(I'm so sorry, but I really have no idea where this story is going. I'll make the time to think and write up the chapter, I promise, but I'm so busy so it might take a little while longer. But it'll be up some time soon, with Winter Break coming up I'll have enough time.)

A/N This honestly has nothing to do with the story, but I'm saying it. Pray for the families and children and victims of the Newton School Massacre. 20 children were lost and 7 adults, including the shooter. That's 20 kids who will never be able to grow up, never be able to go to prom or college, never be able to drive a car, never be able to get married and start their own family. And all of those kids were between the ages of 5 and 10. My sisters are 5 and 10, and after hearing about this happening in a small town I can't tell you how much this has affected me alone. It has affected people all over the country, and most especially the families of those children. It's only 11 days to Christmas, and none of those children will be able to celebrate.

According to one of the teachers the children were saying, "I just want Christmas…I don't want to die. I just want to have Christmas." These children just wanted to live, they had no chance to outrun the gunner or get out of the school. I don't know how any human being would be able to look into the eyes of a child and shoot them, knowing they won't survive.

I've checked out facebook, almost no one cares about what happened to these innocent children. Right now Tumblr's being more supportive. Our society is so horrible, their are massacres and shoot outs every fucking day. People are dying overseas, people are killing themselves, and other are killing innocent school children.

Please pray for those children that lost their lives today. I will be and so will my friends. There are dozens of parents out there right now crying over their lost children. Think of how it would be if you had lost your own child, or niece, or nephew, or sister/brother. Please pray for these families and victims, they need them right now.