"Disclaimer: 1) a renunciation of any claim to or connection with; 2) a disavowal; 3) a statement made to save one's own ass" ~Kevin Smith, Dogma

In other words, we all know we don't anything TVD, we all wish we did...down to every last snarky comment (insert eye-thing and sexy smirk here)

A/N; Twisted Switch is back... I know, I know... it's been way too long between updates, so I just want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone still reading, and especially reviewing! Won't bore or insult you with excuses, simply said, "Life got in the way." (Sister Hazel song)

Consolation? Besides this being a pretty long chapter (have I won you back yet?) I do have almost all of chapter 11 written... plus, chapters 12, 13 and 14 are already mapped out, and even titled, with a bunch of scenes already done :)

Btw; if you're an author leaving a review, mention your story (or if you're a reader obsessed with one) I love new leads on stories to read. I've just read some of JWAB's (they...are...AWE...SOME) and I'm loving "Insanity is Beautiful"

Check out my Fav page :)

Now, mini-recap time! (or... previously on the vampire diaries' fan fiction Twisted Switch)

Bonnie has a dream about Klaus; Is she close to figuring out where the coffins are hidden?

Damon brings Elena burgers and beer; Ah...Georgia.

Elena 'attacks' Damon; Do you think he should have given in? Why is he really holding back?

After Damon walks in on Stefan and Katherine and their 'cryptic little conversation', he fights with Stefan over the coffins; Stefan's switch is definitely fried, but does he want more than revenge?

Katherine's body (well, Elena's body) responds to being close to Damon; How confusing do you think that was for Damon?

Damon finds Stefan journaling (his switch really is fried)...but after some flirting and a confrontation, Katherine leaves angry and crying; Is anyone feeling sorry for her yet?

Elena has a dream; How long will it take her to remember Damon's compulsion?

Katherine walked by Stefan, and aggressively pushed passed Damon. They both watched as she stormed out of the room. Damon heard the sound of Stefan's quiet, deadpanned voice over his shoulder. "It would be too much to ask you to stay out of things, wouldn't it?"

Damon didn't even turn around. "Yes, it would."

Happy Reading :)

Twisted Switch

Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? ~L.M. Montgomery

Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... open its jaws and howl. ~Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Chapter Ten: A New Day, A New Dawn

Elena couldn't stop all the new sensations pulsing through her body. Standing in sunlight that wasn't warm, she wrapped her arms around herself. Elena hugged Damon's shirt closer to her skin.

Before crawling back into bed the night before, she had found another one of Damon's shirts hanging on a hook in the bathroom. She had pulled off his black tee shirt, and opted for the button down silk shirt. This one...Damon had already worn.

When did she start wanting that? Wanting him? In any other situation it would've felt like heaven, but every time Elena thought about her new desires another unsettling feeling crept up on her. She pushed it out of her mind, thought back to Damon, and smiled. Although, her smile didn't last.

There was something nagging her, something else pulling at her. Residual feelings from somewhere still lurked. It was something unresolved, something right under the surface...even though Elena couldn't place it.

Elena felt hollow and numb, yet filled with all these strange emotions that kept wanting to swirl together. It was like nothing and everything all at once. Like all the things she felt were now attached to one another. She couldn't separate her anticipation from her guilt. Her lust was linked with her rage. She felt hope laced with spite, and her contentment was drowning in self-reproach.

Every thought that entered her mind was translated to her body. Elena couldn't seem to separate what she was feeling in her head, from what she was feeling throughout her body. It was like her skin was a still quiet lake, but right underneath the surface there was a rippling river.

Even though she heard the footsteps and heard the door open, then close, she didn't turn around right away. She knew it was him. She knew it was Damon, and couldn't help but smile to herself.

When he didn't speak, she turned around to see Damon staring at her with an open jaw. He had a dazzled look on his face, and was holding a coffee mug in each hand.

The sight in front of him took him back. She was wearing his shirt...a different shirt...even though he had brought her a bag of goodies. Albeit nearly half the bag was full of lacy things out of his fantasies, Damon was sure he had packed her some suitable sleep wear. He tried to shake it off, and not to read to much into it.

"Brought you coffee," he said crossing the room towards her. He smirked, "It helps keep everything flowing all warm and toasty-like." Damon held out the coffee for her to take. "It's black. That ok?" Elena nodded her head and reached for the mug, but he pulled it away before she could take it. "I can make breakfast too...if you come downstairs."

She went for the cup of coffee again. "I'm not hungry."

"Mm-hm, sure," Damon mumbled as he narrowed his eyes, but let Elena have the mug anyway.

Damon was right. The heat felt nice. She took another another sip and let the hot liquid slide down her throat. Elena hadn't realized that she had her eyes closed, until she opened them and found Damon looking at her with an odd smile on his face. She gave him a half smile. "Thanks."

"How is it?"

"Tastes the same."


"Your smells better though." Elena narrowed her eyes. "Why does it smell so good?"

Damon got a sheepish look, but just held out his cup for her to take. "Here." He took hers, and slowly backed up to sit on the bed in front of her.

Elena gripped Damon's coffee with both hands and took a sip, then a big gulp. It tasted just as good as it smelled. Elena lowered the cup and looked up at him with an almost horrified, yet satisfied, look on her face. "Blood," was all she said.

"I put it in my coffee when I need a boost. Yesterday was..."

She looked at him with a guilty expression and interjected, "Horrible."

"Just a little draining."

Elena handed him back his cup, but Damon pushed it back to her. "You drink that one." He tried to let his smile be warming, but worry got the better of him.

She came over to sit next to Damon on the bed. Elena wasn't exactly sure when she became so comfortable with Damon, but here she was in her classic shortie sleep shorts and nothing else but his shirt. Truth be told, she was a bit embarrassed when Damon caught her in it, but the expression on his face had erased all of that.

"Damon, this blood..." Elena trailed off, as he glanced over at her with an uncomfortable look on his face. "It's not...human...is it?"

He sounded like he had done something wrong, "No."

