All credit to Paolini.

Eragon stood on the deck of the largest ship, gazing back at the shore, truly realizing for the first time that he may never lay eyes on his homeland again. Three ships were preparing to raise their anchors and sail off into the unknown in search of a new home for the Riders. Seventy-five years after the war, the races of Alagaesia were now at peace, but still the Riders faced threats from those who did not want to be dominated by the new Order of Riders. There had been several attempts, thankfully not well executed, to destroy the remaining dragon eggs. No longer willing to risk a second demise of the race of dragons, Eragon, Head of the Order, met with the eldest dragon Riders and together they decided it was time to find a new home. Three months later came the day when they were to sail out.

Thinking back to all that had been accomplished throughout the years, Eragon's heart swelled with pride. Since the Urgals and dwarves were included in the pact between humans, elves, and dragons, some of the Urgals' bloodlust had diminished, so it was now possible to form lasting treaties. Ten of the hidden dragon eggs had hatched, and for the first time in history, there were now Riders from all four races of Alagaesia. At first, Eragon had despaired when the human and elven Riders refused to accept the first dwarf and Urgal Rider, but slowly they were able to prove their worth to the Order. The first Urgal Rider and his dragon worked their way up the ranks so that they now served as elders to the Order.

Nasuada, recently deceased, had created a school of magic for all those who were born with the gift. A few elves along with Angela served as teachers, teaching not only magic, but also the ethical ramifications of using their gift. Few magicians who attended the school attempted to misuse their power, and those who did were ostracized from the community. Because of Galbatorix's long and terrible reign, there was no tolerance for tyrants, particularly among those who could use magic.

With the return of the dragons and Riders, the human and especially the elven race had begun to recover some of their splendor that had been lost with the destruction of the dragons. Ellesmera was now once again filled with the laughter of children. Indeed, there were more elven children now than had been born in the past two hundred years combined.

As Eragon felt another's arms close around his chest, he turned to smile at his mate. "Where's Lifavin?" he asked Arya, speaking the name of their son with pride.

"He is exploring the ship. The minute we placed our belongings in our cabin, he ran off. Apart from you, I have never seen a boy so drawn to trouble," Arya replied, rolling her eyes.

Eragon laughed and turned around, drawing Arya into his arms. She smiled up at him and he took the opportunity to place a brief kiss on her lips. Suddenly serious, worry clouding his eyes, he asked, "Are we right to leave?"

Arya placed a hand on his cheek and shook her head. "Do not do this, Eragon. A decision has been made and we cannot go back now. I do not know if it is right for us to leave, but it is necessary."

Nodding gratefully he smiled and held her more tightly. After they had shared their true names many years before, there had been a slight shift in their relationship. Arya had become more committed to Eragon as if before they had shared their true names, she had not truly believed their relationship would work. Slowly they worked through Arya's fear of intimacy and openness until they were one.

One night several years after sharing their true names, Arya had whispered to Eragon that she was ready to try to be with him.

"Are you sure?" he asked, turning over in their bed to look at her.

Hesitantly, she nodded. "I'm ready to try," she promised in the Ancient Language, causing Eragon to remember the deal they had made. Both had to swear in the Ancient Language that they were ready before either would attempt to become intimate with the other.

"I'm ready to try as well," he returned, completing their promise.

They had been experimenting with what she was able to handle, and gradually she was able to tolerate more and more of Eragon's touch. That she was willing to attempt to have sex with Eragon was a sign of all of the progress she had made.

"Okay. Um…now?" he asked uncomfortably.

Arya smiled up at him. "Of course, Eragon. If not now, when do you think I meant?"

"I-I don't know. I just wanted to be sure."

He gathered her in his arms and kissed her, deepening the kiss when he met with acceptance. Arya's hands grasped the front of the tunic, pulling him closer to her before wrapping her arms around his neck and running her hands through his hair.

Slowly, he sat up, pulling Arya up with him. On her knees in front of him, Arya reached under his tunic and ran her hands over his chest, the feel of her hands causing him to shiver. Eragon raised his arms over his head allowing Arya to rid him of the garment.

