A/N: A big thank you to all that has reviewed, PMed, Alerted and Favourite this story! This chapter are for you! Hope you enjoy it! Till next Time! ;)

A couple of people asked me who Andy is. Anthony's nickname is Andy. Also some have enquired if he is dating Mary, and like I had written, she made it all up. And Anthony being one of her best friends, agreed to play the part for the fun of it. Hope that answers some questions for you all! On with the story! ;)

For Daydreamer221, who emailed me yesterday and asked me why I haven't updated this story in a while. It's because I have been stuck with the story for a while and the other stories I have updated have been prewritten ages ago and just needed pruning and picking a little and just wasn't quite ready as I wanted them to be. So here is an update. ;-)

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING

Summary: Mary and Joey lived completely different lives, so they broke up. Years later Joey is back at her door step, rehashing the love they still have for each other. How can they reunite, when life has only gotten more complicated? Will they fall back into their old patterns or will someone give a little bit more, sacrificing the one true thing they love more than the other?

Such Impossibilities

Chapter Five: So you really don't mind?"

Andy's POV

I felt bad for the poor guy. What Mary was doing to him wasn't fair at all. I know that she still loves him, but she was keeping me around just so she could hide behind me and pretend she didn't feel anything for the guy.

The guy deserved to know the truth that I wasn't really with Mary. But was it my place to tell him otherwise? Mary was my best friend, and I knew I had to have her back, but she deserved to have her happy ever after right? She says that she isn't in love with him any more, but I knew better!

I know my real boyfriend Terrence would find the whole thing hilarious. He loved Mary too bits as well. Terrence would say for me to check him out and see if he is the real deal or not.

How bad can it be? I'm sure there wouldn't be any harm done asking him a couple of questions and sussing him out a little, play Mary's macho-man boyfriend right? This is going to be fun!

I walked towards Joey Parker, waiting for him to be alone before I would make my presence known to him.

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Joey Parker POV

I loved watching Mary interact with her friends and co-workers; you could see the genuine respect and love they all had for each other. It was something that I hoped to achieve one day soon. To be surrounded by real friends who didn't want a single thing from me.

"Stunning isn't she?" a voice asked me from behind, and I turned my head to face the man that had my love's affections. I put my best show face on, and gave him a nice smile.

I didn't know exactly know how to answer his questions, so I settled for nodding my head.

"Enjoying the party?" he asked me, settling himself comfortably on the chair next to me, sizing each other up like men in battle.

"Yes I am" I said to him with such honesty, I really loved seeing this fluid and relaxed Mary.

"Great to hear Joey, I can see that you are fitting in really well with everyone. I was really expecting an arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed famous person, who demanded everything in a precise way" he admitted to me, and I nodded my head in validation that it was a common mistake people seemed to have of him.

"I'm not like most famous people you will tend to me"

"I can see that by how much you have contributed so far, and how well you have adapted to our fine abode"

"Everyone has been so great" I stated to him.

"It is a very good faculty, Mrs Mackenzie has made sure of this; the best teachers stolen from many different schools, colleges, and performances." he said with a chuckle.

"Totally going out of the ball park with this, and I know it's none of my business, but I just need to know" Andy looked at me curiously, waiting for me to continue.

"Do you love her?"

Andy looked at away from me, and I knew I had made him angry. Standing up in defeat, I knew I had lost my Mary forever.

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Mary's POV

At the corners of my eyes, I watched Andy walk towards Joey Parker, and wondered what he was going to do, also trying to keep in conversation with everyone.

"I know you are watching them" Macy whispered to me softly, knowing that I wouldn't want anyone to know.

"Psshh… No, I'm catching up with everyone"

"You're acting skills are actually believable you know that right?"

"What did he tell you?"

"Hrmm not interested huh?" she smirked at me with amusement, and I mock glared her.

"Oh come on Mary. It'll be alright, just break down those walls you have put up against him a little"

"I can't Mace. Not again. It hurts too much"

"I know honey, but if you don't…" she didn't finish her sentence because she knew I already knew what she meant.

'You will let him get away…' I thought silently, and she got up and kissed me on the cheek.

"Joey Parker, do you think he is dating anyone?" Regina Walters asked me curiously, looking up and realising that Macy and I had been watching Joey and Andy the whole time we had been talking.

"I'm not sure. You'll have to ask him that yourself"

"You did date him didn't you? The rumours are true?" I didn't say anything before she spoke again.

"So you wouldn't mind me asking him out to dinner then?" she eyed me carefully, as I sipped on my drink.

"Of course not Regie, Joey and I were over a long time ago. He is free to date whoever and whomever he wants"

"Well that's good to hear!" she smiled at me, pleased by my words.

But did I really feel this way? Could I really let him go after having him back in my life again after all these years?

We watched as Joey stood up and began to walk away.

"Well here's my chance" Regie said with excitement, and hugging me real quick before storming off after him, a woman with a mission.

"So you really don't mind?" someone asked me softly, and I shut my eyes tightky, trying to control my now unnatural breathing.

Damn her!