Whilst reading the "YGO! Millennium World" series, Bakura began to pique my interest, it made me wonder what sort of relationship he would have with Atem in an AE-AU world. After fantasising about it for a long time, I decided to share those delicious thoughts with you all~.

Warning: This fic contains violence, swears, non-con, lemon and debauchery. If you cannot stomach any of these, then I suggest turning back now—this story is NOT for you.

However, for those who like the sadistic, dark and sinisterness of Bakura, the King of Thieves, then I hope you'll enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!



The heavy smell of burning wood and flesh filled the air, it mingled with the sound of unintelligible screams and maniacal laughter. Flames emitting a bright light lashed out with its fiery tongue, consuming all which stood its path, burning everything it was fed.

It increased in width and height.

Panic overwhelmed the residents as they tried escaping, clutching their possessions as if their life depended on it. Some were lucky and others were not. If the greedy flames did not overwhelm them, it did not mean they were fortunate. The raiders were as hungry as the flames they ignited—whether for the riches, for the flesh or for the kills—it mattered not. Such deeds afforded them sport and they savoured it with relish. Merriment could be heard above the screaming of the tortured, it encouraged their leisurely acts of bloodlust and carnality. The assailants were not discriminate; men and women were not spared the barbaric savagery.

Hidden at the far end of the stables, an elderly man was preparing an escape for his loved ones so they may be away from carnage that befell the others. He was giving final instructions to two youths standing before him.

"Ensure you keep Atem safe, Mahado," the master of the house instructed. "If all goes well, I will rendezvous with you at my brother's house. Wait for me there; Lord Akhenaden will treat you well."

"Yes, my Lord," Mahado replied with dutiful determination. "I will protect the young master with my life, I swear upon it."

Akhnamkanon responded to the loyalty shown with a small smile. Mahado's courage was commendable, he knew the boy would do his utmost to safeguard Atem, regardless if it were a direct order or not. The two were very close since they grew up together—they were practically inseparable. It was why he entrusted him with his son.

"I know you will, Mahado," Akhnamkanon said with benevolence, squeezing the slender shoulders affectionately. Then he turned his attention towards the smaller boy. The aged lord looked fondly at his son. Sadness and uncertainty marred those kind eyes as he dedicated the petit face to memory.

Crimson orbs stared woefully back at him, glistening with unshed tears, it compelled Akhnamkanon to envelope the boy in a tight hug. "Ensure you keep safe and listen to Mahado, Atem," he said with gentle sternness. "He will be responsible for your wellbeing until we meet at your uncle's. Be always alert and attentive. The journey may be harsh and perilous but be brave, my son, and make me proud!"

Atem buried his face into the warm chest and nodded his head solemnly; his father's unique scent of spiced incense was comforting to his fraught mind. It calmed him. Steeling his determination and hardening his resolve, the petit youth finally pushed away. A flaming gaze met his father's. "I promise I will not disgrace you in any way, Father," Atem vowed. "Nor will I dishonour the name we bear. I, too, beseech you to take care and I pray we will meet soon."

Eyes rapidly blinked back the tears in an attempt to maintain the bold façade. I will not cry, Atem told himself. Suddenly he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and he smile slightly. Mahado understood his pain; the gesture was his way of comforting him.

The sound of slow approaching footsteps, warned the trio of possible danger and they immediately became alert.

"Atem, Mahado, quickly…you must leave now!" Akhnamkanon's urgent whisper pressed them to make haste.

The lord and father watched fretfully as Mahado hoisted Atem onto on the prized stallion before the climbing on himself, placing his form behind his young master. Taking hold of the reins, the servant bade his lord farewell with a nod of his head and spurred the beast on. Atem twisted his body so he could get one final look at his father; no words were needed to express the grief the younger felt. As the mount sped off, a few stubborn tears escaped from its refuge and scattered like drops of crystal.

"Farewell my precious son, my children," Akhnamkanon whispered mournfully, staring at the departing pair. "May the Gods keep you safe from harm."


Emerging out of the stables, the escapees forced the stallion to speed up. Half of their home had gone up in flames and it was a matter of time before the rest would follow. Suppressing the urge to look back, the two kept their heads facing forward.