"Damon?" Elena felt, and sounded, a little anxious by the way Damon was acting.

"It's pig's blood," he whispered.

Elena could help but let a little laugh escape as she gasped, "Pig's blood?"

Damon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well...unlike human blood, you don't have to steal it. You can just buy it at the butchers." Elena was biting her lip to keep her laugh stifled, but her breasts were starting to heave. Damon couldn't keep his eyes off them, even though he was a bit annoyed. He sighed, "Look, it's a nice pick me up in the morning, ok?"

"You drink animal blood." She was now laughing.

"I drink human blood!" He snapped like he was offended.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone your dirty little secret." All he did was supply her with a fake laugh and rolled his eyes again. Elena just smiled.

They sat quietly for a few moments before Damon asked, "Did you ever get in touch with Bonnie last night?"

"Yes." She eyed him up suspiciously. "You and her seem to be getting along."

"Diplomacy." Elena started to give him a little smile. He glared at her, and continued. "Don't get you're hopes up. We still don't like each other. She still doesn't forgive me, because I'm still not sorry."

"Keep telling yourself that," she whispered and patted his knee.

Ignoring her, Damon got off the bed and took a long drink of coffee as he walked towards his bathroom. "Bath or shower?"

"Huh?" She said a bit startled and, if Elena had to admit, anxiously. Whether it was for excitement or fear, she didn't know. "You mean for me?"

"Of course for you."

"What about you? What are you...where are you...?"

"Elena, it's a boarding house. I think I can find an extra bathroom." He looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. "Unless."

"Unless what?" There was a little too much nervous energy in her voice.

Damon smiled at the crack in her voice. He was enjoying the emotion he was able to pull out of her. "Unless you're ready to vacate my room. Get your mind out of the gutter." She looked at him almost with surprise, then glared. Damon smirked, laughing to himself. "How about a bath?"

"That actually sounds perfect."

Elena sat on the bed watching him pull out towels, adjust the water, and add what looked like some kind of bath salt. As much as his over protective nature aggravated her some time, Elena had to admit having Damon dote on her was nice. She couldn't help but feel that he liked taking care of people. That was another thing they had in common, deep down, they both wanted to feel needed.

He came out of the bathroom. "It's a little hot, but by the time I get more coffee...it should be just right."

"Thank you," she smiled. Elena scooted to the end of the bed.

"No problem," Damon said as he nonchalantly smirked.

Elena let her smile drop. "No, really...thank you." She was so serious and so sincere. She hoped her eyes were portraying just how grateful she was feeling towards him.

Damon didn't answer right away, he just looked at her for a minute. Morning hair, another one of his shirts loosely draped over her perfect body, and those big brown eyes pouring into his. He let a genuine smile escape his lips, then softly said, "Your welcome."

They were simple words, but she liked how they sounded. Damon brought his hand up to cradle the side of Elena's face. She brought her hand up to his, and closed her eyes. Lost in a perfect moment...but after a minute she opened them again.

Damon had an unreadable expression on his face. He let his eyes drop, along with his hand. "I'll be right back with coffee, ok?"

Elena gave him a weak smile and nodded. She watched him walk out, then she let herself fall back onto the bed, a huge sigh escaping from her.


Damon came bounding into the kitchen with the two empty coffee mugs, and found Katherine sitting on the counter. She was in her black robe, legs crossed, and bouncy her foot merrily. He froze with a look of defeat.

"Good morning, Damon," she said brightly. It was unnerving how much she sounded like Elena in that moment. Katherine reminded him of how sunny she was 145 years ago.

"What? No more water works?" He scoffed as he made his way to the coffee pot next to her.

Katherine glared at him. "Actually," she started to speak in a much more Katherine tone. She uncrossed her legs, letting them dangle. Damon thought he felt her foot brush his knee, but ignored it. "I found my human switch."

Damon tore his eyes away from the coffee he was pouring to scowl at her. "Humans can't just turn it all off. They don't have switches."

She set her mug down next to her, and used both hands to move herself off the counter so she could stand in front of him. "Silly Damon," Katherine said brushing her fingertips lightly against his cheek. He scowled harder and winced. "Of course they can. It's just a thousand times harder to find." Katherine laughed at his reaction to her. "But, I do have 500 years practice of keeping my emotions at bay." She gave him one more sickeningly sweet smile that was classic Katherine before turning to leave. "Being human might be harder, but it's doable."

When Katherine finally left the kitchen, he was relieved. Mostly because Elena's scent was still lingering on Katherine's body. Damon rolled his eyes, let out a huge sigh, and made his way to the fridge for his secret stash of special blood. He had just set it on the counter when he heard a suspicious commotion from his bedroom. Without listening further, he used his vamp speed to get him upstairs.


It hadn't been very long when there was a soft tap at the door. Elena was back at the window, still in Damon's shirt. "That was fast." She turned around in time to see a smile drop from Stefan's face.

For a split second of a moment, before his smile dropped, Elena almost forgot where they were and the situation they were in. It was almost like being transported back to a time when Stefan was hers, and he was Elena's beacon of rescue. But as fast as this thought flashed into her mind, it was ripped out by the sneer that crossed his lips. "Nice shirt."

"Stefan." She had lost some of her anger, and had regained some of her usual concern. Elena sounded more like herself, and in the back of his mind, Stefan saw that hope he was desperately clinging to. Although, he couldn't seem to push it forward and show her.

He had spent all night re-reading some of his old journals. In particular, the ones he was writing in when he first met Elena. Stefan had also listened all night to see if Damon would go back into Elena's room. He had only briefly fallen asleep in the early morning hours. After all that, he had woken up a little bit delusional.

Stefan noticed that she was definitely a lot calmer than the night before, and for some reason this made him angry. "So, whatever Damon did must have done the trick."

Elena did not like the way he said that. She was feeling a bit bad for him, and was moving towards the middle of the room. Elena could sense his bitterness. She felt her anger start to escalate a bit. "Stefan, nothing..."

