give a speech at graduation. Tori had been chosen (much to Jade's dismay).

The applause boomed into the open afternoon air as Tori returned to her seat and Helen reclaimed her spot at the podium. As she was leaving the stage, she spotted Cat waving to her frantically, Robbie giving her an approving head nod, Andre 'whoop'-ing and clapping possibly a little too enthusiastically, and Beck giving her a thumbs up. Even Jade cracked a smile, lazily applauding. 'It's the freaking least she could do, she knows how long I've been driving myself crazy over that stupid speech,' Tori thought to herself, though she wasn't mad.

Helen finished the ceremony with the turning of their tassels.

"And now, it is with great honor that I present to you the Hollywood Arts High School Class of 2013," She announced, which set off a chain reaction of graduation caps flying in the air. After they had finished they finally processed down the aisle, all smiling and waving to their family members as they passed.

Once they had returned back to their beloved halls for the last time, their giddy spirits could not be calmed. Everyone was hugging and still rushing to get their yearbooks signed, probably by that special someone in a last-ditch effort to hopefully set up a summer fling before they would most likely part forever. It was worth a shot anyway, right? Poor, poor Sinjin…

Tori, Andre, Cat, Beck, and Jade were all gathered near Tori's locker, chattering in excitement.

"Guys, I really can't believe it!...Wait…where's Robbie?" She asked, confused.

"Oh, well, when we all threw our caps, he wasn't paying attention and one of them poked him in the eye," Andre explained.

They all shrugged it off. Typical Robbie. If they weren't used to this from him by now they never would be. They began making their way back outside to reunite with their families and friends, Cat leading the group on a mission to find Robbie. Tori lingered behind at her locker, however.

She checked one last time to make sure it was truly empty and closed it, staring at the words "Make it Shine" shining back up at her. She thought she was alone until she heard a chuckle behind her. She was startled, but didn't bother to turn around, knowing who it was.

"Wanna check it one more time? There may be a particle of dust that you missed," Beck teased.

"Oh shut up," She laughed. "I'm just really gonna miss it."

"What? The school? Or the locker?" He asked jokingly.

"Actually just getting shoved into it by Jade," She nodded with faux seriousness.

"C'mon Tori, everybody's waiting to congratulate you for your big speech," He urged.

"I know, but what if it's too soon?" She asked in a frenzy.

"Tor…if you didn't wanna graduate, you should've planned to fail months ago," He chuckled, eliciting a small smile from her.

"But…"She began, but then realized she really had no defense.

"Listen, I know it's a big, scary world out there, but we gotta face it sometime," Beck said, then comprehension dawned on him. "Oh, I know why you don't want to leave."

"Why?" She stared up at him.

"You just don't want to turn this thing off," He gestured to her locker.

"Uh, no, no, that's totally not it, I mean…" Tori stammered sheepishly.

"Let's do it together then," He suggested, holding his hand out for the remote that he knew Tori had been hoping would disappear into thin air so she could leave the lights on forever.

"Okay," She sighed, allowing him to put a hand on the remote.

"Ready? One…two…three," He prompted, noting how Tori winced and closed her eyes on 'three' as they both pressed the off button.

She pouted and looked at her darkened locker, memories of how it came to be flooding back to her.

"You'll be okay, champ," Beck assured her, ruffling her hair and pulling her in for a hug. "And hey, who knows, maybe a new kid will come and decorate it with something really wild like a dry erase board."

"Now is not a time for mocking!" Tori scolded, finally lifting her head from Beck's shoulder.

She tried to sound outraged, but could not help the smile playing on her lips or the laugh threatening to escape.

"Let's get outta here," He said, as she picked up her bags and they began making their way to the exit for what would be the last time.

Tori began to turn around to take one last lingering look at her now ex-locker (AN: holy alliteration, Batman), until Beck interrupted, "Look at the locker one more time, Vega, and Cuddle-Me Cathy gets it."

She got the hint and eventually made it back outside with their friends and family, Robbie now rocking an eyepatch. Upon seeing the two of them, Jade looked a little sour, but even that wasn't enough to bring her or anyone else's moods down.

"Hey there, pirate Robbie," Tori laughed.

"It's only temporary!" Robbie cried.

The rest of them erupted in laughter while Rex quipped about how just because Robbie couldn't see girls better, didn't mean they still couldn't see him.

"Hey, girls usually dig guys with battle wounds," Andre reasoned, causing Cat to wrap herself around Robbie's arm and let out a dreamy 'Yeah.'

"Unless of course it's in the case of Jade, where she's the one inflicting most of said battle wounds," Tori joked, causing everyone else—yes, even Jade—to laugh.

"Hey, listen, I gotta go, but I'll see you all tonight, right?" Andre asked.

He was met with a chorus of 'yeah's and 'yeah totally's and 'see ya then, Andre's. Tonight was Andre's graduation party, which would prove to be a very festive occasion. Kenan had once again very graciously offered his house for the soiree, and Andre was promising a blowout.

So, that's it for chapter 1. Since I have a sad, sad history of abandoning my stories, I made sure everything's already pre-written and done, just waiting to be updated. Lemme know what you guys think, I know it's not a lot so far. I'm kind of a crazy English nerd/grammar Nazi, so if you have any constructive criticism or whatnot, don't hesitate to drop it in the review section!