It was why they did not see the lone figure in the distance observing their escape.

A smirk broke out on the ringleader's face as lilac eyes looked on with glee; the thrills of the impending chase reverberating through his being, whilst his mount stamped on the ground impatiently.

"I found you," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "Just a little longer, I will allow you your freedom for a little longer."

Waiting patiently, he gave the fugitives a head start before spurring his mount forward. The animal raced off in a full sprint…


The sound of thundering hooves approaching made Atem and Mahado turn their heads around. A distant figure on a black stallion was fast catching up with them.

"Hold on tight, Master Atem," Mahado warned as he dug his heel in to the animal's flank. The beast neighed loudly in protest and sped up. Chancing a glance backwards, the retainer saw the gap between the two, instead of widening, had somehow shortened. Muttering a curse under his breath, Mahado handed the reins to his young master. "Master Atem, please take this whilst I deal with the pursuer."

With a snort, Atem did as he was told, but not without reprimanding his childhood friend first. "How many times do I have to tell you to drop the title when there is no one else around, Mahado?' he chided. "Remember, I am Atem when we are alone!"

A small smile favoured Mahado's face at the reproach. It was so like Atem to do away with such formalities. But then, the two of them had known each other for sixteen years—Mahado had met Atem for the first time when the latter was a baby. The three-year-old toddler fell in love with his young master immediately.

"I think the purser is gaining on us," Atem shouted above the noise of the wind and the pounding of hooves. "I think you may have to summon your guardian to deter him."

Mahado replied with a nod of his head and called for his Magician of illusions. The spirit beast materialised out of thin air and hovered protectively above the fleeing couple. "My Ka," he ordered, "attack the ground in front of the pursuer to stall him." Carefully he watched as his beast sent a ball of energy towards his target. It temporarily lit up the surrounding darkness with its intense light. The attack hit the ground, denting the dried earth with a large hole, but the pursuer managed to steer the horse away from its direct path.

Cursing under his breath, Mahado ordered another attack. And again, it was ineffective. The rider was able to skilfully manoeuvre the animal away from the trap blasted into the ground. With each failed attempt, Mahado become increasingly panicky. Not only was the enemy gaining on them, their steed, being burdened with two passengers, had slowed down considerably. It hindered any effective progress.

Frustration compelled the latter order the next attack on the rider. The desperation in his voice could not disguise the regret in which he felt at taking another's life. He had never killed before, under normal circumstances he would never consider such measures, however, their present predicament forced his hand—for Atem he would not hesitate to stain his conscience or hands with another's life's blood.

Atem knew he was responsible for Mahado's decision and he felt his companion's pain. "I am sorry," he said to Mahado gently, 'but we have no choice." He tried to ease some of the latter's guilt with words of support.

Mahado ordered his move and eagerly watched his magician's attack discharge across the darkened plains, his heart racing as the blast neared its target and impacted on the human, encasing him in a sphere of light. Mahado shielded his eyes against the glare and hoped he had accomplished his task.

He hadn't.

The continuous drumming of hooves from his opponent's horse, told one of him two possibilities: the rider was dead and the horse was galloping without guided direction. If that were the case then perhaps he could capture the beast so they had two horses at their disposal. Or it could well be the rider was still alive and in keen pursuit. Narrowing his eyes, Mahado could see the shape of the rider emerging from the cloud of dust.

It was the latter.

Shit, he thought as he ordered another attack, this time he observed attentively, curious to know how the other managed to fend off the assault.

What he discovered made the hair in the back of neck stand on end.

A large serpent-like creature appeared and blocked the attack with a sweep of his arm, protecting both master and animal. A laugh could be heard from that direction and it forced Atem to steer his gaze from the path in front of him to the one behind. Crimson eyes widened, a gasp expelled from parted lips as he stared in shock.

The rider was looking at him; the heated gaze was focus on him and not at Mahado, his assailant. It disturbed Atem that a teasing smirk tugged playfully on the other's lips, it seemed to mock them for their futile attempts to get away.

Bewildered, Atem could only stare back; he could not tear his eyes away.