She was speaking slowly, so he fiercely cut her off. "I know nothing happened." Stefan inched closer to her. When he spoke, his voice was low and raspy. "I would have heard you. I don't remember you being the quiet type."

A loud crack echoed in Stefan's ears as Elena brought her hand across his face. A little smile crossed his face, like she had just tenderly caressed it. This only infuriated Elena further. "You're one to talk! You've been with her!"

"Elena, nothing happened." Suddenly Stefan was sincere and reassuring, just the way he used to be. Elena was taken back, but her anger never wavered. She began to pace.

"You left with her, Stefan! All this time..."

"Elena, it didn't mean anything."

She stopped dead in her tracks. Stefan used the opportunity to grip both her arms in a comforting movement. Elena just looked him cold in the eyes. "Well which is it Stefan? Did nothing happen, or it didn't mean anything?"

Stefan loosened his grip, and let his arms drop. "Elena, it's not what you think."

"Was it her all along? I mean, when exactly did you decide you were over her anyway? What changed for you?"

"Elena, it's us! It's always been us."

"Don't say that! You don't get to say that!"

"Aren't you the one who wanted me to feel something? Anything? You wanted me to break through. You wanted me to come back to you. Well I'm back. I'm here now." He was confusing her, using her own words against her.

"Stop it." She was timidly whispering, but he was ignoring her.

Through Stefan's entire depraved confession, he had been trying to get closer to her and she had been backing away. Now Elena felt her back against the wall, and Stefan's strong hands back on her, roughly grasping her upper arms. His face was so familiar, but his voice was demanding and sounded dangerously desperate.

"I know there's something left between us. We're not over. Look at you. You can't argue that."

"Stop saying that!" She tried to push his hands off her arms, but he only gripped them tighter.

Stefan's body remained tense and reckless, but with each syllable passing through his lips his words became more vulnerable and his eyes softer. "Elena...I need you."

With those words Elena felt a low rumble of emotion deep inside her. It did not make her heart melt, it only outraged her. "What do you need me for when you have your revenge?" She spat out.

Sensing her fury, all of Stefan's softness disappeared, and his sneer from earlier was back. He suddenly let go of her arms and slammed both of his hands on the wall in back of Elena, effectively caging her in.

When he spoke his tone was more harsh, and even more demanding. Things were quickly getting out of control. "Elena, you know it's me and you! It always has been! It always will be!" He moved his hands to her shoulders, pushing her back against the wall. "Stop denying it!"

This time Elena didn't back down. She struggled against him. "Get off me."


"Get off me Stefan!"

A cocky smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. He leaned in and whispered closely in her ear. "I said no!"

Instead of shuttering from fear, or from excitement, she just calmly smiled. "You know, you're forgetting one thing."

"Oh, yeah?" He pulled away from her neck to look her in the eyes. "What's that?"

Elena leaned a little closer. "This is Katherine's body." His eyes grew wide as she pushed him off her and flung him across the room. "I'm stronger," she said watching him fly into the opposite bedroom wall.

Their eyes stayed locked on each other. Even when they heard Damon's voice yell. "What the hell is going on?"


Damon stood a few feet inside the room, trying to comprehend what was going on in front of him. The second he had opened the door, he had seen Elena up against the wall with Stefan's hands on her shoulders. Damon saw her leaning into him, then watched as she flew him across the room. The previous night's events were flying through his mind, with one difference.

He couldn't place it, but there was something hanging in the air between them. He watched Stefan break Elena's stare, and look towards him. Damon felt his heart drop when Elena didn't take her eyes off Stefan.

"Damon," he said getting up off the floor, "She's out of control."

With that, Elena lost it. She didn't speak, but started to cross the room to Stefan with a fiery craze in her eyes. Damon quickly stepped in front of her.

"Stay out of this Damon!" Elena yelled, trying to push past him.

"Elena, look at me!" She finally looked him in the eyes. "What the hell happened in here?"

Damon heard Stefan's voice next to him. "That's really none of your business." He moved away from Elena to stand in front of his brother. Both wearing cocky grins, they stood their ground.

"Get out!" Their faces fell as they whipped their heads towards Elena to see which one of them she was talking about. "Both of you!" Elena stormed into the bathroom. Stefan was the first to leave the room. Damon lingered for only a moment before following his brother in utter shock.


Bonnie was standing at Elena's front door, getting ready to knock. Inside she heard Alaric's voice call to Jeremy to hurry up. Hearing his name, Jeremy's name, only sent more fearful tendrils of growing nerves up her unsteady legs. No matter what she did, Bonnie couldn't shake her guilty conscience.

When she finally brought her knuckles against the door, Alaric answered holding a cup of coffee and wearing a haggard expression. His surprise quickly faded to confusion as he began to speak. "Bonnie. I though Elena..." His voice turned to worry as he trailed off.

She was so nervous that she just blurted out, "We have to talk." Bonnie instantly regretted it when she saw his panic start to set in. Even quicker, she spoke, "No, no she's not...she's..." Bonnie trailed off, grappling with the word okay. "Elena's safe."

Alaric's anxiety seemed to ease up, but he still had a worried look firmly in place. "What happened? Where is she?"

"Ric, she's fine. She's with Damon."

He just frowned. "I'm not really sure how being with Damon makes her fine."

Bonnie frowned back at him. Since Alaric was obviously not officially inviting her in, she stepped inside. "He's handling things."

"Is this about the spell?" Bonnie's frown deepened, and Alaric's confusion returned. "Did you find a locator spell to find Stefan?"

"About that," she said, closing the door behind her, "We don't really need it anymore."


Alaric opened his mouth for the second time in less than a minute, willing words to come out, but he had nothing left to say. Bonnie's overwhelming anxiety had disappeared a bit at the confused shock that had seemed to consume her teacher and ex-boyfriend. Now, she just sat at their kitchen table with them, an odd look gracing her face. The conversation that just happened kept replaying in Bonnie's mind. It was the only thing that kept her from breaking the silence hanging in the air.

