Yes, another random story idea. And this story … is really random. I don't know where I'm going with it. But I like it and figured I would post it. I'm sure you people can tell what's happening though. It gets pretty obvious where I'm going with this.

Yes, both my newest stories are kinda Benny-centric. I guess when I began these, I was in a Benny mood.

I hope you all like it. Here's the first chapter for you!

"I hate you!" Ethan screamed at Benny as he chunked a random book at the taller boy's head. Benny quickly ducked before opening his mouth to speak. Before he could say anything Ethan continued to yell. "Get out of my house! I never want to see you again!" Benny just stood there, mouth now open in shock.


"Don't call me that!"

"Ethan listen to me!"

"No! I stopped listening after you said … that," Ethan said with so much disgust it made Benny cringe some. "Just … just go." Now Ethan just sounded defeated and worn out. "I'll talk to you later. Just leave." Benny just nodded and walked out of Ethan's room. Ethan watched him leave, tears forming in his eyes.

The next day found Ethan sitting on his front porch, a concerned Sarah sitting next to him. Benny had called Sarah begging for her to go talk to Ethan since he wouldn't talk to him still.

"Ethan, what happened? I've never seen you and Benny fight."

"Sarah… You wouldn't understand what happened."

"Benny called me over here to talk to you. You can tell me what happened."

"Benny told you to come here?" Sarah just nods, noticing how tense Ethan suddenly became. "He- he wants me to tell you what happened…"

"I would assume so, otherwise why would I be here?"

"Sarah…" Ethan looked at her, and she frowned when she saw how broken he looked. His skin was pale, his eyes empty and dead looking.

"Ethan, what happened?"

"Benny… told me something that I wasn't expecting to hear… and I … I yelled at him and chunked a book at him then told him I didn't want to see him ever again."

"What did he tell you?"

"It's not my secret to share. Ask him."

"Well… I can't really help without knowing but I'll try. Um, about what he said, why did you react that way?"

"I, I wasn't expecting it. He just walked into my room and said, "hey E, I need to talk to you," then sat me down on my bed and said … well what he said."

"And then you yelled at him?"

"Yeah. I just … that wasn't how I wanted to respond!"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know! One second everything's okay, then he tells me … that, then I'm saying I hate him and saying I never wanna see him again."

"Ethan," Sarah says, rubbing his tense shoulders softly, "what did Benny say?"

"It's not my place to say."


"No! He's my best friend, if he wanted you to know, he'd tell you!" Ethan said, standing up and glaring at Sarah.

"I thought you hated him?" Sarah said, smirking at the dark haired boy.

"Y-you did that on purpose didn't you?"

"I just wanted you to see that you don't really hate him."

"I don't," Ethan admitted, sitting next to Sarah again.

"Of course you don't. You two may fight and argue, but what couple doesn't?"

"What? We're not a couple!" Sarah just rolled her eyes before talking again.

"Of course not. I was just comparing you two to a couple. I mean, you two ... ya know what, nevermind."

"No! No nevermind. What were you gonna say Sarah?"

"Just that … well, you two do act kinda couple-y. I mean, you two are always together, you know everything about the other…"

"It's called being best friends!"

"You don't see the way you two look at each other. I mean, it wouldn't be a surprise if you two turned out to be … more than friends." Ethan just stared at her, face even paler, eyes wide and mouth open in shock. He just stared at her for about five minutes before she spoke again. "Ethan, are you okay? I'm sorry if what I said bothered you, I was just saying so."

"Sarah," Ethan whispered, sighing as well, " I don't know what you mean, but there is nothing between me and Benny and never will be. And you can go tell him that. Please do not bother me again," he said as he stood up, walking into his house and slamming his front door. Sarah just sat there and shook her head before taking off running in the direction of Benny's house.

"Sarah! What happened?" Benny said, yanking the young vampire into his house.

"Nothing good."

"What do you mean, nothing good? Tell me your whole conversation." Sarah just sighed, but nodded and told him everything Ethan had told her.

"Okay, now that I recapped my conversation with him, I just have to know, what the heck did you say to him?"

"Don't worry about what I said. I need to go talk to him. Now! Bye Sarah, you know the way out!" With that, Benny took off running to Ethan's house. Once he got there he didn't even bother knocking or anything, he just used a teleportation spell he's been practicing and sent himself straight into Ethan's room. Ethan fell off his bed as Benny crashed into the floor. "Ow. Note to self, work on landing skills."

"Benny! How the hell did you get into my room? What are you doing here? HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY ROOM?"

"Ethan, calm down! I teleported. It's one of the few spells I've mastered. I had to talk to you."

"Well teleport out I don't want to talk to you."

"Too bad I'm not leaving until we talk this out."


"No E, just listen to me for once okay. Sarah told me about the conversation you guys had. How you admitted you don't hate me and even called me your best friend. So if I'm really your best friend then you'll listen to me. Please E." Ethan looked into Benny's green eyes and saw the seriousness and pleading they held. Sighing in defeat, he just nodded and sat back down on his bed, leaving room for Benny to sit next to him. Benny smiled and did just that.

"Before you start," Ethan whispered, "Let me just say, next time at least warn me before you suddenly appear in my room and crash into my floor." A small half smile found its way onto his face as he looked at Benny. Benny smiled a big smile at him and nodded.

"I'm glad you think they'll be a next time."

"I wouldn't be surprised if there was."

"Okay, well now that we got the playful banter out of the way, we move onto more serious matters. Your conversation with Sarah."

"Benny, do we really need to talk about this?"

"Yes Ethan we do. Sarah told me what happened. What did you mean when you told her you didn't mean to yell at me?"

"I didn't want to yell at you, or throw that book at you. I really didn't. That was just a reflex thing I think. I don't hate you. I could never hate you. You're my best friend."

"And you're mine. That's why I told you what I did. Are things going to be different between us now? After that?"

"I don't want things to be different. But, after something like that… I don't know. Can you act like there's nothing different?"

"We can try can't we? I mean, this doesn't change our friendship does it?" Ethan just sighs and glances at Benny before shaking his head.

"I don't know Benny. I just need time to process all of this. I'm sorry." Benny nodded sadly and stood up, facing Ethan.

"E, I know what I said bothered you, but I meant every word of it. I can't change that, and even if I could, I wouldn't. I just want you to know that."

"I know Benny. I just … I just need time."

"I understand. Let me know when you're ready to talk about it." Benny waved sadly at Ethan before teleporting out, leaving Ethan alone. Ethan fell back on his bed, sighing dejectedly.

"Benny…" he whispered, closing his eyes.

Well, end of chapter one! Hopefully I'll get the next one up soon enough, once I write it of course.

I hope you all like my new story.
