A/N: Supposed to be a family fluff type of thing between Robin and the team with Batman too of course.
But then it got outta hand.
Then this was born.
My mind took over :l
Disclaimers: I own NOTHING that is in this!

He was near the peak of exhaustion. About to faint, he wanted to fall on the floor and just stay there for a good week or so, his body was screaming for it, though since he is the boy wonder, he can't.


Funny though. The human heroes did all the hard work. They WERE human after all, though none of them would even admit that at all.


Wasn't he in the middle of something right now?

Oh yeah.


Oh how he loathed where he was right now. Usually he LOVED showing off and winning, but now is just not a good time.

"ROB, YA IN THERE?" Wally yelled in front of him.

The raven haired boy snapped out of his thoughts and came to.

"a-hahahahaha, sorry KF, just thinking how many ways I can own your butt."

"Yea right! Speed totally beats everything." Wally huffed out.

"Only if you had the brains to use it~" he mocked.


"Alright boys, get into positions and go when you feel like it." Black Canary said, standing off to the side along with the others.

"Ready when you are, Boy won—" Wally started to say, but realized he was talking to nobody. "I hate it when you do that! Give a guy a heads up at least!"

"Heads up!"

Wally glanced up only to receive a face full of boots. The force from the boy's legs pushed him backwards and landed on his back. Robin flipped twice in the air and landed gracefully on his feet.


"That's one way~" Robin cackled some more, hoping the redhead teen would drop it so he can rest on the side.

"Again! Dude I so wasn't ready, and this time let it count off."

"As you say, sire" he mocked in an English accent and bowed. (Something he picked up on as a child from a certain person)



"Oh-dude, stealth tech is on."

Wally looked to his insignia but then realized something a little too late.

Robin leaped up onto the boy's shoulder, grabbed them and as he landed behind him, pulled him backwards and threw him on the floor in front of him.


"Aww, man."

"He's going to own your butt every time so drop it so we can start ours, Kidfail" Artemis said.

"One more time!"

"Once more, and M'gann and Artemis are up for combat." Black Canary said, shifting to her other leg.

"Mmmalright then, suit yourself." Robin said.


Whoaaa, trippy, he was seeing rainbow-like dots everywhere. He brought his hand up to his eyes. He tried to blink them away.

Nahh, got worse.

Why was everything getting wobbly?



Oh well, he can just let him win this time, albeit he couldn't since the whole room was always surveyed. Batman wanted to see their training.

Dang it.



"Gotcha!" Wally yelled out. He ran towards the boy in a motion to pin him down.

Robin's reflexes came in and he back flipped and used the end of his boots to kick him in the chin. He spun on his hands and did a spin kick and knocked him down.

Oops. They weren't supposed to use too much force.

Wally spun to the ground and landed on his stomach. He groaned—wait it hurt to do that too.


"Ugghh, dude, you win." Wally said. He turned on his back.

"Oh, KF sorry! You caught me off guard and my instincts kicked in." He said walking over to him and stuck his hand out.

"Whatever dude, I just need to remember not to do that again or I'll lose my teeth next time." He took his hand.

Robin saw Wally's face full of dots.


And it brought a friend too, Nausea!

Then suddenly he was on the ground.

Now everything was getting darker, though he could still see the darn dots.

Head rush.




"Dude! Finally I got you!"

He could hear his voice, but barely saw his surroundings. Nah, he'll just wait here on the ground till Wally shouts at him or his vision gets better.

Oh, hello Exhaustion. Nice to be with you again.


He heard Wally cheering for his own victory, not realizing that his friend was still on the ground.

"Robin, are you alright?" Kaldur spoke from across the room.

"Just peachy" Robin said, getting up from the nice hard floor. Getting back on his feet he felt Dot's other friend, nausea. He wobbled up, though trying to hide the dizziness from everyone.


Great. Everyone saw him fell—again. Thaaaaat was lame.

"Robin!" M'gann exclaimed. She flew up and towards the boy.

Wally stopped his cheering and looked at Robin.

"Dude you're freaking pale!" he pointed out.

"Always been pale, thanks for the compliment. Megan, mind helping me up?"

"Hello, Megan! Here!" She grabbed his arms and hoisted him up.

"Thanks, Miss M." Robin said, while he steadied himself so he wouldn't lose his balance again.

"Umm, are you sure you're alright, Robin?" she asked.

"Maybe you should take a rest, you really don't look too good" Artemis added.

"Guys, I'm fine. Besides I got a feeling that we're gonna have a mission today."

At that, Batman marched in. "Team, have a mission for you. Get into the bio and I'll send the coordinates and what you need to get."

Everyone stared at the little bird, a bit surprised at how accurate he was.

"Ahaha, my Batsense was tingling. Guys lets go."

"Dude, you sure you're okay?" Wally asked, worried.

"Yes. I'm totally fine, if you want me to prove it I can beat you again."

"Uh, no thanks."

As Wally left the training room, Batman stood there and stared at Robin as he walked up to the door and stood there. Robin looked at Batman.


"Won't happen again."


"I just got distracted for a secon—"


Robin looked up.

"Are you alright?"

"…I'm fine."

"Still got some left in you for this mission? They're going to need you to get into their system and get the info, but I'm sure they'll manage without you for this time."

He nodded. "I can do it."

"Be careful, and don't be shy to ask for backup. The league always has your back."

He smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

Batman stared at Robin as he walked out and towards the bioship. He knew that the boy was beyond tired. He was too, but numerous amounts of coffee kept him up. Of course Robin couldn't have any coffee from that horrible incident a few years back. Alfred especially banned the boy from any sugar or caffeine intake. They just hope nobody else fed him any, or they'll regret it.

He wished he made him stay back.