Standing in the hallway, she had asked where Jeremy was. Alaric told her he was upstairs, and implored her to tell him what was going on. All Bonnie said was, "Please, Ric...where's Jeremy? I don't really want to have to tell this twice."

She didn't know, but Jeremy had been listening at the top of the stairs. He was secretly hoping that Bonnie had come to tell them that Damon had listened to him and taken his sister far, far away. He came downstairs when he heard his name.

As soon as she saw him, the anguish in her body grew. What if he hated her for this? She still couldn't get over what he did, but she was realizing how much she still wanted to be with him.

Bonnie had waited for Alaric to pour her a cup of coffee before sitting down at the kitchen table.

Jeremy had been leaning against the island when she started to explain exactly what happened. When he saw how upset she looked, Jeremy came to sit at the head of the table, between her and Alaric.

She had ended with, "I am so, so sorry."

Bonnie couldn't help but feel a little impatient as Alaric closed his mouth again. Jeremy and Alaric seemed to be daring each other to talk first after the very long silence. Bonnie was relieved when Alaric opened his mouth and actually spoke without closing it again.

He gave Jeremy a sideways glance and said, "We better get going. We'll all be late." He turned to Bonnie. "I'm going to tell the school that Elena is sick and we're not sure what it is."

Bonnie nodded, but Jeremy just looked at him bewildered. His voice was annoyed when he spoke. "We're not actually going to school? Are we?"

"Of course we are." Alaric knew it was a stupid question, but he asked it anyway. "Where else would we go?"

"To go see Elena!"

Alaric looked at Jeremy, then to Bonnie. She furrowed her brows and placed her hand on Jeremy's arm. "Jeremy, I think Elena's just a little overwhelmed. She's just not really ready to see anyone right now."

"But she can see Damon?" he pulled his arm away, and stood up from the table.

Alaric's gaze once again left Jeremy to look at Bonnie. "Jeremy's right. Maybe Elena should just come home."

"But Damon can protect her." She protested.

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "She's in Katherine's body. How much more protection does she need?"

Bonnie shot him a look of determination, and confidently said, "Staying at the boarding house is best for Elena right now." She turned to look at Alaric, "If Klaus finds out about all this, who knows what he'll do. Until Stefan gives Klaus those coffins, Elena's in danger."

"Elena's always in danger." Jeremy said under his breath.

Bonnie was narrowing her eyes at Jeremy, but her stare was stolen by Alaric when he quietly asked, "Damon told you, didn't he?"

Jeremy looked between their intense gaze. "Told her what?"

"What Damon is so afraid of. Bonnie, what did he tell you?"

Bonnie's look intensified. "It's really not worth repeating."


"What about the coffins?"

Yeah...the coffins.

She heard Damon trail off. Bonnie assumed his mind was wandering to Stefan and Katherine. Then she remembered what he had told her before she left the boarding house, and she knew his mind was on Klaus and Elena. It doesn't matter how bruised or broken she is, inside or out. "Do you think Stefan will tell you where they are?" After more than a couple seconds of silence, Damon finally answered.

No. But no matter what, I'm going to get it out of him.


I don't know. Bonnie heard him sigh on the other end. I'm not sure what's going on in his head, but I will find out why he took them...and where they are.

"Why he took them?" Bonnie repeated his words in a confused tone. "He said he wanted revenge."

I don't buy it, especially since Katherine's involved. They're up to something.

"Damon, please don't get drawn into her craziness. Elena needs you."

I don't plan to. He cut her off roughly, then continued in a somber tone that Bonnie had never heard before. Don't worry. Elena is always the first thing on my mind.

Bonnie felt herself smile. It was strange to actually hear Damon say those words...to her. She didn't let herself get too distracted before she spoke again. "What do you think Klaus will do if he finds out?"

We can't let that happen!

"We won't."

Bonnie, he's using me to get to Stefan. Damon spoke slowly and carefully. And he knows the best way to get though to me...

"Is Elena." Bonnie finished his sentence plainly. Damon was silent on the other end, so Bonnie repeated her last question. "What do you think he'd do?"

Klaus took revenge on Katherine by killing her whole family, and let's not forget his admiration for a certain ripper vampire's tricks. Who knows what he'd do. Klaus won't kill Elena though. He knows that he'll never get those coffins back if he does. But... He never did finish his thought.

"Damon, when you said Klaus would destroy her...leave her broken...did you mean he would," Bonnie had to take a deep breath before continuing, but she couldn't choke out the words. Before she could say anything else, Damon quickly got off the phone.


Alaric had left Bonnie and Jeremy on the porch. They had waited until his car was pulling away before they had started fighting. "Jeremy, I told you, she doesn't want to see you." Jeremy looked hurt by her comment, so Bonnie tried to soften her voice. "That's not what I meant. She just...she doesn't really want you to see her the way she is."

"Well, I don't really care! I want to see her."


He softened his voice to match hers. "Bonnie, she's my sister. She's one of the only things I have left." He looked longingly at her, and she was starting to forget the way Jeremy had hurt her.

"You know that's not true."

"It is," he whispered. With his confession, Jeremy had been inching closer to her. He looked her deep in the eyes, then abruptly stumbled back. Bonnie knitted her eyebrows in confusion.

Jeremy had his back to her, running both his hands through his hair. She heard him take a deep breath in, then let out an angry puff. Bonnie jumped when he unexpectedly kicked the side of the house. All her anxiety rushed back into her with the sound of Jeremy's foot coming in contact with the white siding. She was sure he hated her for what she did.

"Jeremy, I want you to know that I really didn't mean for any of this to happen." He still had his back to her. Bonnie's voice became a bit more desperate. "I am so sorry. Jeremy, please..."

She tugged on his arm, and he whipped around and roughly grabbed her face. Bonnie's shock held her still long enough for Jeremy to crash his lips into hers. It only took a moment for Bonnie to realize that he was actually kissing her.

