Chapter 3 - I Need You Now

Sasuke stood at Naruto's door trying to will himself to knock on the door, the feeling of being so close yet so far away was killing him. He needed to speak with Naruto, whether it was through an argument, or a friendly chat. He just needed some sort of connection with the younger male.

But before Sasuke could knock, the door swung open, revealing a very tired and frustrated looking blonde. "You've been standing there for about an hour now, what do you want?" Sasuke almost winced at the venom in his voice, but just stared blankly at Naruto.

"We need to talk" Naruto sighed, but after a few moments of silence he reluctantly stepped aside, allowing his ex-friend to enter his home. Sasuke stood by the entrance to his living room, not sitting down and not waiting for Naruto to do so either. "I completely understand why you are ignoring me. But I cannot go on living like you don't exist Naruto, why do you think I came back?".

Naruto remained silent, and averted his gaze from the Uchiha, fighting back tears that threatened to fall. "I don't care why you came back, you still left and you still ruined my life" Naruto charged at Sasuke in a moment of fury and threw a punch, that collided painfully with his jaw.

Sasuke didn't fight back, nor did he try to stop it. He knew, just as much as Naruto, that this was just tension being relieved. The tears soon began falling down Naruto's face, and he crumpled against Sasuke's chest. The Uchiha easily caught his friend, and slouched down the wall, almost cradling the weeping boy.

"I mi-missed you, so m-much" Sasuke felt another pang in his chest; it hurt him to think that he was the cause of this breakdown. He brushed a hand under Naruto's eyes, wiping away the tears, until they stopped. Naruto looked away, horrified with himself for crying. Horrified with himself for giving in.

His heart skipped a beat, when lips brushed against his. "I missed you too. That's why I came back, to be with you. Naruto…" Sasuke gripped the tan face, forcing him to look at him, before he continued. "I love you" Naruto froze, as the words hit his ears.

Naruto heart jumped, and joy spread through him. He smashed his lips onto Sasuke's, shaking slightly, resolving the broken bonds between them. Sasuke snaked a hand around Naruto's waist, and up under his orange t-shirt, tracing his back with mild interest.

Naruto chuckled softly, and opened his mouth, coaxing Sasuke's tongue to play with his own. Sasuke slowly lowered Naruto onto the floor, swiftly removing his shirt on the way. He was determined not to just have a mindless fuck, he was going to make love to Naruto and the blonde was going to enjoy it as much as him.

The blonde clawed at Sasuke's shirt, until the boy took the hint and removed his own shirt, discarding it alongside Naruto's. Lips were quickly claimed again, however it did not last long, and soon Sasuke had moved onto Naruto's neck, sucking and nibbling wherever he felt necessary.

Soon, Naruto's neck was laced with hickeys, and he was panting softly, after Sasuke had found his soft spot and took advantage of it.

Naruto arched up, when one of his nipples was sucked into delicious wet heat, Sasuke smirked and began undoing the tie of the sweats Naruto had on. Tan hands wound up into raven hair, massaging the scalp, as if in thanks for the treatment he was receiving.

Lips were soon nibbling at tan hips, obviously avoiding the one spot Naruto wanted Sasuke to touch the most. "Sasuke" Their eyes met at the sound of the breathless whisper and Sasuke smirked, removing the boxers, swallowing at the sight of Naruto's erection. Naruto bit his bottom lip and shifted uncomfortably under the intense gaze.

A shiver racked through his body, when he was suddenly engulfed in a wet, warm heat. Sasuke began bobbing his head, stopping every now and again to tease the blushing head, squeezing out every moan that Naruto had to offer.

Just as the tension began to build up, Sasuke removed himself from the weeping member, earning a low growl from his friend. Sasuke smirked and placed a playful kiss on plump lips.

"We're just beginning, calm down; we wouldn't want to end this too early, no?" Naruto rolled his eyes, but yelped when a slick finger probed his entrance. He hadn't even noticed when Sasuke had applied the now discarded lube to his fingers, but before he had time to question, the finger slid in.

He frowned and wiggled, trying to get rid of the strange feeling. Sasuke nuzzled his neck, before nipping the spot just under the blonde's ear, Naruto arched, causing Sasuke to smirk, trust Naruto's weak spot to be near his ears. A second finger soon joined the first, and Sasuke did his best to distract Naruto from the intrusion. The fingers began to scissor the entrance, stretching to accommodate the third finger. Naruto winced as it slid in making Sasuke frown, before moving down and kissing up the base of the now red erection.

Naruto moaned and bucked, accidently impaling himself further on long fingers. A silent scream left the blonde and he clawed at Sasuke, who smirked, he had obviously hit Naruto's prostate.

Deciding enough preparation had been made, the fingers left Naruto, who groaned and lifted his hips, silently inviting Sasuke to take him.

Sasuke growled and flipped Naruto over, hauling him to his knees, before settling behind him. "Relax" and without a further word of warning he plunged in, fully sheathing himself in delicious heat. Sasuke saw stars and had to restrain himself from taking the blonde immediately, who was whimpering and chewing harshly on his lip.

After a few minutes Naruto was relaxed enough for Sasuke to move. "Move teme!" Sasuke kissed his spine and set a slow rhythm, wanting this to last as long as it could. "Dammit, FASTER!" Sasuke stilled completely and Naruto cried out, feeling Sasuke's member stay pressed against his prostate.

"Say please" Naruto hissed, but mumbled it anyway, and wiggled his hips, hoping to entice Sasuke into doing him right. It worked and soon Sasuke was pounding mercilessly into his love, earning cry after cry from Naruto, whose arms had caved and was now laying awkwardly, the Uchiha freely moving his hips.

Suddenly a knock was placed upon the door and Sasuke growled, but never stilled his movements. "Ignore them" Naruto tried to muffle his moans into the carpet, praying that whoever it was could not here what they were getting up to.

"Naruto?" It was Sakura, this only seemed to spur Sasuke on and he went even deeper, further abusing Naruto's entrance. Naruto felt the coil in his stomach tighten beyond belief, and soon his essence was spilt over the floor, with a rough cry of Sasuke's name. Sasuke kept going for a few more thrusts, before he too released inside his blonde. The pair collapsed on the floor, in a tired heap of tangled limbs. Naruto chuckled and rolled over, gazing at Sasuke, who was staring intently at the door, as if trying to kill Sakura through the door.

"Leave her; I'm sure she figured out what we were doing. Now come snuggle, I'm chilly" Sasuke smiled softly and rolled over, so he was spooning the tan body. "Sasuke…" Naruto looked over his shoulder, a hint of something Sasuke couldn't make out. "Are you staying…?" He trailed off, not needing to explain what he meant.

Sasuke hadn't been expecting that, he thought Naruto knew he was here for good, but then again, he had been ignored up till now. "Of course Dobe, I'm staying whether you like it or not"

"Teme" Naruto sighed, and shifted backwards, feeling himself drift off into a comfortable sleep in the arms of his soul mate.