"Atem," Mahado called out, "do not be distracted, concentrate on the road ahead and let me take care of this."

Slowly, Atem turned his head away, but not before he saw the lips curl with disdain at the interruption. It sent a chill down his spine, evoking a forbidding sensation that made him afraid for his companion.

"Mahado," he whispered fearfully.

It was the turning point in the confrontation. Little, did the young master know, it was his actions that provoked the enemy to attack. Displeased to have the former's attention diverted away from him, the pursuer ordered his retaliation. It was a blast so powerful the young retainer could not counter it. All he could do was order his Ka to defend, hoping it would protect them whilst he devised a way to defeat his opponent.

Sadly, he wasn't so fortunate. Strong as he was in spirit and determination, he was no match against his seasoned opponent. The attack seared through his spirit's shield like fire through paper.

"NO!" Mahado cried out as his Ka disintegrated on impact with the destructive beam, the result of his defeat caused him to spew blood. Clutching his chest, he swayed unsteadily. With the remainder of his strength depleted, he was unable to maintain his balance on the horse. Emitting an exhausted groan, he toppled off sideways.

"MAHADO!" Atem screamed as he pulled on the reins, the horse reared-up and came to an abrupt halt.

"NO! Atem, run!" the fallen man pleaded, his spent form sprawled on the arid ground. "Get away as fast as you can and don't look back!"

"Please, no, Mahado," Atem remonstrated as he slid off the horse. "I won't leave you behind. I have already lost too much today, I refuse to lose you as well." The youth got on his knees and wrapped the other's arm around his neck. Once he was secured, he tried to get up but Mahado being taller and heavier impeded his efforts. Still he tried, persisting with gritted obstinacy that rivalled a mule, he managed to haul the protesting man on his feet. But the strain of the conflict along with Atem's struggles proved too much for the wounded male and before long Mahado lost consciousness. Dejected, Atem gently laid the latter on the ground and placed his arms protectively around the unmoving form, a cheek resting on the fluttering chest.

Patiently, he waited for his assailant.


Locked in that pose was how Bakura found them. Atem fiercely guarding his companion—his fiery eyes burned with defiance and animosity—challenging him to do his worse. A sneer formed across the scarred face, as pale eyes fastened onto crimson. Without breaking eye contact, the King of Thieves bent down and grabbed the smaller male by the upper arm. Long fingers wound tightly around the slender limb and pulled the youth to his feet.

Atem protested loudly as he was hauled away from Mahado.

"Diabound," he commanded with authority to the beast beside him, ignoring his struggling captive, "finish that off!" A jerk of his chin to the figure on the ground indicated what that was.

"NO!" Atem's horrified voice echoed loudly across the empty plains, he redoubled his efforts to break free as fear and anxiety gripped him. Diabound's serpent tail drew back, poised to lash out. Just at that moment Atem wrenched free and threw himself in harm's way. The attack caught his back, knocking him onto the body he tried to protect. Teetering on the borders of unconsciousness, Atem saw Bakura crouch down beside him. Much to the youth's surprise, a rough hand reached out and touched his face, a thumb rubbed circles on the cheek it held.

Once again, their eyes met.

"Tsk, it seems you are willing to do anything for him, right?" he sneered. "Then breaking you may be easier than I thought! What an interesting turn of events, Princess!"

As he slipped into the welcoming arms of oblivion, Atem was vaguely aware of lips crashing hungrily onto his...



A/N: So there you have it, folks—the project I have been gushing about for a long time~. How did I fare? Did it whet your appetite? Do you want to see more? Thoughts on it would be much appreciated, not to mention encouraging. I hope to hear from as many Caste/Bakura fans as possible.

I haven't decided how often I will update nor the length of chapter I will adopt. Needless to say, your response will determine the time spent on this story as I have my KaiYami commitments elsewhere in the fandom.

Well, here's a preview of what's to come:

Examining Mahado for injuries, Atem began to feel the eyes of another on him, the heaviness of the stare made him direct his gaze back to the figures on the bed. Lilac eyes, belonging to the dominant male, were staring intensely at him. It made Atem shudder involuntarily...

Anyho, thanks for reading~!