"Why?" I ask myself. "Why do I keep taking these challenges, when in all reality I have no time for more stories?" Well, that's cause I love 'em so! This is for Wishing-Fire's Destiny Challenge (each drabble has a word limit of two hundred), and I've been in a serious Birth by Sleep mood lately, so I'm using Vanitas as my main character. Yeah, I know, I'm aiming a bit high. Well, for me at least, seeing how I've only really written for the Organization. But this isn't too bad, seeing how it's only ten themes. I should probably be finished in a week's time, so let's hope on that. Anywho, enjoy :D

Disclaimer: I'm only putting this up once. Kingdom Hearts—places, people, everything—and all of its franchise belongs to Square Enix and Disney, not me. Credit goes to Wishing-Fire for creating this challenge.

1. First Love

Oh ho ho, how he would love to get his hands on that good-for-nothing's neck and wring the life out of him. It would be so easy, it almost seemed like it would be a waste of his power. Ventus was just way too weak. Of course, that didn't mean he would get no pleasure out of it—seeing the boy in physical and mental turmoil would be sheer delight.

Vanitas couldn't wait to forge the X-Blade; it would cause such destruction to settle into the universe. He fed off of tortured screams and tears of bitter agony. He was evil, pure, utter Darkness—it was in his nature to love suffering, no doubt about that. Good was crushed under his foot, and Light was extinguished with every sweep of his Keyblade. He was born to destroy every last bit of happiness he came into contact with—and he enjoyed every second of it. It was his love from the beginning of his life, and that would be the only thing Vanitas ever loved: causing suffering, misery, and pain.

A/N: Oh, I really do just LOVE Ven (and his theme; so BEAUTIFUL), but I still had fun writing this. Not only am I in a BBS mood, but I'm feeling quite violent. Maybe it's all those Heartless fights I've been watching ;D Anyway, reviews are always welcome!