This is a sudden idea I had when working for another fanfic.

Sasunaru fic!

I don't own Naruto! If I did oh that would be so awesome!

Chapter 1: Friendship

A raven hair 5 year old sat on his older brother's lap, fully content. The older raven couldn't be older than 11,he wore a dark blue shirt and a pair of jeans with some black snickers. His younger wore a black t-shirt and white shorts and matching shoes. The younger of the two he wore a gentle smile and looked at the setting sun.

"Hitachi! Doesn't the sunset look pretty?" No answer. The young raven felt something lay on his head, he looked up and giggled. Itachi's eyes were closed and his breathing was steady and quite.

"Aw he fell asleep" He slowly got of his brother's lap trying not to wake him up. A walked a few feet away from his brother and pouted.

"Now I'm bored….."He looked at the park not that far. It had what every other little kid park had. A bright red slide, a colorful jungle gym, monkey bars and a pair of swings, but since it was early in the evening only a couple kids were playing in the small park.

One was a pink haired girl with green eyes. She wore a red ribbon in her hair, showing off her slightly big forehead, the ribbon matched he small red dress, she had long black socks ,that when up to her knee, and red shoes. She slid down the slide laughing and giggling.

The other kid was a spiky blond haired boy. He had sky blue eyes and a bright smile on his face. He wore a white t-shirt and blue shorts with black sandals. He climbed the monkey bars with a victorious laugh. No adults around.

Sasuke looked at his brother and gave a secretive smile. "He won't mind" Sasuke ran over to the park and swung on the swings challenging himself to get higher and higher.

After awhile the pink haired girl walked over to Sasuke shyly. Sasuke kicked the ground to stop himself from swinging and looked at the pinked haired girl curiously.

The girl smiled brightly. "H-Hi my name is Sakura! Want to play with me?" Sasuke blinked at the offer then nodded he smiled back at Sakura.

"Ok! My names Sasuke! Nice to meet you!" Sakura poked him. Sasuke looked at Sakura confused. She giggled. "Your it!" She ran away from Sasuke. Sasuke frowned then smirked running after her.

"You cheated!"

"Blah blah! You can't catch me!"

"Ow!" Both of the kids looked to where they heard the cry of pain. The blond boy was now on the ground next to the monkey bars, holding his knee. He was looking at the ground, shaking abit. Sakura and Sasuke ran over with concern in their eyes.

"Hey are you okay?" asked the pink haired girl. He didn't answer. Sasuke saw some blood drip down the boy's knee. He knelt in front of the boy.

"You fell" He stated. The blond boy nodded, still not looking up at them. Sakura looked at the boy with worry. Sasuke gently put his hand on the blonds and moved it. The blond boy hissed and looked up showing his endless blue eyes full of tears. Sasuke couldn't help but think that those blue eyes shouldn't have tears in them.

"I-it hurts" He said in a whisper. Sasuke nodded. "I'm just taking a look" He had a nasty scratch on his knee. Sasuke looked back at the blond boy.

"It looks bad…we should but some water on it to get the blood out." The blue eyes widened the boy shook his head. "N-No! It'll hurt e-even more!"

Sasuke frowned. "Well then we should at least find something to stop the bleeding for now" Sakura got an idea she untied her ribbon in her hair and gave it to Sasuke.

"Will this work?" Sasuke smiled and nodded. He wrapped the red ribbon around the boy's knee. "There done!"

The blond boy sniffed and wiped the tears away. He smiled brightly at Sasuke. "Thank you!" Sasuke blushed brightly and looked away.

"N-no problem" The blond boy blinked in confusion. Sakura noticed the blush and giggled. The blond looked up at her then the ribbon. "Oh sorry about the ribbon! It's bloody now!" Sakura shook her head.

"It's fine! You can give it back when you stop bleeding" The blond nodded. "O-okay" He said with a small smile.

"Anyway I'm Sakura!" She helped the blond boy up. Sasuke up as well. "I'm Sasuke. What's your name?"

The boy played with his fingers. "…"

"Huh? Can't hear you!" Said Sakura, Sasuke played along and put a hand to his ear. The blond pouted.

"Naruto….that's my name" Sakura and Sasuke smiled.

"Naruto, huh? Sounds cool!"

"I like it!" A blush dusted on Naruto's cheeks. "T-Thanks" Sasuke smiled. "Wanna play with us, Blue eyes?" Naruto nodded.

"Uh ok!"


The sun fully went down and the three kids lay on the grass looking at the stars. "Pretty" said Naruto in awe

"Yea" Agreed both Sakura and Sasuke. Naruto sat up and looked at his knee and untied the ribbon and gave it to Sakura. "Here….it stopped bleeding" Sakura sat up and took the ribbon. "Thanks for giving it back"

Naruto nodded. "No problem" Sakura blinked and took a closer look at Naruto. "That's a pretty necklace!"

