Sorry about the cliffhanger! I couldn't help myself. X3 And sorry about disappearing for such a long time. But you all waited, and here it is! You guys are awesome! ^_^ I know it's a little bit too early to be asking you all about this, but I'm just curious to hear your opinions. I was thinking about making a sequel story to The Black Knight… should I? Tell me in your reviews, please! Enjoy!

~Chapter Nine~

Galahad and Lancelot glared menacingly at Kay. Sonic pushed Kay away, turning away from the knight in an attempt to conceal his cherry red muzzle. Kay smirked at Sonic, his icy blue irises filled with lust.

Everyone in the dining hall was silent. Ryan poked his head out from behind Sonic.

"Are you gay?" Ryan asked.

Kay glared at Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan," Sonic said before Kay had a chance to say anything, "why don't you go ask one of the cooks to prepare lunch for you." He turned to Kay. "Galahad will show you to the barracks where you will be staying during your time here."

Galahad groaned as he walked over to the green knight.

"Follow me," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact with Kay.

"My lord," Percival said once Galahad and Kay left, "do you want Gawain and I to guard the castle?"

"No," Sonic said, "I have a different job for you two."

"What is it?" Gawain asked.

"I need you two to watch Herald's every move. He cannot, under any circumstances, see you."

"A stealth mission, eh?" Percival muttered, her lavender tail swishing back and forth. "I don't think stealth is Gawain's forte."

"You're stealthy?" Gawain said, chuckling.

"Please," Percival said, placing her hands on her hips. "Cats are known for their stealth." She started walking. "I'd advise that you stay out of my way," she said before disappearing into the hallway.

Gawain looked at Sonic, a 'please, don't do this to me' look on his face.

"You might want to catch up with her," Sonic said, smiling.

"Sonic!" Gawain whined. "I don't want to deal with her!"

"Look," Sonic said, his voice barely above a whisper, "she doesn't think you've got the skills to complete this mission. You have to do this to prove her wrong."

Gawain smirked. "I understand," he said, before turning and leaving the dining hall.

Sonic turned to Lancelot. "Oh no," he said, smiling, "I forgot about you!"

"Please," Lancelot muttered, leaning against the dining table, his arms folded, "you set this up so we would be alone."

"Maybe I did deliberately set this up," Sonic whispered, closing the distance between him and Lancelot, "and maybe I didn't."

Lancelot smirked before pulling Sonic into a warm, yet forceful kiss. After a few minutes, they broke apart.

"I would like to have a free afternoon like you do," Sonic said, "but I have weapons class, then I have a meeting with a few kings from our neighboring lands."

Lancelot frowned. "You're really busy."

"Yeah." Sonic sighed when he noticed the concerned look on Lancelot's face. "You needn't worry about me, though! Go enjoy your afternoon off!"

Lancelot was about to reject, but Sonic had already zoomed out of the hall.

~The Black Knight~

Why? Why do I have to be stuck with this guy? Galahad thought, as he walked beside Kay.

"So, where are the barracks?" Kay asked, as he stretched his arms.

"You'll know when you see it," was all Galahad said.

Galahad sniffed at the air. His eyes widened when he realized what he was smelling. He turned and ran down the street, skidding to a stop in front of a worn, wooden cart. There was a woman behind the cart with dark brown hair and grey eyes.

"Welcome, Sir Galahad!" The woman said, grinning. "I assume you'll have the usual beef stew?"

Galahad quickly nodded, his tail waving back and forth in growing excitement.


Said knight turned to see a young, rosy cheeked girl with long, wavy brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Galihad!" She said, hugging the knight tightly.

"Wow, Elli," Galahad said, picking the child up, "you get bigger and bigger every time I see you!"

"Mister Galihad, you should try the fish sticks. They're Mama's specialty!"

"Elli," Elli's mom said, frowning, "Sir Galahad doesn't have to try anything if he doesn't want to." She finished pouring the stew into a bowl, and handed it to Galahad.

