Valentine's Day at Hetalia Gakuen

Chapter 1 ~ Introduction ~

It was the 14 of February. In other words, Valentine's Day. The whole school was just waiting for the after-school event.

In the 2 weeks of February leading up to the day filled with love and chocolate, the school had boxes put up around the school. In those boxes the students would drop their love letter in it, not mentioning their own name. And at the after-school assembly, teachers would go through the notes and read them out loud for the whole school to hear. All anonymous.

It was the most looked forward-to event of the school year.

This year, Mr. Vargas, more commonly called Rome, as his name was Romulus, and Mr. Beilschmidt, or Ger-san, as Rome calls him affectionately, first name being Garen, were hosting the note-reading this year. As an added note, 'Ger-san' hates that nickname.

All students and teachers waited for the final bell of the day to ring so that they could go to the anticipated assembly.


The bells rang, and people streamed out of their classrooms and to the assembly hall and waited for the two teachers hosting this year to come out on stage and read the anonymous love notes.

As they streamed into the doorway, one could hear how excited or anxious (or irritated) some of the students were.

"DUDE! I cannot wait for them to read the note that I wrote!" One blond exclaimed loudly. Another blond whacked him on the head, shouting just as loud as the first, "Fucking git! Be quiet!"

"AIYAA! Kiku! I don't want to go, aru! It's too embarrassing!" A slight Chinese man huffed, being pushed by another Asian. "But you have to! Look, even Heracles-san is going!" - "I don't think he even knows what's going on..."

"I can't wait to spread my amour the person I wrote to~"

"Come on mi tomate! This will be fun!" A tanned boy said, trying to pull another boy along, "Hell no! I don't want to be here!" His twin was pushing him and said happily, "Ve~" With their combined effort, they managed to make their way towards the doors.

"We go now, da?" a tall blond boy said to a trio following closely behind. The trio quickly nodded and continued trembling.

"Like, we tots need to go!" An effeminate male said, hanging onto one of the boys trembling who had shoulder length brown hair.

"Move aside for the Awesome Me! Kesesese!" The self-proclaimed Prussian shouted, pushing all aside, trying to get in. One unfortunate victim saying in a voice barely above a whisper,"Maple!"

"WILL ALL OF YOU STOP TALKING AND JUST GO TAKE YOUR SEATS!" The irritable German student yelled at the people blocking the double doors.

With that, everyone went to sit down in their seats, chatting and waiting.

As soon as the clock struck 2:15, the two hosts came out from either side of the stage, each carrying a huge glass bowl filled with the paper slips, effectively silencing the chattering audience.

As the two met in the center, they placed the bowls on a wooden table, and looked out to the audience.

"Hello everybody!" Rome said in his cheery accent, "I see quite a few people out there! Oh, that makes me so happy, all you kids wanting to confess your love!" He threw up his hands in excitement. "Without further ado, let's get started! Ger-san you pick out the first one!"

Garen smacked his partner on the head at the hated nickname, and then stuck his hand into the bowl, dug for a few seconds, and pulled out a sheet of paper.

He unfolded it and read in his deep voice:

"Dear Ger-san

How about we go to that one restaurant? I'll pay! And then afterwards, we can go back to my place and have some se-"

He stopped reading and glared at the energetic man across the table.

"Ah! Of all the ones you picked mine! How lucky!" Rome said flashing a happy grin. "So how about it? Going to take up my offer?" He asked innocently. Garen's hand met his face at his partner's stupidity.

He huffed in annoyance and said, "Just get the next note."

Rome put a hand into his bowl and pulled out a note. "Well then, on to the next one!"

He opened his mouth to spoke:


AN: That's all for the first chapter~

I randomly came up with this and wanted to write it.

Who should be the first person's letter be? And who should it be too? Open to suggestions. If no one suggests anything, I will go with who I feel like writing.


Yes, I do realize that it is waaaaay after Valentine's Day, but I just recently got the computer back and felt like updating this. I will continue around several more chapters from chapter 7.