Don't Ever Let Go


Heh, stupid story. It's not EVEN a story. It's too short! I probably have writers block, ever since I last uploaded? For Awkward Silence… Poke Ranger Academy might go on Hiatus or even discontinued… But I'll rewrite it if it does, I swear! So here's the epilogue!

(Descendant's POV)

Years past, and I do mean years past, and my great-great-grandparents are dead. Grandma Misty and Grandpa Ash. I'm 36 now, about 25 years ago when they passed away. I love them. I don't know how they lived for that long, but they did. My Pokémon partner, Sandshrew, and I were just walking on that same path they took years ago. My grandpa was a famous master, and my grandma was a water master, and a fairly big wedding happened when he finally proposed. On this same spot, where he confessed to her.

They were together everywhere, even when they died. But when they died, it was like a story. They just… fell asleep on this spot too, holding hands. I missed them so much. In honor for them, the city (Pallet Town grew drastically) built a life-size statue of them on a pedestal, right… here. Just for them. I miss them so much. I looked up.

"Grandma Misty? Grandpa Ash? Keep on holding hands. Don't ever let go. Please. But if you ever do… I'll… I'll be there to join your hands again. Just promise me, don't ever let go of your hands ever again."

Wow, I didn't even plan for this to happen, it just, did. But I like it better! ;) Review!