Hey guys just wanted to let you know that their will be some smut in this chapter. Not very well written smut, but you guys get the point right?

i'll try and have the next chapter out soon! 3

Ino walked down the hallway, avoiding the looks people gave her. Once she reached her locker, she waited until the other students had all disappeared expect for the dark eyed boy walking her away. She opened the locker to check her make-up before the boy slammed it shut.

"What do you have for me Yamanaka?" His voice was cold, but she was unfazed by it.

"You know Sasuke, I do all of your fucking dirty work and I get nothing in return." She leaned against the locker and admired her sharp black painted nails. "Why is that?" She asked, grazing her nails softly across his cheek.
"I let you live, that's what you get in return." He slapped her hand away. "NOW, what do you have to tell me?"

"Fine, they're trying to find my parents." She said with a roll of her eyes. "They think those fuckers can help, well they're dead wrong."

"What exactly do you mean?"

"My parents are hunters; I had no idea until I read little miss pinkies mind." Ino pushed herself off the locker and snaked her hand to the back of Sasuke's neck. "Kiss me,"


"Just fucking kiss me, someone's coming this way." She pulled his head into the kiss and placed his hands on her hip. Sasuke pushed her body against the locker and kept one eye open when he heard the footsteps getting closer. He waited until the person was no longer around them before closing his eyes and giving Ino a deeper kiss. It wasn't until he felt the blonde's hand on his chest he realized that he was actually kissing her. "Whoa there big boy," Ino pushed him away with the hand that was on his chest. "You were really getting into that, huh?" He mumbled under his breath before placing himself next to the Ino. "I've been told I'm a great kisser." She teased him with a laugh.

"Meet me here after the next class." Ino watched him leave with a grin on her lips.

"Of course, only so he can hear about all the drama that's about to go down."


Sakura couldn't stop staring at the empty seat next to her, without the bubbly blonde there everything was so dead. She let out a sigh before resting her head on her arms. All of this was to hard to take in, just the other day everything seemed somewhat normal.

She felt Hinata's hand lightly tap her legs, she turned her head to look at the girl but her eyes weren't on her but something behind her.

"Hey Forehead, is this seat taken?" Sakura quickly sat up and stared at the long haired girl.

"It's not for you," Sakura hissed out. Her jade eyes widened after the realization of who else was in the classroom, Itachi.

"Oh? Because I think this was my seat before, right?" Ino said with a cross of her arms. She looked around the class and saw everyone looking at her. "What? You people make it seem like I've come back from the dead." She laughed before seating down.

"I-Ino?" Hinata's voice shook. "You look really different." She said but her words didn't go through to the girl.

"Hinata's fucking talking to you." Sakura spit out under her breath.

"I'm sorry Hina, maybe you could speak up next time?" She gave them a fake smile and it made Sakura's blood boil.

"Don't worry about her Hinata." The girl nodded her head slowly before going back to her work. But Sakura kept her eyes on Ino, she watched as the girl reached across the desk to pat Itachi on the back.

"Hey Itachi love," Ino said sweetly. The raven haired man turned around with a very annoyed expression on his face. "What's with that face Itachi?" She said with a pout of her lips. "I just wanted to say hi to you." Itachi's onyx eyes looked towards Sakura, he wanted her help. Sakura knew how Itachi was feeling, if only she had gotten the chance to tell him sooner.

"Leave him alone Ino, can't you see he doesn't want to talk to you?"

"Hey, where's Hidan? I could always use a good fucking from him again." Sakura's eyes widen.

"INO!" She yelled at her.

"What? I need one, and it's not like he's going to do it anytime soon." The way she just spit out those words made Sakura want to vomit. "So, tell him to call me later, okay?" Itachi turned back without saying a word.

Sakura stared at his back wondering how he was feeling about this, about Ino. She let out a deep sigh and her eyes looked back at the blonde.

"Leave me alone!" Ino screamed but her words were no help. "Someone help me." She cried, trying to fight her metal cell. The bars around her were closing in leaving her no room for an escape.

"Why must you always fight this?" She looked up at the girl standing before her. It was herself but it wasn't. "You know you like being this way, admit it."

"Get out of my body." She scream and hit the metal bars.

"Really, what is that going to help?" Ino couldn't believe this, she was fighting with herself, actually fighting with herself. "Did you like my little show just know? Or how about when Sasuke and us were kissing? I bet that got you wet as fu-"

"Will you fucking shut up?" And she did. "Let me out of here! Now!" Ino stood up in her cage, her arms reached out and grabbed the girl from her collar and slammed her body against the bars. "You are not me, you will never be and all those people out there no it. They don't fucking like you, they never will because you kill me."

"Stop saying that."

"Why? Because it's true?"She dug her nails into Ino's hand that was gripping her shirt tightly. Ino felt her whole body jolt at the pain. She was herself, she knew all of her own weakness. "You hurt me because it's true. You are me, I am you; I know all your weakness."

