If you haven't noticed, there is no main couple I'm going to focus on. I'm planning on giving each and every couple equal spotlight…and because I don't know which two to base it on. Yeah, I'm so lame.

Anyway, let's get started!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon in any way.

Of Bandits and Assassins


For years assassins and bandits had been the worst of enemies, despite of them both in the thief class. They'd often clash when they ran into each other and wouldn't stop until one of them was dead. That was the second rule to both classes.

They were good friends at one point though. What broke the friendship was when the bandits were accused of stealing the assassins' most valuable claw, a type of claw that stored unlimited amounts of throwing stars. The bandits denied everything though, stating they did not steal a thing. This infuriated the assassins even more, causing them to start a war. Many were killed and when they couldn't take it any longer, the head of both classes made a treaty that they were to live on separate parts of the region. Bandits got the east side of Hoenn while assassins got the west side. Of course, this treaty only applied to the two jobs. Other regular trainers were able to travel freely through either side.

Since then, everything was calm. There were no more war, both parties were at peace, but they were still enemies. Assassins would murder the best bandits. Bandits would retort with stealing something precious to the assassins. That was the pattern. They didn't just do that though, but both classes still had good intentions. They still helped the Hoenn region when something was wrong. Of course, this still didn't change the fact that they were still enemies.

It was one in the morning and Lilycove City was having one of its darkest and eerie nights. In the tallest building of the city, four teens were walking down the hallway as quietly has they could, making sure they wouldn't wake anyone up.

"So why do you think she wants to see us so badly?" a girl with midnight blue hair asked as she walked in between two brunettes.

One of the brunettes with waist length hair shrugged. "Who knows why Lucy wants to see us at this time." She yawned silently. "I mean, it wouldn't have waited till the morning?"

The other brunette nodded in agreement before yawning as well. "Hey, I want some food too," she said to a raven haired male. While the girls were tired, he was happily munching off a box of cookies.

He couldn't say anything as she already swiped it from his hands. When he was about to protest about it, they had reached the office belonging to their master, Lucy. The girl with blue hair knocked and when the four heard her permission to enter, they did as they were told.

Inside had a long sleek brown table that took up about one-fourth of the room with chairs placed neatly around it with a large balcony, which had a perfect view of the city, behind it. Sitting at the head of the table was their leader, Lucy. The woman's usual long hair that reached her fingertips was tied up to a ponytail with some shorter hair that framed her face, her two red highlights visible. She also had her Seviper out next to her.

"I'm glad you four were able to make it." Her sharp ruby eyes shifted to the food the brunette was holding. "Sapphire, no food allowed in the office."

The brunette hid the food quickly behind her back and smiled sheepishly at her master. "Sorry Lucy."

"So what did you need us for," the raven haired boy inquired as he suppressed a yawn.

Lucy grabbed four manila folders that were lying next to her and tossed them across to the table, where the four teens stood. "To answer Raven's question, I need you four to steal the Red Orb that's at the west side of Hoenn with the assassins."

"But why?" the brunette with waist length hair asked as she opened one of the files with her three teammates.

The older woman sighed. "I've been informed today that they were planning on awakening the legendary Groudon. We cannot let that happen as it will hurt people of Hoenn. Does that help, Emerald?"

She nodded. Then the blunette brought up one of the folders. "But why are you showing us these pictures?"

"Those, Platinum, are the four best assassins. They've never failed a mission and I've done some investigation on them. They were ordered to guard the Red Orb so they'll destroy anyone who has intentions of stealing it. Your mission is to kill these assassins and get the Red Orb," she informed.

"But killing isn't our job," Emerald stated. "All we do is stealing."

"Correction, stealing is our main job. We kill too; why do you think every bandit is assigned a dagger? Now back to the subject. You four are to pick one person to go after. They are all your choice to choose so I'll let you guys decide on that. You are all scheduled to leave in three days so I want you four to train well. You guys may be the best of the bandits and although I hate to admit it, they are something else so I advise you four to pick your best team. Understood?"