He was only able to kiss her for a moment before Bonnie was able to react. She turned her face to the side, and forcefully pushed him away. Jeremy stumbled back, with an utterly lost look on his face. "Jeremy! What the hell?" She gasped, looking at him with confusion. Bonnie sounded mad, but the look on her face was bittersweet.

"Bonnie, I'm sorry." He closed the distance her abrasive shove had created. "I just miss you...so much it hurts." She looked more confused. He took her hands in his and held them to his chest. "Do you think we can ever fix this? Fix us?"

Jeremy looked so heartbroken. She lightly tried to pull her hands away, but he gasped them tighter, looking deeper into her eyes. "I don't know. Jeremy, what you did was..." She paused trying to find words that would explain how he had hurt her, but couldn't, so she mistakenly settled for one word. "It was wrong."

As soon as the syllables left her mouth, she felt him let go of her hands. Jeremy backed away with a tight lipped smirk. It was eerie how much he was resembling a certain raven haired vampire in that moment.

"Wrong?" He repeated in a low husky voice, followed by a humorless chuckle. "I forgot who I was talking to." He was obviously hurt, but he couldn't help but sound angry and cold. "You never make any mistakes, do you?"

"Jeremy..." Bonnie was just now seeing exactly just how much their break up had been effecting him. In that moment, all she could do was say his name in the same empathetic voice she had used only moments ago, but Jeremy now seemed immune to her soft whisper.

"You know, I just figured out why you and Elena are such good friends."

Bonnie hated his tone. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Jeremy was trying to hurt her. He had put himself out there and now he was being rejected. "Your self-comforting, convoluted righteousness." The more he seemed to talk, the more detached he seemed to become.

"Excuse me?" Bonnie was getting irritated.

He didn't want to say these things, but he just couldn't stop. "What's it like to look down on all us deviants from your pedal stool?"

Any trace of empathy she had been feeling was now replaced with indignation. Before Bonnie could respond, a car pulled up in front of the house. Their heads turned, and their eyes watched Tyler get out of it.

"Hey, man." Tyler greeted them warmly before seeing the looks on their faces. "Hi Bonnie." He quickly noticed the tension in the air. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" he asked cautiously.

Jeremy looked at Bonnie, then back at Tyler. "Nothing important."

Bonnie glared at Jeremy sideways before before turning back to the hybrid standing on the sidewalk in front of them. "Tyler, what are you doing here?"

"Klaus wanted me to come by and see Elena."

"Klaus?" Bonnie's face filled with fear.

Jeremy joined her emotion. "What?"

Tyler let out a deep sigh, as he climbed the porch steps, stopping on the top one. "Don't worry, he doesn't want me to do anything. He only wanted me to check on her."

"Elena doesn't need you to check on her." Bonnie seemed to be deflecting the anger she was feeling toward Jeremy to Tyler.

"Look, I'm not here to stalk Elena. With Stefan gone, Klaus just wants me to keep an eye on her."

Bonnie narrowed her eyes in disbelief. "Tyler, do you hear yourself? This is Klaus we're talking about?"

"You sound like Caroline." Tyler spat out, starting to now glare back at Bonnie.

Jeremy made a noise to interrupt the witch-hybrid staring match taking place in front of him. "She's sick. She's not going to school today," he sighed.

"Well, can I see her?"

"No." Bonnie snapped.

Tyler began to speak in a much calmer tone, but still sounded exasperated. "Jeremy, can I please just see her?"

Bonnie grabbed Jeremy's arm. "Jeremy, don't invite him in." Tyler flinched at her response.

Jeremy looked at her with almost a heartbreaking look that she couldn't really understand. Bonnie let go of his arm. He turned back to Tyler and frowned. "Sorry, man. It's probably not a good idea."

"Yeah, alright. Look, Klaus just wants his coffins back. Find Stefan, and get him to give him back the coffins." He started to back down the stairs. "Do you need a ride to school, Jer?" Jeremy looked back at Bonnie, she was giving him pleading eyes. Tyler narrowed his eyes, remembering that he had interrupted something. "Or are you two..." he trailed off.

Jeremy felt awful. He knew Tyler couldn't control his devotion to Klaus, but he was starting to see that he really wasn't able to trust him. "Yeah...Bonnie's driving me."

Tyler smiled. He looked back and forth between them. "Good for you two." He turned to leave, but not before adding, "I really am sorry about all this."

Bonnie and Jeremy stared after him until he had gotten in his car, and he had driven away. They shared one last fiery glare before Bonnie left Jeremy on the porch, got in her car, and pulled away.


"Ah, Tyler...come on in. What do you think of the new house?"

"Yeah, it's nice." Tyler mumbled to Klaus. His brows were narrow, and his jaw was clenched.

"Did you see the lovely Elena?"

He let out a sigh, and shook his head. "No. They said she was staying home from school. They wouldn't let me see her."

Klaus just laughed. "Of course she is."

Tyler was starting to feel even more uncomfortable than he already was. "Yeah. Well, I have to get to school."

"Wait. Before you go, I want to introduce you to my new right hand man." Klaus threw his arm over Tyler's shoulder. "Now, don't be jealous. You're still my first and favorite, but you do have what we call...a conflict of interest...in the situation." Tyler walked with Klaus until they found an extremely muscular guy with extremely short hair talking to some construction workers. He had a strong jaw line and dark brown eyes. "Rider." Klaus called his name, and he looked up. "This is Tyler."

The new hybrid approached and shook his hand firmly. "Hey. Nice to meet ya."

"You too." Tyler said with less enthusiasm.

Klaus put a hand on each of their shoulders, and started walking them both towards the door. "Now," he started in an almost fatherly tone, "Why don't you spend some time together? I'd really like the two of you to get to know one another. Tyler, why don't let you Rider tag along with you to school. You can show him the ropes...the who's who, if you will."

Tyler was obviously less than thrilled, but just nodded as his new friend followed him out the door.


"Where is she?"