Ino's body twitched, waking her from her little nap at the desk. She looked around the room and her heart fluttered when she saw Itachi's back in front of her. Her hand reached out to touch his shoulder but a hand quickly stopped her.

"Don't you ever listen," Sakura's eyes pierced through Ino's heart. "Wait, Ino?" The pinkette's face soften when her jade eyes met Ino's bright ones. "Is that really you?" She whispered trying to hold back the happiness in her tone.

"I need to talk to Itachi, Sakura." Ino told her but the bell rang muting most of her words but she knew by the look on Sakura's face that she heard her.

Ino quickly exited the classroom, tracing down Itachi before she was gone again. But he had just left class where could he have gone in just a few seconds. She turned a corner and bumped into the one boy she didn't want to see.

"What's the rush Ino?" He asked her with a smirk on his lips. Ino had to play along with him or who knows what would happen.

"I just wanted to see you," She coughed back a laugh.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Sasuke grasped her upper arm and drug her outside and towards the football stadium.

"Nothing happened, totally not what I was expecting to happen."

"You can't underestimate my brother, you of all people should know that Yamanaka." She sighed mentally.

"Why are you taking me over here Sasuke?" She asked with a bitter tone.

Sasuke's pace sped up and he threw Ino's body against the concession stand. Ino let out a small yelp, it didn't hurt her it had surprised her. Her body slid down the wall but Sasuke quickly jolted her up.

"Getting a little frisky now, huh?" Ino surprised herself with what she had just said.

"Shut up." Sasuke ordered her before he planted a long deep kiss on her lips.

Ino panicked, what was she to do? She stilled had to act like the other one but did that really mean do this with Sasuke?

His hand slid up the back of her shirt and unhooked her bra with on hand. She let out a moan when his lips traced down her neck and sucked on it. His hand then traced from her back to her breast, rubbing and squeezing them receiving more moans from the blonde.

The other part of her took over when her hands gripped the back of Sasuke's hair. She was in no control of her body, she felt everything, knew what was happening and she had no way to stop this.

"You want this, that's why are aren't fighting me." The voice echoed in her head. "That's why I

am going to help you, you cant just pretend he's Itachi." The thought of Ino kissing Itachi again made her body turn out. She couldn't even stop her own thoughts anymore. This wasn't what she wanted, but there was no stopping this from happening, because she still needed to act like the other one.

"S-Sasuke," She moaned his name when his hand gripped her neck. His gripped tightened a bit and he pushed her body back against the building once more.

"Fuck, those fucking moans." He hissed in her ear, his hot breath sent a chill down her spine. "I want to hear you scream mine fucking name."

"You have to make me first baby," Sasuke went in for another kiss and manged to rip off Ino's shirt.

"My brother was right, you are a whore." She felt a sharp pain in her heart after hearing those words.

"Just think about Itachi," The voice spoke again and flashes of Itachi in front of her instead of Sasuke appeared in front of her. Her body shook with excitement, the feel of Itachi's hands roaming her body sent a tingle through out her.

Ino broke apart their kiss to pull of his t-shirt and unbutton his pants and then slipped her hands down them. Her eyes never left Itachi's face, his grunts and heavy breaths, the way his face crinkled with pleasure from her doing made her hot.

"I told you, you wanted this." Itachi jerked her closer to him to get a deeper kiss from her.

"S-Sasuke," She moaned out unknowingly. "I want you to fuck me,"

Ino's moan for him to fuck her made his body twitch and the way her soft hand moved on him made him hard. Sasuke wanted her now and there, there was nothing stopping him.

He unbuttoned her jeans while she wiggled her hips to loosen them. He flipped her over, taking her ass into his pelvis. She teased him, rubbing against him with a lustful look in her sharp blue eyes.

"Fuck," He cursed under his breath finally letting his body take control.

He slid of her underwear and his pants down, slamming himself into her letting out a grunt when he felt her the warmth of her inner walls around him. Sasuke grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled it, jerking her head up.

"Hey, watch it or you'll break my fucking neck." Ino hissed playing herself away from Sasuke. "You do realize how rude it is to be thinking of someone else while you'll fucking me?" It was ironic of her to say that while she had Ino thinking it was Itachi.

"Why should it matter? All you care about is the fuck right?" Sasuke slammed her against the wall by her neck. He spread apart her legs and rubbed is thigh.

A memory came to thought, when she was camping with Itachi and what had happened to her. Those men kidnapped her, drugged her and took their turn while she was blacked out.

"Get off of me," Ino pushed Sasuke away and let out a relived breath for finally gaining control of her body again.

"I was wondering when you were finally going to stop me," Sasuke said wiping away the blood on his mouth when Ino punched him. He had forgotten how strong she was going to be. "Tell me, what changed your mind? The fact I was picturing fucking your best friend? Or was it something else?"

"You're a sick fucking boy Sasuke Uchiha." Ino growled, grabbing her scattered clothes before storming away.

"You'll learn to love me Ino, all in due time." It was the last thing she heard him say before she passed out when she reached the sunlight.