Chapter 30

Hey again! I'm back! Sorry again for taking so long! Hope your all enjoying the story and hopefully you'll really like/love this chapter.

I tried to make it as awesome as possible!


Evil Leader Cat's P.O.V.

The dark figure remained silent as he watched the two kittens snuggle one another on the throw pillow that was left on the floor. He chuckled to himself at the sight.

'Hm, it seems that they've taking a liking to each other faster than I had anticipated. I am pleased by this.' He thought.

Satisfied the older cat went off to check his soldiers. Everything was going according to plan, despite having all his recruits escaping. It did not matter; it was nothing more than a slight delay to his plans. Oh, what brilliant plans indeed, he could see himself now!

He, the great Emperor of all cats, standing above all as cats of all shapes and sizes would bow in respect to his greatness. From there he would continue his conquest to the surrounding neighborhoods and beyond, no cat would be able to stop his empire from growing.

Even after his passing his legacy would continue through his only son who would then continue the legacy through his sons bared to him by his chosen queen. Even better was that they would be strong kits too, considering the strength, valor and cleverness she had (after all she was the reason all his recruits had escaped after all). Thankfully that wouldn't be for a while since they were still so young but that only meant he had plenty of time to set up his future.

"Soon my son," he whispered to himself, "Soon you shall have the life you deserved from the beginning. Together we shall avenge our families honor."

He walked down the halls, approaching one of his lower commanding officers.

"What's the status on locating the kittens?"

"Not much sir. We're looking everywhere we can think of but we haven't been able to trace them."

"That's not good enough! You better find those kittens soon or I'll make sure you'll be the next one to go into my 'special room'." He replied darkly.

The cat could only shiver in fear, nodding in agreement.

"Y-yes sir! U-Um sir."

"What is it now?"

"Some of our look outs have spotted a few of the neighboring cats where we got the kittens from. It's believed that they may be trying to find our location."

"Humph! It matters not if they find us. They won't be able to stop are plans anyway." replied the leader with an evil grin on his face.

"After all, no cat has ever been able to overcome my secret weapon."

Emil's P.O.V

"Mew! That was hilarious!" I laughed.

"Ha, Ha! Yeah, it was! The best part was when his friend started messing with the cop! I nearly peed myself!" June mewed back.

The two kittens laughed even harder as they snuggled close to each other. It had taken almost an hour, but June had started to like the new kitten, despite having such a rough start. He was cute, had a good sense of humor and was really easy to get along with.

"Ha, Ha! Your so cool June! I'm glad I got to meet you." I said.

"Me too dude!" June replied happily.

"Y-yeah…" I stuttered.

I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous around her despite being really easy to get along with. How can you not be nervous around someone as cute as her? Especially that even though I just met her, I already love her; no one's ever been this kind to me before (including the part when she attacked me and stuff). I'm so glad she's going to be my queen someday. I should probably thank my dad for hooking us up. I mean he's kind of weird but he's always looking out for me.

"Hey Emil."

I looked towards my queen to answer and noticed that she wasn't smiling and seemed to be deep in thought. It made me a bit nervous since it was so sudden.

"Yeah June?" I replied.

She turned to look into my eyes.

"I was wondering what's up with your dad."

"What do you mean?"

Without hesitation she got up and stood in front of me.

"What I'm saying is that you're a cool dude and everything, but your dad is a villain."

"What? My dad isn't a villain." I replied standing up. "He's only trying to make things better for us."

"Yes he is and the only thing he's making better is for himself."

"No he isn't!" I retorted. "Why are you saying this? I mean…my dad's the reason we're together and I'm sure he might have acted weird to make you think that but my dad's not a villain!"

'I don't understand. Why is she saying this? My dad's not bad.'

"What? Dude your dad kidnapped me along with my siblings and a bunch of other kittens to become his solders for his empire!"

As soon as she said that my mind went blank. I mean she basically said my dad was a kidnapper. How was that possible? My dad can't bring himself to hurt a mouse! Let alone kittens!

"N-no. You're lying." I said.

"I'm not lying! Heroes never lie! He did kidnap me and others. I was the one who freed them! The only reason I'm still here is because I got caught!"

At this point I knew she was telling the truth.

"W-well so what if he did? With my dad ruling no cat would ever have to worry about being hurt again!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm saying! With my dad ruling, no cat will ever have to worry about losing the ones they love!" I cried trying to blink back the tears as I looked away from her puzzled face.

'Don't think about it! Oh, Lord, don't think about it Emil!'

"B-Besides," I continued looking down. "If my dad rules, then I'll get to rule someday and you will rule with me."

I looked up again to see her bewildered face (which was probably burning as was mine from embarrassment).

"W-What do you mean rule with you?" she replied hesitantly.

I knew she was pretending she didn't know, but I knew she did (I'm sure my dad mentioned it to her).

"What do you think June? Didn't you stop to think what my dad said to you or why I was acting so 'weird' before?" I said moving close to her. "What I'm saying is, I don't care how we met or how long we've only gotten to know each other. Because the truth is…





I love you…."

Then, without hesitation, I pounced her to the ground and with one swift movement our mouths connected into a tender kiss.

So what did you think? Was it good enough for ya? Tell me please! Your comments will help keep this story going!

P.S. can cats kiss? I didn't really know but I put it in anyway.

And what will June's reaction be? Tune in for the next chapter! Brought to you by 'Bacon Sun Lotion'!

'It keeps you safe from the sun and smelling like bacon all year long!'

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