Jeremy had barged through the door of the boarding house and was now standing in the middle of the large living room. The familiar vampire brothers were sitting at opposite sides of the room, while his sister's rented body was sitting on the arm of one of the couches. They all wore gaped expressions and raised eyebrows. None of them answered.

He didn't bother to ask again. When Jeremy didn't see Elena, he immediately started to walk toward the stairs. Stefan and Damon both yelled, "Wait." They frowned at each other. Stefan got up and jetted in front of Jeremy, effectively blocking his path.

"Stay out of my way, Stefan!"

"I don't think that's a good idea. She's not exactly stable right now. Besides, she doesn't want you seeing her this way."

Jeremy glared at him. He could tell that Stefan was trying to sound like a big brother the way he used to, but Jeremy was in no mood. "I don't care. I want to see her."

Damon slowly started to cross the room. "Jeremy, Stefan's right. She..." He began to explain, but Jeremy cut him off.

"Damon, I want to see my sister." His tone started out loud and demanding, but then changed. He looked pleadingly at the vampire in love with his sister. "Please?"

Stefan looked at his brother who had seemed to go quiet. "Don't do it, Damon," Stefan warned.

"Shut up, Stefan." And although Jeremy knew it was probably out of spite, Damon started to lead him upstairs to where Elena must have been hiding.


Before they went in, Damon paused, leaning his hand on the door knob. "Maybe you can convince her to come out of there. I don't think I can bare to see anymore food being eaten on my very nice, very expensive sheets." Jeremy just gave him an odd sideways look. Damon shrugged in response, then dramatically said, "Alright, here we go."

He opened the door and, at first, they saw no Elena. They peered around, both with a little anxiety. Almost as if they were bracing themselves for something to jump out at them. She must have heard the door open, because she immediately poked her head out of the bathroom. For some reason, they both wanted to recoil a bit.

Elena's eyes grew wide. "Jeremy, what are you doing here?" She glanced at Damon, who wasn't looking her in the eyes. She felt her heart drop a bit. "You shouldn't be here." She said sadly. Her eyes kept darting between him and Damon.

He slowly walked towards her. "Yes, I should," he said firmly.

"I'm going to leave you two alone." Damon had his hand on the door. He turned around to leave, when he heard his name.

"Damon?" It was Jeremy. Damon gave him a tight half smile and a nod. Then closed the door, leaving the siblings alone.

He turned back to Elena. "Are you ok?"

"I don't want you to see me like this...and I don't want to hurt you."

"Elena, do you remember the first day of school last year? You came storming into the boys room...killing my buzz. I think we've seen each other at our worst, don't you?"

She nodded and started to tear up. Jeremy came over to her, wrapped Elena up in his arms, and gave her a huge hug. She sobbed into him. "Jeremy, I'm glad your here." He just hugged her tighter. After that they didn't say much, and Jeremy didn't stay too long, just long enough to make Elena feel worlds better.

Elena tried to convince him to go to school, and Jeremy tried to convince her to leave the room...but neither happened. He finally left when she heard his stomach rumble. Elena made him go to the kitchen for some food. Before he left, Elena added, "Would you do me a favor?"

He tilted his head to the side. "Sure. Anything."

"Tell Damon I'm sorry."

Jeremy narrowed his eyes in confusion, but agreed. Down the hallway, Damon was smiling to himself. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help but listen.


When Jeremy made his way down the hallway, he almost tripped on Damon who was sitting on the top step. "Jeez!"

"Sorry. I guess I kind of blend in around here."

"What old and tacky?"

Damon actually laughed at the kid's wit. He never really noticed how clever he was. "Ok, Mr Tee Shirt. I mean, do you even own a shirt with buttons?"

Jeremy let out a dry little chuckle. "You're giving me fashion advice?"

"Chicks happen to dig me," he said with a bit of swagger.

Jeremy glared, giving him a look that reminded him weirdly of Elena. "Chicks dig the Johnny Cash look?"

Damon provided a fake laugh when he had run out of comebacks. Brat had beaten him at his own game. He couldn't help but be a little proud. "So how pissed is your sister that you ditched school to come check on her?"

"Actually, she didn't really seem to care." They started to walk down the stairs together. "Guess she has a lot on her mind, what with being a vampire and all." His tone was icy, but stung like acid.

Damon stopped on the stairs. Jeremy was a few steps bellow him, when he stopped and looked back at Damon. He had a deep frown line in the middle of his forehead. "Jeremy, I tried to stop her." He was surprised at how sincere Damon sounded. He really didn't want Jeremy to be mad at him.

"Yeah, I know." He climbed the few stairs to stand next to Damon. "Elena told me it was all her idea." Jeremy cracked a half-smile. "Look, we both know when Elena gets an idea into her head, no one's gonna talk her out of it."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Got that right," he said under his breath. "So, is she still stuck on being shut up in there like a freaky little recluse?"

"Sorry. Your sheets are gonna have to take one for the team." Jeremy was giving him a weirdly stern look, almost like he was trying to intimidate Damon, or rile him up. "Guess she just really likes your room."

"Easy there," he groaned. "And cool it with the subtext."

Jeremy seemed pleased with himself that he was able to get under Damon's skin. He laughed. "It is a nice room."

"Yeah, yeah," he muttered as he followed Jeremy down the stairs.


"What do you mean you don't have a sire bond? How?" Tyler had almost served off the road when Rider told him his free will was intact.

"I don't have a sire bond, because Klaus didn't force me. I came to him. I was somewhere out in Oregon when I heard the rumor of a hybrid army from some of the wolves."

"And what? You just said, 'hey, that's for me?'"

"Pretty much."

Rider seemed nice enough, although he only gave short, vague answers. All Tyler had really learned from him was that he had been stationed overseas in the military. When he made his first kill, it activated his curse.

He wouldn't say which branch, or where he was sent. Rider told him that his first sergeant knew what he was and helped him to cover it up for awhile. However, after almost six months, he had went AWOL. He was dishonorably discharged soon after.

Tyler was still floored. "Unbelievable."

