PkMn Spe characters trying to survive in high school - old concept, yes, but it has been swimming around in my mind for some time now...

Disclaimer: Vic does not own PkMn. If only she did.

Warning: AU, lots of pairing, possible OOC. Sorry!

"What's that?"

"Essay on the legacy of Klemen Von Metterich," Yellow replied, not taking her eyes off the paper.

"Geez, do you have to do it now?" Blue exclaimed.

"Yes. Otherwise Professor Dragyn will kill me."

"Man, I'm glad I didn't choose to take History. Hey, does anyone around here actually take a break? We're supposed to be having breakfast!"

"I need to get this work done before Saturday," Green said. "I promised I'd go to the excavation site."

"Oh, right. The teacher's pet. Do you guys ever do anything apart from homework?"

"Homework is merely a responsibility and commitment required of anyone who goes to school. Some abide by this, some don't," a dark-haired, dark-eyed teen replied. "Hey Silver, it was the Triple Alliance formed in 1882. The Triple Entente was 1907."

"Dang. I keep getting them mixed up."

Blue glanced at the younger redhead – whom she always thought of as her younger brother – seated at the adjacent table, and sighed. So everyone was doing their homework. Except her and Shadow.

"What are you – oh, hi, Red!"

Blue waved her friend over while basking in inward relief. Finally, someone to talk too. (Shadow, being fairly intelligent and more than just insane, didn't count.)

"Hi, Blue. Have you seen Gold or Crys?" Red asked as he set down his breakfast tray and slipped into his usual spot at their table.


"They fought." Shadow informed them. "And my best bet is that both are avoiding us because they think the other has come over to join us for breakfast."

"What, again?"

"Big one, this time," Shadow rubbed her temples in frustration and sleepiness. "My dear roommate was up until the small hours screaming into her phone. I swear, I'd have shoved a sock into her mouth had I not had both stuffed into my ears."

"Wait a sec, you have only one pair of socks?" Blue tried hard to stifle a giggle.

Shadow scowled. "With a mother like mine, you'd be lucky to even have socks."

"But this is serious," Green remarked, glancing up from his paperwork. "Those two fight all the time. Are you sure they can maintain a decent relationship like that?"

Both Red and Blue frowned as Shadow muttered something along the lines of "it worked for my parents". Finally, Red spoke, "You're right. It isn't. Dysfunctional even, perhaps. But what can we do?"

"Therapy?" Blue suggested.

"That would be psychologically impossible," Shadow interjected. "They wouldn't want anyone to interfere, let alone tell them that their relationship isn't working."

"How do you know?"

"First, I'm a Psychology student. Second, I tried. Which was stupid of me."

Blue smiled. "Well, of course it wouldn't work if you just said it aloud. Professional counselors would know how to handle it."

"And how are we going to get them to see one?"

"Well – " Blue paused momentarily " – we could always try it ourselves."

"You mad?" Shadow gasped as she choked on her toast.

"I bet you couldn't," Red said.

"Bet accepted," Blue replied. "What are the stakes?"

"Hang on – " Red began, about to explain that 'I bet' was merely a figure of speech, but then realised that Blue wouldn't buy that. And what were the odds of impressing her if he chickened out…

"Okay, fine," he conceded. "Let's say, fifty bucks?"

"Fifty!" Blue exclaimed. "That's too – alright, fine then. If that's what you want." She immediately produced a crisp fifty dollar bill and slapped down on the table. "There!"

Green raised an eyebrow at Red. "You don't have fifty dollars."

"Ah, can I borrow fifty from you?"

Green sighed. One always wonders why one's best friend just has to use one as an ATM.

"Hold on. Green," Blue said, "can you keep our money for the while? That way when the bet's over you can give the money straight to the winner."

"Okay." Green heaved another sigh.

"Good," Blue said. "Thanks."

"Yeah, thanks, buddy."

Shadow grabbed her tray, stood up and turned to leave. "Well, good luck with your bet, crazy people. And you'd better try to explain whatever you're trying to do to them," she added, slightly maliciously, gesturing at the two furious figures entering the cafeteria.

"Is that the time? I'm gonna be late for English," Red announced, deciding that it was a good time to leave. "You coming, Green?"

"Hang on – " Blue began.

"Hey, I don't want to be in trouble with Mr. Wake. Never cross a teacher whose favourite pastime is wrestling."

The two boys exited swiftly before Blue even had time to protest. Leaving her facing Gold and Crys. And the fact that both Yellow and Silver, the only other friends of hers left in the cafeteria, were completely engrossed with their essays, really didn't help.

"On second thoughts," she said, thinking aloud, "I'm not going to be late for English. Facing Miss Waterflower under normal circumstances is scary enough. Come on, Yellow. Let's go." She tugged at the younger girl's sleeve.

"Now? But I – oh, I get it," the blonde said quickly and gathered up all the pieces of paper.

"Where the heck is everyone else?" Gold demanded to know as he approached the near-deserted (bar one redhead) table.

"No idea," Silver replied. "I've absolutely no idea."

A/N: The teachers here are based on Gym Leaders/Elite Four/Champions with subjects assigned to them based on their specialty type. The two mentioned here may just turn up some time later on...

FYI: Klemen Von Metternich (1773-1859) was an Austrian diplomat acclaimed for promoting peace. The Triple Alliance (Germany/Austria-Hungary/Italy) and the Triple Entente (Britain/France/Russia) are seen as one of the main reasons for WWI.