Sasuke sat up and looked at Naruto, now noticing the necklace he wore. It had three blue crystals on it. The one in the middle was the biggest.

"Whoa" Naruto looked sheepish. "Thanks Saku-chan and Sasu-kun….It's really special" It looked like Sasuke was about to say something but was cut off.

"Sasuke!" The three kids turned to see Itachi running to them. "Big brother?"

"We have to go! Mom and dad is going to kill us"

"Sakura! We sweetie we have to go!" Sakura and the others looked to see a pink haired woman.

"Naruto!" Once again the three turned and saw a brown haired man with a scar across his nose.

The three looked to each other. "Let's meet back tomorrow! Okay?" Suggested Sasuke. Sakura and Naruto nodded. "Okay later!"



So every day that summer the three would visit the park and play.

It was the last day of summer before school started.

"What! You're moving?" Yelled both Sasuke and Sakura now six years old. The stared at the crying blond.


"What! But why?" Ask/yelled Sakura.

"My uncle got a job to the town were moving too" Sasuke hated the small tears that went down his best friend's face. He also felt like crying, Sakura already was. She hugged Naruto.

"I'm go-going to miss y-you" Stuttered Sakura. Naruto hugged her tightly both looked at Sasuke. He smiled sadly at both of them and hugged them.

"I'm going to miss you, Naru" They let each other go. Sakura undid her ribbon and folded it, she passed it to Naruto. "I want you to have this Naru…"

Naruto took it gently and hugged it close to him. Naruto pulled a crown made out of sakura flowers. "Here….I made it"

Sakura took it slowly and she frowned. "I know it isn't the best bu-"Sakura cut him off by hugging him. "I love it!" She cried.

"Sakura!" Sakura wiped the tears off her face. "I'll miss you Naru…Bye" She picked up the sakura crown and put it on her head and smiled. "Thank you" She ran off to her mother and waved bye out the window until she was out of sight.

Naruto looked up at Sasuke. "I have to leave soon…." Sasuke sat in front of him a smiled. "I don't have anything special like Sakura's ribbon for you to remember me bye but…remember you're my best friend, Naru." Sasuke kissed Naruto's head. Naruto blushed brightly. Sasuke looked away.

"Sasuke….here" Sasuke turned back to Naruto and the black cord necklace with the blue crystal was in his face. "I want you to have it…."


"So you don't forget me….okay?" Sasuke took the necklace and put it on. "I promise…I would never forget you…We're best friends no matter what"

Naruto smiled and gave Sasuke a hug. And they stayed hugging until Naruto's uncle called Naruto saying it was time to leave.

"Bye Sasuke" Naruto waved good-bye. Sasuke waved back with a small smile on his face. "Bye"

He watched Naruto's car leave until it was no longer seen. His smile dropped he held the blue crystal and lifted it so he could get a closer look at it. "They look like Naru's eyes" He said to himself.


A raven haired teen sat up on his midnight black covered bed. His room was huge, the walls were dark blue. Had some posters plastered over the wall. There was a desk not that far from the bed; it had a couple notebooks, a desk lamp, and a blackberry on it.

The teen got out of the bed showing that he was wearing pajama bottoms and no shirt. Showing the muscles he had. He walked over to the closet and pulled out a white dress shirt and black dress pants. After putting the article of clothing on he out on a black blazer and some shoes on.

He went to the bathroom across the hall and brushed his teeth. He looked himself in the mirror, more specifically the necklace he wore. "Why did I dream that?"

No answer came.

"Sasuke! Hurry up Sweetie! You're going to be late" Sasuke rolled his eyes. He knew his mother was pulling his leg. School didn't start for another hour. No Sasuke doesn't go to a normal school.

He goes to Konoha private school, a school where only the smartest and most artistic people in Japan go there. Sasuke has many reasons he got accepted. One of course was that he was and Uchiha. He and his brother were the heir to the Uchiha industry.

The Uchiha's own many businesses. But besides that Sasuke is incredibly smart and played the piano beautifully.

Sasuke walked down the stairs of the two story house and sat at the table drinking the tomato juice that his mom placed on the table. He got a lot of his looks mother minus the hair style and that he had more of a masculine look. She had he hair down today she wore a purple blouse and jeans.

"Your brother left for work already, your father said that he would be back from London next Friday, and Sakura called saying she'll met you in front of the gate with the others" Sasuke nodded and gave a small smile at his mother.

"Thanks mom. I better get going" He gave a mom a wave good bye and walked out the door with his black book bag.

"Bye Sasuke"

That's all for now! Plz review!

If I made any mistake tell me Plz