The four nodded simultaneously and were about to head back to their barracks when Lucy added something else. "Oh, and remember the number one rule. Do not fall in love with any of them."

Devon Corporation was just a disguise name for the assassins' hideout to prevent any suspicions. Due to different time zones, it was about ten at night and four assassins were just leaving their night training class. "That was such a stupid lesson," a green haired male complained. "They taught it as if we were idiots. You guys have no idea how badly I wanted to throw a star at him just to shut him up."

The other three narrowed their eyes at him. "Shut up," a girl said. "Do you want the people here to hear you say that?"

The green haired teen looked around him. Pedestrians were walking around without a care in the world while trainers were walking around to find the Pokémon Center. He shrugged. "Well they didn't hear me, did they?"

"We don't want to take any chances though," a boy with stony black eyes stated. "So I suggest you shut it right now or I'll have Gastrodon Ice beam that big mouth of yours shut."

With fear of what he would do, the green haired teen simply shut up while his friend –a teen with auburn spiky hair- laughed hysterically. When he was going to say something to shut up his friend, all of their earpiece went off and they instinctually reached for it to hear the message that was going through it. When they all heard the message, they looked confusingly at each other.

"Why would Steven want to see us right now?" the girl wondered aloud.

They all shrugged. "It's probably him assigning us another mission," the auburn haired teen said, his green eyes gleaming of excitement. "Oh the joys of killing those helpless bandits."

The three ignored his mindless comments on bandits and made their way to Devon Corporation with their friend trailing closely behind them. When they arrived at the tall building, they entered and showed their passes to the security guards who stood at the door of the hallway that reached Steven's office.

When they were given the permission to go in, one of the secretaries led them to Steven's office and knocked to inform the man that his top assassins had arrived. He ordered them to enter and they obliged, shutting the door behind them.

"Do you know why I called for you guys?" he asked.

The green haired male smirked and flicked his hair. "Another mission?" he guessed.

He nodded. "Correct, Forest," he praised. He then proceeded to turn on a projector that was connected to his laptop and opened up a PowerPoint presentation for them. "Even though it sickens me to say it, these four are the top best bandits out there. They've trained since they were at least five. Do not underestimate their power," he warned. He moved on to the next slide that had a picture of a girl with shoulder length brunette hair. "This is May Maple, going by the name Sapphire. There is more information on her and her other teammates in the folders." He went to the next slide, showing the boy. "Ash Ketchum, going by Raven." Next slide. "Her name is Dawn Berlitz, otherwise known as Platinum." And the last slide. "And Leaf Green, aka, Emerald."

"They don't that tough," the guy with stony eyes commented.

Steven diverted his attention to him and narrowed his eyes. "Like I said, do not underestimate them. Looks can be deceiving, Shadow."

When the orange haired girl saw that he was going to retort something back, she cut in. "So are we just supposed to kill them?"

"No, Aqua. You four are to kill them as well as to take the Blue Orb. Rumors have it, they're going to awaken the legendary Kyogre and we cannot have the people of Hoenn get hurt." He saw one of their hands raised. "Yes, Auburn?" he sighed.

"I thought we were supposed to be guarding the orb," he reminded. "How are we going to do that?"

"I've already got our second best team to do it. You four are to leave for this mission in four days, understand? During the passing three days, I want you guys to train and put together your best team. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir," they said in unison.

Steven smirked. "Good, then take these folders and decide on your targets." Aqua grabbed the folders and the four made their way to the door until Steven's voice made them halt. "And one more thing: don't forget the number one rule. Do not fall in love with any of them."

So that's it for now. I will try to update Remember the Past next week since I'll have another three day weekend (yay for Washington's Birthday) so look forward to that one being updated.

So yeah, like you guessed, this is another one of those cliché assassin stories so I'm soooooo sorry if it wasn't something you guys were anticipating for. I have changed it a bit sooo I hope it's good enough.

Review guys! I would love to know how I did and I would love to hear on your feedback for this story. I want to know if you guys really do like it. If you don't, then I'll probably delete it and you'll never hear from it again. So review and I shall go watch some good old weekly Bleach. Byee.