"Look, I'm not a bad guy...and I'm not crazy. I just wanted to be part of something. Klaus is part of something bigger." Just then, they pulled into the school parking lot. "So, your on the football team, right?"


Rider smirked, "You get a lot of ass?"

Tyler couldn't help but share his smirk. "Well, I used to."

"Used to?"

"Yeah...well, I kinda have a girlfriend."

"Oh, yeah. Klaus mentioned something. She's a vampire right?" Tyler nodded his head, and narrowed his eyes a bit. "What do you mean kinda? You either do, or you don't?"

"It's complicated. See, I do have a sire bond, and it's something she just doesn't understand."

"Hmm." An odd expression graced the ex-soldiers face. He seemed as if he didn't smile much. "Candice? Was it?"

"Caroline." Tyler got bit of a suspicious look on his face, but Rider didn't notice. Tyler had parked the car, and Rider was getting out.

Tyler got out just in time to hear him comment, "Look at that. Now that is why skin tight jeans were invented. Hey Tyler, what's Goldilocks' name?" He followed Rider's stare to see Caroline getting out of her car.

"Stay away from her."

Rider's eyes lit up. "Holy shit. Is that her? Man, I can see why you're whipped. I mean she is..."

"Don't even think about it," Tyler quickly warned.

Rider didn't seem offended, or phased at all by Tyler's attitude. "Ok, ok. Calm down. It's alright, her friend is hot too."

Tyler looked over and saw Bonnie walk towards Caroline. "Dude, she's..."

"You know, this isn't going to be any fun if you outlaw every hot girl I see. I'll stay away from your girl, but that little dark haired vixen is mine."

Tyler couldn't help but notice that Jeremy wasn't with her. He saw them start to talk. Bonnie looked serious, and Caroline was starting to look worried. Tyler deliberately didn't tune into hear them, in case they were talking about Elena. Rider still seemed to be drooling over them.


Damon had tried one last time to get rid of Jeremy, but he wasn't backing down. "Whether you like it or not, I'm staying. I want to help."

Damon was next to Stefan at the drink cart. "Fine," he finally exasperated, "But stay out of my good liquor." Stefan and Jeremy just gave him funny looks.

A moment later Katherine sauntered into the room carrying a huge pile of Grimoires. "Great." She dropped them on the coffee table in front of Jeremy. "You can help us research how to reverse this idiotic mistake of a spell."

Stefan grabbed his drink and came over to stand next to Katherine. He started looking through the pile of tattered, old books. "This is an awful lot of Grimoires."

"Well, we were looking for a good locator to find you...but since we don't need to find you anymore..." Damon trailed off in a bitter voice.

"What were all the rest for?" Jeremy was getting comfortable in one of the chairs.

"Another one of your brilliant, well executed plans?" Stefan mocked. Katherine smirked at his comment.

"Actually, we were going to try and find the coffins, but since you have those as well," He placed the bottle he was holding down a little harder then he meant to before approaching his brother. "Tell me Stefan...where are the coffins?"

Stefan scowled. "Let's just focus on fixing your mistake. Then we'll talk about the coffins," he said sitting down on the couch. Damon gave him a tight, twisted smile and downed his drink before walking back the drink cart for more.

Katherine was trying to ignore them. "Hey kid." Jeremy glared at her. "You can start with this one," she said authoritatively, handing him a Grimoire.

"Kid?" He said in annoyance.

"Kid," she bit out, "I'm over 500 years old. Trust me, your a kid, ok?"

Jeremy just smirked. "You know, your not that intimidating in my sister's body."

Stefan snorted under his breath. Damon seemed pleased. "Ha!" he chortled loudly.

Katherine just gave them a look, before sitting down next to Stefan on the couch. Damon fixed himself another drink then came around to grab a Grimoire. He took a seat on the opposite couch, quickly glancing at his brother, who was eying him up.

"So, I notice all Rebekah's stuff is still in her room. Where is she?" Stefan said nonchalantly, flipping through the pages of the Grimoire on his lap.

"No idea," replied Damon in the same tone.

Stefan smirked and brought the glass tumbler to his lips. "Sure, you don't."


It was almost an hour later when the quiet in the boarding house's living room was interrupted by the sound of a car pulling up the driveway. Stefan and Damon's head both shot up. Damon's eyes went right towards the door, while Stefan's went right towards his brother. He gave him a questioning look.

After noticing the look on Stefan's face, Damon answered, "It's Caroline. She's here to see Elena...I'm assuming." They both stood up. Damon smirked, "I'll go." He used vamp speed to run out the door.

Stefan just glared after him. Katherine rolled her eyes. "Whipped much?" He glared at her.

"Katherine..." Stefan started to say something, but she put her finger over his lips.

She leaned in a bit. "Shh," she whispered, "Less talking, more reading." He rolled his eyes at her. She let her finger linger a little too long on Stefan's lips, but he didn't seem to be resisting. Instead he just stared into her eyes.

Jeremy looked between the two of them, then gave Stefan a daggered look. Stefan noticed and looked away from Katherine. He looked at Elena's little brother with tinges of something that resembled shame. Katherine looked at Jeremy. "Kid, could you stop eye-fucking Stefan and also get back to reading? Thanks." Jeremy's look only intensified.


"Finally!" Damon called out. He was standing on the front porch watching Caroline get out of her car. "Took you're time getting here."

"I came as soon as Bonnie told me." Caroline sneered, walking towards Damon. He was leaning against one of the porch's brick pillars with his arms crossed. "Where is she?"

"Hauled up in my room...and she won't leave."

She smirked. "Yeah, I'm sure you're hating that." He smirked back and laid his classic eye move on her. Caroline rolled her eyes in response, and asked, "Why is she in your room? What's going on with you two?"


"Sure." Caroline frowned as she pushed past him and went into the house. As soon as she entered the living room, Stefan and her exchanged a weak smile. She was about to open her mouth to speak, but Damon quickly interjected.

