AN: Hello everyone uwu Thank you for clicking!~ I hope you'll enjoy reading. I apologize how short this prologue is; I'll try to make other chapters longer. Thank you!


Legend tells of a mysterious island, shrouded in fog and hazardous jungle. The island had been dubbed Allaura. Never has a single sailor succeeded in sailing there, nor had anyone ever seen it for that matter-or at least, seen it and lived to tell the tale. It was said that as of current, the island was uninhabited, but if a ship ever found itself upon the sandy shores, its captain would be blessed with international fame, and fortune of immeasurable amounts. A certain captain had devoted his entire life to finding this island. He was determined to find it ever since he was a small boy and his father told him the legends of the arcane Allaura. He knew that one day, the fame and fortune would be his.

A grand ship, dark and sleek, not very large but certainly much faster than many others, rested in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Its name was the Moonflower Lorelei. The frigid waves slapped the sides of the ship, making it slowly rock back and forth. It would have been relaxing, the slow, calming rock of the ocean, had the situation not been so blasted infuriating.

The captain of the ship stood on the bow, sneering over the water. He crossed his arms behind his back, obviously displeased with their current location. The cold wind came in short bursts, causing the man's feathered hat to become slightly askew atop his head. He slowly set it back in its proper place with a single black gloved finger. His expression did not change as he looked upon the waves. His dark crimson coat ruffled softly in the wind as another burst came and went. The white shirt he wore was unbuttoned, with the exception of the very bottom button, so the wind caught and caused it to blow open, exposing his bare chest. His chest was smooth and tan, caused of course by his being in the sunlight every day for hours on end. His trousers matched his coat, an unmistakable crimson that caught the light and made it shine in a way that always brought a sly smirk to the man's lips.

The captain sighed to himself and continued to gaze out across the endless blue. His glance slowly rose to the cyan skies. Cloudless. He blinked slowly, bored, and began meandering around the bow. He paced back and forth leisurely, his green eyes hazily observing his surroundings. Once again came a particularly strong gust of wind, making him shiver; his blonde hair blowing wildly. The man turned so his back faced the broad ocean as a cunning smile crept onto his face. The man was sailing to Allaura. This man is captain Arthur Kirkland.