Danny: Hey sis can you come pick me and Tucker up and drop us off at Sam's. We're out by the peir.

Jazz: Can't you just fly over.

Danny: Seriously Jazz what if the phone is tapped by the GIW?

Jazz: Fine I'll be over, I'm pumping ass give me a minute.


Jazz: FTW, I meant pumping Gas!


Danny: Did you eat all the Cocoa Crappies when you were over here last night?

Tucker: I might eat Nasty Burger but not Crappies.

Danny: Crispies dammit.

Danny: Just answer the question.


Maddie: Will you turn of the crotch pot when you get home.

Danny: We have a CROTCH pot? WTF?

Maddie: Crock pot. Watch your language.

Danny: It's just acronyms.-_-'


Danny: What do you want to eat tonight?

Sam: I'm thinking Taliban.

Danny: Or you know we could eat Italian.

Sam: You're an ass.


Danny: Where are you? Your mom won't let us in the door for our movie marathon night.

Sam: I went to the skulk and lurk. I had to get some buttsex.

Sam: FUCK! I meant balls.


Sam: Cooks.

Sam: S!

Sam: I sweaty I'm gunneries to KILLBILL my phone.

Danny: Take your time.


Tucker: I got a new pussy.

Danny: Do you think your chances of scoring would be better as a girl.

Danny: I didn't know you got a sex change anything you want to tell me.

Tucker: Shut up, I meant pussy.



Jack: I need your help son I'm getting fisted down here.

Danny: Um…. Good luck you're on your own.

Jack: Seriously come down here.

Jack: Frustrated. Not fisted.

Danny: Well because that makes it all better.

Danny: I'm actually in school right now you know.


Tucker: I'm hungry, what do you have at your house.

Danny: Seamen.

Tucker: Dude. I have that too.

Danny: FTW! Ramen.

Tucker: Ok I'm coming over.

Danny: You would have come over it was just seamen.

Tucker: Shut up you duck.


Sam: What you doing.

Danny: Busy right now.

Sam: Ok… doing what.

Danny: Busy right now.

Sam: Cake.

Danny: Busy right now.

Sam: I want you.

Danny: Ok, where are you?

Sam: You ass!

Danny: Sorry, I just got done, I really sent that just seconds before your text popped up.

(that wasn't really a DYAC just a funny-ish text)

Danny: That race sucked. Remind me again why you dragged me to it?

Jazz: I thought you could outlast me little brother.

Jazz: At least you got a constipation prize.

Danny: I'll be taking my leave now.

Jazz: Consolation.

Jazz: Danny?

Jazz: Danny?


Dash: Dad I think I need a new mistress.

Dash: Matress.

Dash's Dad: We can get both.


Paulina: Our new hoes were just shipped in. We can go pick them up now.

Star: Eww. Gross. I don't need a hoe.

Paulina: Not even a man hoe?

Star: Well…

Paulina: Now that that's settle I meant shoes.

Star: ok.



Phantom: Check it out.

Sam: Sweet!

Tucker: Is that a picture of Danny's pants?

Phantom: Yup, I am officially in Danny's pants.

Danny: He's wearing them I swear.

Sam: Are you sure.

Danny: Yes.

Dash: Why is Phantom is Fenturd's pants.

Danny: This just got a whole lot more akward.

Phantom: You're all just jealous!

Sam: Yes Danny P. Very jealous.

Dash: Of course.

Danny: Now don't get any ideas I don't want anyone else in my pants.

Phantom: Just me?

Danny: Yes!


Tucker: I went to get a snack and this is what I come back to?

Sam: Didn't know you two were like that.

Danny: Shut up that didn't come out right.

Dash: I'm gonna leave now.

Danny: That's probably best.

Danny: Tell Jazz to get the ghost catcher.


Tucker: I had baby black kids for supper. I'm in heaven now.

Danny: You racist cannibal.

Tucker: Shut up I just caught that.

Danny: Did they taste like chicken.

Tucker: I meant baby back ribs.

Danny: Suuurre you did.


Danny: Speed of lightning roar of thunder UNDERDOG!

Tucker: Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound….

Danny: Spider-man, spider-man does whatever a spider can.

Tucker: dun nun nuh na na na na na na dun nun nuh na na na na na BREAT MILK!


Tucker: I meant BATMAN you ass.

Danny: I think this means I win.


Tucker: I hate my cock, it glows all night long and keeps me up and it runs of batteries so it won't turn of when I unplug it.

Sam: TMI!

Tucker: Clock… not cock… that was a fail.

Sam: I'll say.


Maddie: Jack, would you pick up some monkey tray chesse.

Maddie: Monkey tit

Maddie: Mountie

Maddie: This phone is possessed, lets make sure to run it through the ghost catcher when we find it.

Maddie: Monterey cheese.


Tucker: God, Lancer is boneing me to death.

Danny: Dude, I just hope that's supposed to be boring.

Tucker: Shut up.


Tucker: Come on dude, the movie starts in ten minutes.

Danny: I can't find clean panda

Tucker: Dude, you don't need a panda!

Danny: Pants.

Tucker: Phantom has them remember.

Danny: Shut up.


Tucker: I have to buy a new black penis because mine broke on me.

Tucker: PENIS!

Tucker: P E N S!

Danny: I was wondering, I have some black pens you could borrow.

Tucker: Thanks.


Danny: I've been wanting to see that move all week.

Sam: We should go then, go get Tucker.

Danny: Sorry Skulker just showed up outside. Brb.

Sam: Don't get trousers elf killed.

Sam: Yourself.

Sam: I'll meet you at Tucker's.


Danny: What you doing Tuck?

Tucker: Drinking cock. I jizzed all over.

Danny: TMI

Tucker: Coke, and fizzed.

Tucker: I think I'll go die now.


Thanks once again for reading these.

I think they're a little weak, but enjoy.


MM Phantom: Sorry the review wasn't so quick.

ForeverHalfa: Aw, you died?

Codiak: Lol. A little graphic at times but defiantly funny.

VampireFrootloopsRule: LOL. Try not to blow your cover as much then. Lol. Gandalf the Gray from Lord of the Rings. Look it up.

ThePurpleSuperCow: Hey look I didn't call you miss nemesis face. And I shall. And you'll enjoy it. Muwah ha ha ha!

Hellbreaker: LOL. I was thinking about adding the ghosts and others. I played around a little with some of the other characters in this chapter. But IDK about adding the ghosts just yet. Plus I wouldn't know who Lancer would txt.

Seantriana: LOL. I'm confused.

D for Danielle: Yup. It's Tuckers. :D

WeeserGurl88: Glad you enjoyed it so much.

Little Ontario: Glad you liked it. Here's chapter three.

WiltedLily: LOL. I think a lot of people enjoyed that one. And the exploding cock too.