"Thanks," Galahad said, handing the woman some money.

A scream reached Galahad's ears, causing the knight to turn around. Galahad frowned when he saw what was happening further down the street. Sighing, Galahad bid Elli and her mom farewell before marching down the street.

"Let go of me!" a peach colored cat exclaimed, swiping wildly at Kay, her violet irises filled with rage.

"Come on, baby!" Kay replied, smirking. "Stop being so feisty!"

"What is going on here!" Galahad demanded, pulling Kay away from the cat.

The cat glared at Galahad. "If this is how the Knights of the Round Table treat their citizens, then maybe I should live somewhere else!" She whirled around, and marched off, her tail swishing violently behind her.

The rest of the citizens that were watching the event looked at the cat then at Galahad and Kay, whispering.

"My," Galahad said, "you like playing both sides of the fence, don't you?"

Kay shrugged. "I take what I can get. I usually go for girls, but Sonic-"

"It's King Sonic to you," Galahad replied in an icy tone. "It will be King Sonic until he himself tells you to address him otherwise."

Kay sighed, his icy blue eyes filled with lust. "My, what I'd give to get a piece of that ass!"

Galahad's mouth dropped open. Without thinking he roughly pushed Kay. The green knight fell to the ground. Kay looked up at Galahad, pure hatred and anger now showing in his eyes. Before Galahad could react, Kay swung his leg upwards, kicking the bowl of stew out of Galahad's hands. Galahad watched as the bowl flew through the air before landing, all of it's contents spilling onto the ground.

Galahad glared back at Kay. "Oh hell no," he whispered. "You did not just kick my stew out of my hands. The stew that is only available twice a year."

Kay smirked. "And what are you going to do about it, huh?"

Kay yelped in shock when Galahad jumped on top of him, wildly throwing punches and kicks. Some citizens screamed and fled while others stayed to watch the fight.

Galahad stumbled back after Kay delivered a side kick to his stomach, coughing up a little blood. He looked up at Kay as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

Kay beckoned to him. "Come at me, Snowflake!"

Galahad stood up, drawing his sword.

Kay grinned. "Oh, so you want a swordfight, huh?" He drew his sword. "Then it's a swordfight you'll get."

Galahad and Kay launched themselves at each other, pulling their swords back then swinging it back around. The two swords clashed together, creating sparks. The two knights pushed against their swords. It had turned into a battle to prove not only who was a better swordsman, but also a test of strength.

Suddenly, a third sword crashed down on top of Galahad and Kay's swords, pushing both of them down to the ground.

"…Lancelot," Galahad breathed before quickly withdrawing his sword.

Lancelot did the same with his sword. "What is the meaning of this?"

Kay stood upright. "He and I were just having a friendly sword fight." He looked at Galahad. "Isn't that right, Galahad?"

Lancelot looked at Galahad, waiting for him to agree or disagree with Kay.

Should I tell him the truth? Galahad thought. Lancelot would surely believe me if I told him everything Kay said and did. But then I would have Kay on my ass if I tell the truth…


Galahad snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Lancelot.

"Is something wrong?" Lancelot asked, glancing at Kay.

"Kay and I were actually having a fight," Galahad whispered, just loud enough for Lancelot to hear.

Lancelot sighed. "Let's all go back to the castle. It's getting late, and you two have already caused enough of a commotion."

Galahad looked away in apparent resign, but followed Lancelot.

~The Black Knight~

"Look what you've done!"

Oh, Galahad thought, sighing. The pure joy of being yelled at by Herald!"Everyone in the kingdom is now questioning the faithfulness and protection of all the knights thanks to your little 'show!'" Herald continued, his face growing redder with each word out of his mouth. "You both should be banished, or at least lose your title as Knights of the Round Table!"

Kay smirked. "I don't think you're in any position to do any of the things you just mentioned, tubby."

Galahad and even Lancelot tried not to laugh at Kay's snide comment.

