First I just need to say, that this story Is based on the movie 'Knocked Up', It's a hilarious movie about to strangers hooking up for one night then she gets preggers.

So, for Courtney to fit as the character In the movie, I had to make her a little more naive, like that she Is not always so bossy and stuff. And second, Duncan Isn't as cocky and perverted as always, maybe sometimes, but he also has to fit a little to the character. If you have seen the movie you know what Im talking about.

That was all I had to say, for now.. Enjoy my new story, hope many of you will like it ^^


Courtney Ridgemount Garcia, was a well done and talented woman. She was twenty two years old, and lived as a guest at her best friend Bridgette and boyfriends house Geoff. Not that they were just dating or anything, they was actually married, but what Courtney couldn't understand was how people could find their love at the young age of twenty and get married with that person, and stay with him for the rest of your life.

Courtney work for the company E! Entertainment Television. And Is a career-minded woman who Is ready to give all up for a successful life In the end.

''And, pause.'' She directed to the camera man, who paused the camera. She was standing writing on a note pad, with her brown shoulder length hair up In a pony tail, with headphones on and a mic on the side. She now raised her head to see who was calling her name.

''Yeah?'' She answered, looking at the man that was about to Interview a local celebrity.

''I did not get my coffee minutes ago when I asked for It In the first place, and will you please tell that famous girl to get going with the make-up already, I don't have all day, I have other programs to tend to you know.'' The man fussed, not carrying about what other told or said to him. He had jet black hair and kind of a beard. His name was Chris, and he was unbelievably popular among TV shows, almost everyone wanted him to be their host.

Just smile, Courtney. She told her self as she was about to blow up. Be nice, and It will be over soon, just don't spill the beans and get fired for inappropriate behavior. She then put on a fake smile, before walking over to the food stand.

''Chris,'' She started as she gave him his black coffee In a plastic cup, ''You just need to know that when you are Interviewing her, you are not allowed to ask her about her new boob job, and all of her plastic surgeries she just got.'' He frowned at this, laughing a bit.

''Okay? Then what am I supposed to talk about, how her Chiuaua likes her new pink purse, and how good It feels to sit In It all day, I think the viewers would like to hear that.'' He sarcastically said, trying to make a point.

''What no, just look at the text screen, and I'll write what you'r going to say, okay? Just don't mess up, It can cost the company loads.'' She pleaded, with him 'whatevering' her walking over to the couch to sit down again.

About 10minutes later.

''And we're on In, 5, 4, 3, 2, and..1..'' Courtney said, before the camera went on and she made a go sign to Chris who was sitting In the couch with the famous celebrity Lindsay Hilton.

''Hey, Im Chris MaClean, and welcome back to channel show E!.'' He Introduced, with Courtney standing over the man who was writing on the screen for what Chris was about to say.

''So,'' He started looking over at the screen. ''I've heard something good has been happening In your life, hasn't It Lindsay?'' Then looked back at her, waiting for an answer.

''Well, duh. Yesterday I like got a boyfriend.'' She said, fixing her hair a bit, trying to look hot.

''Wow, really. What's his name.'' Chris asked, not sounding Interested. Then Courtney told the man to write 'be more engaged' so that It would appear on the screen. Chris saw this, but didn't bother to care.

''Oh gad, honestly I don't remember.'' She said, looking dumbfounded.

After a few minutes of that stupidness, Chris decided to have fun with the situation.

''So, Lindsay Hilton.'' He started, ''How Is your new life going.''

''What do you mean by that?'' She asked, looking at him.

''Well, you know, the new investments.'' He smirked, oh no, Courtney thought as she looked through her papers, ''this Is not In the script.'' She then took on the microphone that was on her headset, and led over to Chris's ear.

''Do not, I repeat, do not! Ask her any of those question!'' She whispered Into the mic, looking over at him to se a response. They were on the air, there was no time for fails. He then put his hand on his ear, took the earplug out and threw It casually away.

''Oh my gad, Vinny, you have to turn this of and to advertising, before he does any mistakes.'' She told one of the camera men, he nodded and got her message. There was suddenly a ringing noise that meant that It was break time with the filming.

''Hey, what was that for?'' Chris asked, looking offended.

''That, was for you not to ask any questions than was shown on the screen, that I specifically told you to do!'' She had her hands up In the air now, almost yelling at him.

She then heard someone behind her, call her name. ''Courtney, the boss wants to see you.'' Evelyn said, god, she Is the most untrusted mean woman who wants your life to be like hell. She did It once and she Is not going to do It again, Courtney thought as she saw her.

''Oh, why?'' Courtney answered, looking kind of nervous, what If she was about to loose her job.

''Ehm, just go.'' She said, trying to put on a smile, but didn't bother to Instead.

''Thanks,'' She said as she passed her, on her way to the office, ''Evelyn.'' She said with a special tease In her voice that made her flip. While Courtney smiled satisfied walking over to the boss's office. Courtney knew Evelyn hated her name, that was one of the many reasons she said that to her often to get her pissed off.