"Elena's upstairs." Caroline turned around to see him standing right behind her. She glared at him, but knew he was right. She had come on a mission, and her target was upstairs. Besides, the last thing she wanted to do was spend more time than she had to with Katherine.

When Caroline reached the stairs she noticed that Damon was continuing to follow her. She turned around. "I don't need a tour guide. I unfortunately know where your room is."

"Ok," he said, but kept following her. Caroline just let out a huge, annoyed sigh.


Caroline huffed from her spot on the bed. She was sitting next to Elena. Caroline was staring at the vampire leaning in the doorway of his bedroom. She huffed again. "Goodbye Damon." Damon showed no reaction to her words, his best sexy smirk firmly in place. Caroline rolled her eyes, and looked back to Elena. "I think maybe you should come stay with me."

"No," Elena said a little too quickly, "I want to stay here." She glanced at Damon and saw his playful expression change into a sincere half smile.

"What, in Damon's bed?" Damon was still leaning in the doorway he gave a little chuckle, "Damon, I said goodbye."

"It's my room," he said, sounding like a bratty teenager.

"I don't care. This is girl time," she smiled at Elena before turning back to him and giving him a fake one. "So get lost."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine." Then his sexy smirk was back. "But you'll let me know if start having a pillow fight, right?"

"Damon!" Caroline was beyond annoyed. Elena let a small laugh slip. She couldn't help but be amused at Damon pushing her friend's buttons.

Damon's hands flew up in mock surrender. "Alright, I'm leaving." Once Caroline turned around he shot Elena a quick smile, before finally shutting the door.

Caroline glared at Elena, who blushed. "I'm sorry, but he's..." Elena didn't want to admit that Damon tormenting Caroline was rather entertaining.

She flew her hand up and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I get it." Caroline was now wearing her classic concerned friend look. "So, how are you?"

"I think you know exactly how I am." Elena frowned, all her amusement gone.

"Yeah, that's why Damon asked me to come over."

"Damon asked you to come over?" Elena asked in surprise.

"Well, he asked Bonnie to ask me." Caroline narrowed her eyes at Elena who now seemed to be looking off into space. Her next question tore Elena back to their conversation. "How are the blood cravings?"

"They don't really seem that bad. I think maybe because Katherine's body is so used to it."

Caroline smiled. "Well, that's a plus. No awkward adjustment phase." Elena just gave her a look.

"Actually...I think I do get a little bit of a craving when I get really upset."

"That makes sense," Caroline stated matter-of-factly.

"It does?"

"Yeah. I think it's like some kind of bizarre comfort food thing. Like...macaroni and cheese," she said and smiled brightly.

Her smile was contagious, and Elena couldn't help but join in. "Or ice cream?"

"Mm. Ben and Jerry's."

Elena let out a heavenly sigh. "Dublin mudslide."

"Karamal Sutra." Caroline's eyes got even bigger. Both girls shared a laugh. When they returned to just smiling, Caroline coyly asked, "What about the other cravings?"

"Other cravings?"

"You know...other cravings."

"Oh. Oh!" Elena exclaimed, finally catching on. She blushed, and lowered her voice. "So that's really a vampire thing?"

"Oh yeah. Big time," Caroline exaggerated. "It's kind of like being in an episode of Sex in the City. And not the ones in syndication. We're talking full blown HBO. Like the episode where..." She stopped herself. "And I'm getting off topic," she said, shaking an imaginary chill off her spine.

Elena laughed. "It's ok. I'm used to it. It's oddly comforting."

Caroline smiled warmly. "Ok. So, blood...sex," she counted on her fingers, "The only other thing is all your heightened emotions. Which means you're going to have to start examining your feelings."

"What do you mean?"

"Your going to have to let yourself feel," Caroline sighed, "And deal with it."

"I feel," she said unconvincingly.

"No, Elena, what you do is bottle everything up until it drives you crazy."

Elena furrowed her eyes and looked uncomfortable. "I don't do that."

"Yes, you do sweetie. Everything you can't deal with gets put off for another time. You just keep pushing your feelings away until later, hoping later will never come. Your so worried about doing what you think is the right thing, that you don't let yourself be entitled to what your actually feeling."

Elena let out a long sigh, and ran her hands through her hair. "You're right." Then she looked up at Caroline, and smiled. "How did you get so perceptive?"

"Carrie Bradshaw, of course."


Final A/N; I had to write Jeremy into this chapter after I got so many amazing reviews about Jeremy/Elena and Jeremy/Damon scenes from Chapter 5: A Time to Bond. Those reviews are actually what turned this into more of an ensemble story...hope you don't mind all the scenes with no D&E..they are so much harder to write, but I think they are so important to the story...

Can't wait to start writing some of the pairings in this story...and I'm really excited about who everyone 'ends up with'...I really think some of them will surprise you...goes without saying that there will be lots of Delena (and they will definitely end up together)...

There will also be a little bit of...you ready? Let's see if I can get these right... Stefathrine, Datherine, Forwood, Beremy, Stelena (sorry guys)... however, Katherine and Stefan do not ultimately end up together, and wait until you see who Alaric hooks up with :)

Also, what do you think of Caroline's take on Elena? I hope it explains anything that might seem OOC... Plus, I totally see Caroline being obsessed with Sex and the City. What do you think?

Anyway... xoxo til next time, Happy Reviewing!


Couldn't resist adding a bit of a preview for chapter 11 (and titles for the next few)... In honor of TVD's newest promo, an official preview for 4x01... anyone else OMG-ing (and half crying on the inside of all the Stelena and lack of Damon)

Chapter 11; Getting Somewhere and Going Nowhere... Will Elena finally leave Damon's room? Yes, and according to Damon has a little bit of a "rage problem"... Someone is officially throwing their hat in the ring for Team Stelena... We'll find out which character from season two will be coming into town... Plus, some Delena plotting and more than a few heart to hearts from Ric

Chapter 12; sex, lies, and Grimoires... Chapter 13; Learning Curves... Chapter 14; The Truth Between the Lies... What do you think? Like I said, I couldn't help myself :)