Drabble Dabbles by Sugarquills007

One shot fluff, humour, romance and more on our favourite ship; Dramione. read and enjoy their little encounters and banters!


"Draco, I'm scared." Hermione Granger clung onto her boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, for dear life as they entered a haunted house.

Hogwarts had its ways of celebrating Halloween.

This year, it was Dumbledore's draw to choose a prop. A haunted house seemed fitting and so this is where both Hermione and Draco found themselves as they entered a dusty old room.

The blonde smirked as his witch tightened her grip on him. "Don't worry I'll protect you." He said somewhat courageously.

After minutes of silent searching, the blonde wizard found himself walking into a spider web whilst consulting his girlfriend away with her worries.

"Oh my fucking god! GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!"

Haven't updated this for quite a while and this little drabble appeared in my mind! I haven't left 50 DOS - I'll be updating, very soon, so don't give up on me yet! Anyhoo - over on this chapter, lend a quick review on your thoughts of this chapter! You know they're my drug!