Herald looked at Kay, not knowing what to say. "Well, Sonic is going to be here soon, and he'll decide what to do with you two." He glared at Kay. "I hope he banishes you." He turned abruptly and walked out of the room.

"Don't pay any attention to him," Lancelot said. "He likes to act like he's the king and Sonic's his loyal puppet…" Lancelot frowned. Wait a minute…

"I wasn't planning on listening to him," Kay replied. "Who's he supposed to be, anyway?"

"Sonic's financial advisor," Galahad said. "He also tends to Sonic's business affairs. We're in the process of replacing him."

"Good," Kay said, nodding. "The sooner he's gone, the better. All he does is nag and lecture people."

Galahad smiled. He looked at Lancelot. "You okay?"

"Yeah…" Lancelot replied. "Just thinking."

The three grew silent when Sonic entered the room, Gawain and Percival in tow.

"Alright, Sonic said, sighing. "Tell me why you guys were fighting in the middle of town?"

"Well-" Kay began, but stopped when Sonic held up a hand.

"Galahad," Sonic said, "tell me what happened, and not just bits and pieces; the whole story."

Galahad looked at Kay. Kay slowly nodded, before looking at the ground. Galahad sighed before telling Sonic everything: about Kay hitting on the cat, and how the fight originally started. However, Galahad left out the point when Kay made the sexual remark about Sonic.

"And that's the whole story," Galahad said, looking downward to avoid the looks Gawain and Percival were giving him.

Sonic nodded. "Before this, I had no expectation for you, Kay. But now that you've given me something negative to judge you upon, I have no choice."

Kay took a sharp breath, and Galahad couldn't help but feel a bit guilty and bad for what happened.

Sonic sighed. "This is your one and only warning. If you do something like this again, you will lose your privilege as a Knight of the Round Table. Gawain."

"Yes, Sonic?" Gawain said, stepping forward.

"Take Kay to the barracks, and make sure he gets there this time." Sonic waited until Kay and Gawain left the room before looking at Galahad. "A fight over a bowl of stew? You have got to be kidding me."

"That wasn't the only thing!" Galahad exclaimed. "It was mainly what he said before the stew thing!"

Sonic frowned. "What did he say?"

Galahad looked away sheepishly, a small blush appearing on his muzzle.

Percival examined the silver hedgehog. "I think Galahad wants to keep whatever is said in this room," she said quietly.

"Is that true, Galahad?" Sonic asked.

"Well, I just don't want Kay to know I said it," Galahad said.

"What'd he say?" Lancelot asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Why do you want to know?" Sonic asked, smirking at Lancelot.

"If he said something bad, I can go kick his ass… with your permission, of course."

Sonic chuckled before turning his attention back to Galahad. "What did he say?"

"He… he made a sexual comment about you," Galahad mumbled.

An awkward silence filled the room as Sonic, Lancelot, and Percival took in what Galahad just said. Galahad bit his lip. Yeah… this got awkward really fast…

Percival finally broke the tension. "And him saying this… comment angered you?" she whispered. "That's how the fight actually started?"

Galahad nodded.

Sonic cleared his throat. "Well, this changes things, for you, at least. And I can't punish Kay now because he'll know you told me. You've left me in an awkward, yet perplexing position, Galahad…"

"Sorry," Galahad said. He glanced at Lancelot. The ebony knight was glaring at the floor. It was clear that he was very upset. Galahad's glance shifted to Sonic. The young king was looking around the room. When Sonic looked at Lancelot, his expression saddened, like he was hurt.

Why is Lancelot so upset? Galahad thought, frowning. Percival wasn't that upset. And Sonic looked so heartbroken when he noticed how upset Lancelot was… Galahad's eyes widened. Is there… is there something going on between Lancelot and Sonic?

And that's the end of chapter nine! Galahad has finally figured it out! *claps* So, like I said in my other stories, sorry about being gone for so long. I have/am going through a lot. But I'm back… hopefully to stay! ^_^