Epilogue - And They All Lived Happily Ever After, or: Ya think?

No one can party like the Ancient Egyptians! Well, the G'K'rankank can. And the L'i'L'. And the inhabitants of Rhyrtyaplwgll Thirty-Seven could, before they all converted and became Followers of the Short ᴁ, which forbids celebrating for fear of their Immortal Souls. And the humans in the 51st century. And don't go calling the Ancient Egyptians 'Ancient', because I promise you, they won't be partying after that, and -

"Oh," Donna gave him a scathing look, "just finish your drink, Spaceman."

The Doctor, looking slightly sheepish, took another sip from his Moonshine-In-A-Small-Boat. He refrained from making a comment afterwards, for fear his voice would make Donna laugh at him even more.

They were partying, though. Ra wasn't just defeated - he was gone, for good. They now realised that. All of it was theirs.

Everyone did their best not to mention the pink elephant in the room, dressed like three pairs of completely identical people and heavily armed.

The Elephants themselves didn't seem too bothered by it all. Both Colonel and General Jack O'Neill seemed a lot more bothered by the fact they failed to secure a Goa'uld mothership - again. Hairy Teal'c was mesmerising Bald Teal'c with stories of a Free Jaffa Nation, of the end of Goa'uld enslavement, of the day the Jaffa will take their places as masters, not as slaves, in the universe. A long haired Carter sat down with a short haired Carter as they discussed the amazing insights this adventure in time had given them about Life, the Universe, and Not Quite Everything But Enough To Get Really Excited About.

And a single Daniel Jackson was joined by the Doctor and Donna as he watched the six of them with a mixture of fondness and extreme confusion.

"Not feeling alone, are you?" the Doctor wondered.

Daniel just laughed. "They're too noisy for that," he pointed out.

"What are you going to do? I mean, they - they don't have to - "

"No," the Doctor reassured Donna. "Personally, I think the universe can benefit from another SG-1 team or two. That's what you're going to do, isn't it?"

Daniel nodded. "We still have the Gateship the alternate SG-1 brought here. I think we're going to see a bit of the universe."

"So you should. Defending the universe. Just - make sure not to kill any Goa'uld you're going to kill later, this might make a mess of the timeline and I really can't be bothered running around after you all the time. Also, don't name anything. Please. Gateship?"

"Don't look at me." Daniel laughed, and went to join the others. It would be a nightmare of a life, but the kind of nightmare he would happily live in.

Once upon a time, when the sun was young and the stories not yet told, the gods walked upon the earth. But there was more than enough space for human beings to walk upon the earth with them, as equals.


"So, that's Ancient Egypt?" Donna asked when they were back in the Tardis.

"Yup. We didn't get to see any pyramids, though - real pyramids, not Goa'uld motherships. Do you want to?"

"Nah. Already seen them once. Go on, show me something new and exciting. More exciting people - if it's possible after the mighty SG-1?"

"Oh," he smiled mischievously, "wait til you see Atlantis!"