Valentine's Day at Gakuen Hetalia

Chapter 15 – Secret Notes –

Rome pouted a bit as he went to go grab his next note, childishly sticking his tongue out at Germania.

He started reading:

"Dear Mein Liebe,

Very rarely does one ever experience the so called true love. But I believe I found mine in you. You make me see myself in a whole new way; make me see what it is that I do both wrong and right. You show me what it is that may be holding me back and help me in that idiotic way of yours.

You and your idiotic antics have found a special place in my heart; it makes me feel slightly out of control at times, but in a good way. I believe that being with you has changed me greatly, also in a good way.

Being with you feels like both a blessing and a curse. I am at my happiest when I am with you, annoyed and a bit snappy when I am not (Well, more than usual). You are like an annoying thorn that nestled its way in my heart and refuses to be moved.

Ich liebe dich."

The whole auditorium was quiet for a few minutes as they listened to the letter. Rome stared at it, eyes showing curiosity and wonder as he pondered who this one could be from.

Garen stood, face as emotionless as usual, though his cheeks were red in embarrassment. In all honesty, the letter had been from him. He had thought he had left it sealed up and in his desk. He must've forgotten it was his and placed it in a box, thinking it was a student's letter. A rare mistake from him. He wondered briefly if anyone would guess that the letter was from him, but quickly threw the notion out, not even wanting to think of what the Italian would do.

"Wow," Rome said. "Whoever this is must love the person very much. That was touching! I could feel their passion in their writing!" he said loudly.

There were sounds of agreement coming from the crowd. Garen felt his face heat up even more and he shifted from foot to foot awkwardly.

"I wonder who wrote it…" Rome thought out loud.

Garen stared at him, eyebrow raised. Could he really not figure out who it was from? Was he that oblivious? He thought to himself.

"Guess we shall never know," Rome said, as he placed the letter down, "The sender put no name or pen-name."

Garen felt his jaw go a bit slack. He honestly didn't know it had been form Garen. Garen rubbed his temples muttering in German. German! That had been a dead giveaway!

"And thus concludes this Valentine's Day letter reading!" Rome said with a flourish of his hands.

Everyone slowly filed out of the auditorium and Garen walked off stage, still muttering. This time something about Italians and students being a more than a bit slow.

"Garen! Wait for me!" Rome shouted, running after the German, hugging him from behind.

Garen's eye twitched and he turned around so he was facing the Roman.

Why him? He thought to himself as he traced his scratchy jawline.

No one quite knew the answer to that, so he just pulled his idiot closer to him and kissed him lightly on the lips before turning around and heading to his classroom to gather his stuff so he could return home.

Rome stared in shock at his retreating lover. That had been a surprise. After a few moments of nothing, he finally gained his senses before he began chasing him again. "Garen, what was that about? Normally it's me who initiates the kiss! What's gotten in to you? Are you feeling okay? Do you feel sick? Do you have a fever?" He continued asking questions rapidly, slightly worried look on his face.

Garen gave him a look and just continued walking, tuning him out.

They were an odd couple, but it worked in the end.

A/N: And thus concludes this arc of letters. Aw, kinda sad L But don't worry! I will start a second arc soon that shall have all sorts of weird pairings! I got maybe 20 requests to do other pairings, and I shall do my best to fill them! I will post it as soon as I have a letter written…

Wow, I dragged this on for 9 months XD

I was trying to get this more mature love feeling while I was writing Garen's letter, I am not sure if I like it or not :/ I probably could've done better.

Well, thank you for all the reviews, favorites and follows. And waiting patiently for me to update!

Reviews from Oceanfur, SaySaeri, The Fangirl With A 1000 Names and MasterxOfxDice. Thank you! I love reading what you guys have to say about what I write; it brings a smile to my face J

Sorry if this chapter wasn't up to par. Begin and end with RomexGermania. 14 letters and very hectic results XD

See you around!