Say When

Introduction and Author's Notes: JamesLuver has a lovely series of Robert/Cora drabbles that have inspired me to write my own. I have foolishly undertaken 100 prompts, and I'm giving them each 100 words.

They are all Robert/Cora, because some part of me thinks that canon 'ships are less likely to be painful. We all know what a laugh that truly is, and I'm not looking at Jane when I say that at all.

But these two. They fascinate me. The drabbles in this "series" are as loosely timed as the series itself. They start far pre-canon, not long after the marriage. How and where they end up remains to be seen.

I forsee ratings in the T zone, but I can't promise we won't venture into M sometimes. People, they still share a room. I cannot even.