Bare-chested, Eragon resolved to take his time, not wanting to rush Arya into doing something she was not actually ready for. With a soft kiss, he met her eyes and gently lifted the hem of her tunic. She smiled in response and raised her arms to show him it was okay to continue.

Her tunic on the floor as well, followed soon after by their leggings, Eragon bit back a gasp at her beauty. It was far from the first time he had seen her without clothes, but tonight there was the promise of more.

He lay her down on the bed, covering her with kisses as he ran his hands over her. It took all of his strength to resist reacting to the quiet noises Arya made. She gasped as he ran his thumb along the underside of her breasts, causing him to groan in response. Arya met his eyes and reached up to kiss him.

Unsure of how long his self-control would hold, Eragon lowered his hand between her legs, slowly withdrawing when he felt her tense. He held her as she fought the memories threatening to take over her mind. A few more attempts of the gentlest touch he could manage, she bit her lip and nodded for him to continue.

Eragon reflected that their first attempt was far from perfect. It was over quickly, and it took some cajoling for Arya to allow him to hold her afterward. Eragon also had to wake her several hours later when she screamed as she slept, trapped in a nightmare. For many minutes, she struggled to understand that she was no longer in Gilead and that she was safe, and as such, struck out at Eragon whenever he came near. It took another half hour before she would allow him to touch her. But, he thought, in many ways, it was better than perfect because it was finally real. At last, they were mated both as elves and Riders.

Each time they became intimate, Arya's reaction lessened until she was finally able to enjoy it as a woman was meant to. And sixty years later, Arya had looked at Eragon and told him that she wanted a child. He grinned at her in disbelief; it was he who had desired a child for many years, while Arya protested that they were not fit to be parents. He had been thrilled that she finally agreed that they were ready to raise a child.

Two years later, she gave birth to a son whom they named Lifavin, or "Friend of Life" in the Ancient Language. When he was five years old, an orange dragon hatched for him, the son of Saphira and Firnen. Now, as they prepared to leave Alagaesia, their son was ten years old, and a promising young dragon Rider.

Eragon's heart swelled with pride as he stood on the deck of the ship holding Arya in his arms, watching Lifavin run around the deck chasing a cat, while his dragon flew overhead with Saphira and Firnen.

His bond with Saphira, and Arya's with Firnen continued to grow with each day. Never before had Eragon felt such a strong love for so many. This ability to love made him the perfect candidate for the position of Head Rider for those whom he loved could hardly help but love him back.

"Set sail!" came Blodhgarm's shout.

A few dozen elves had made the decision to follow the dragons and Riders to their new home, and offered to serve as protectors of the eggs and Eldunari. When the anchor was raised, Eragon had to adjust his footing as the ship he stood on lurched. The dragons roared their approval, chafing at the delay. Nervousness shot through him as the enormity of the decision they had made set in. No longer could they turn back.

Lifavin ran over to his parents and waved back at those standing on shore. Arya placed a hand on her son's shoulder and leaned into Eragon's side. She too felt pride at all they had accomplished, for despite her royal upbringing, they had had to work for everything they now possessed.

Eragon had been forced to fight for his and Saphira's survival, just as Arya fought to protect the young Rider. They had been willing to give their lives to defeat Galbatorix and rescue the final dragon egg, which had hatched for Arya. They faced countless obstacles in raising the new Order, but they had prevailed.

More personally, Arya felt pride for her relationships she had built. Not so long ago for an elf nearly two centuries old, she was left completely alone in the world with the death of Faolin. It had taken much courage and humility to admit to her feelings for Eragon and to allow him to show his love for her. Now, they had grown close enough to show the ultimate love for one another: they had a child together.

Occasionally, Arya felt herself descending into the terror of the dungeons of Gilead, but she could always trust Firnen or Eragon to help her return to herself. These moments of fear and despair came less and less often as she grew further and further in time from the events of her capture and torture.

Though setting off for a new land where they had nothing but one another was frightening, Arya believed in the strength of the Riders and their dragons, as well as their love for one another.

Eragon looked down at her and smiled. "I love you," he said, kissing her hair.

"I love you too," she replied softly, tightening her hold on him.

A/N: I'm done! Finally. Thanks for your patience and your support for the past few months. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer them, but as of now, let my retirement from FanFiction commence!