Apologizing and several other nonsenses

Unforunately for me and all the rest of you, i have decided to stop writting. Due to several factors, one including my bad grammar and another my laziness. I have given up on writting all together, I know I have no talent for it, even though mine is marginally better then my class mates. And since several family issues came up, my internet will be taken away from me and my pc with my tablet. I know many of you will be unhappy that i won't be continuing stories and i know some of you don't really care. I already happened to have written several chapters for different stories, but never got a chance to finish it and when i looked over them, i got discouraged. I don't have much inspiration for writting, and I find life to troublesome to even bother to look for any. I had many ideas which i wanted to use, but yea...

If any of you wish to take on my stories, pm me and i'll send it and the plots to you, if not, they will eventually be removed. I will not be making any more stories, in fact, i will maybe read that rare fic once and awhile.

Now, if you don't mind, i'm gonna go sulk somewhere like i have for the past few months.