Exactly 10min after talking to the boss, a satisfied Courtney walked out of the office with a huge grin on her face, calling her best friend and roomate Bridgette to tell her the news.

''You got promoted?'' Bridgette asked shocked, squealing afterwords.

''Yeah! Can you believe It, like here I thought I was going to get fired, then I got promoted!'' Courtney squealed back Into the phone.

''Well, this have to be celebrated.'' Bridgette exclaimed, she now heard Courtney groan on the other side of the line, ''Bridge, do you mind If we don't do that, you know me.''

''That's why Im doing It Court,'' her best friend told her, ''you need to loosen up more, get out, you know what Im saying?''

''Yeah, Im not deaf Bridgette.'' Courtney said, sarcastically. ''I still don't want to go out though.''

Bridgette then sighed, ''just for one hour, okay? I promise we'll leave after that, just come out with me and do something fun, like hello, you just got a higher place on your working spot.''

Courtney didn't really want to waist a night on just doing nonsense, but she really needed to celebrate her new promotion, and It was the only way to please Bridgette by saying 'yes' and just go out and have fun for one night.

''Okay…'' She finally sighed Into the phone, then suddenly heard Bridgette gasp, ''what did you just say?''

''I said, okay, I'll go out with you, but just for, one, night though, so you better not expect me to do this with you every weekend.'' This made Bridgette laugh, she never was the one to party or even be among a lot of people.

After an hour they both were dressed In their 'girls night out' outfits. Bridgette was wearing a short black dress that had only one strap on the right side of the shoulder. Courtney In fact just had a white tank top and jeans on, she didn't care to dress up tonight.

''Tonight Is going to be the best celebration ever.'' Bridgette exclaimed, while they was sitting In the car on the high road, making their way to the most popular club In town, with Bridgette driving.

''Yeah…'' Courtney said, with a smile but did not exactly agree with her Idea of partying hard.

They were now parked at the club, and they went over to the security guard showing their ID's. He looked at them then at us, nodding as a sign for us to go In.

When they were Inside the place, they saw that It was filled up with lots of people dancing and having a fun time, there was loud music and a flashing lights. They then found a table to sit down on.

''Can you go get the drinks, Court?'' Bridgette asked, with Courtney sighing ''fine.''

She walked up to the bar and saw a lot of people standing In front of It not getting their drinks, cause the bartender showed off to a girl he thought was hot.

''Hey, she's not that Important man, now get us the drinks.'' Courtney suddenly heard from a person standing right by her side. She turned to see who It was. It was a boy, he looked like he was around her age. He had jet black hair, with amazingly baby blue eyes. He was wearing a red shirt and black jeans. Okay, even If she didn't care for boys at that time, and thought that they were Incomplete jerks, she actually found this guy.. Hot..

''It's so stupid, that he makes us wait.'' Courtney suddenly said, facing the guy.

''I know right, he looks like such a jerk.'' He said back, smirking at her. ''So, what's a fine looking lady like you doing hearer all by yourself?''

''Oh, Im not alone my friend Is right over there.'' She told him, pointing In Bridgette's direction.

''Nice.'' He said, turning around to the bar again to see that the man was still fooling around, he then went over the counter with his hands, and took two beers with him leaving the money on the counter.

''Wow, that was Incredibly fast, I guess I'll have to stand here waiting all night long now.'' She said, with a smile, joking about It.

''Not exactly, just take these.'' He told, giving her the two drinks. Courtney just looked shocked at him, ''Seriously?'' She asked, not knowing what to do.

''Yeah, It's fine. I'll just wait a few more minutes, no big deal.'' He gave her the drinks, earning a smile from her, with her gladly taking them.

She was about to walk away, but then turned around to still see that he was looking at her, ''my name Is Courtney, by the way.'' She told, then turned around again to walk, but got stopped by a pair of hands cupping her waist, with him leaning In whispering In her ear, ''Im Duncan.'' Which made her shiver.

He then let her go, turning back to the bar. She then walked away, not turning her back.

''So, who was that guy you were talking with, It seemed like you guys were really close.'' Bridgette teased, as Courtney sat down beside her, setting the drinks down on the table.

''He was nobody..'' She said, starting to smile ''he just offered me these drinks, cause the bartender was an ass, and let everybody wait on him.'' This made a smile appear on Bridgette's face.

''Well, well, well. Who Is the one loosing up now, huh?'' Courtney just turned away form her to look Into the crowd, not wanting Bridgette to know that It was exactly what she did, she was finally letting go of her ego self, and let her fun side step In.


This my friends, Is my attempt on making a story based on a movie, I've never done It before, and I hope that now for the first time It can be a good story.

What did you think of my first chapter, I'd be so happy If you reviewed and told me what you thought of It, then I can see my wrongs and good sides :)

I really get encouraged by reading what you think of how I write, and what you think of the plot.

If I have support, It really makes me want to continue with the story ^^