Ok guys, here is my first chapter of the sequel to Life Changes Sometimes. I hope you enjoy it.
This hasn't been Beta'd...I probably wont use a Beta this time because my updating will be sporadic and hopefully quick, so I don't want to hold it up waiting for it to be returned...SO, if you don't like it, blame it all on me

I had to re-read the whole story to get an idea of where I was at...and yes, I have jumped a couple years – I don't want this story getting to 70+ chapters this time haha But I will cover the past 2 years in some flashbacks so you won't miss anything

If there is anything you want to read, or want to happen, then just message me and I'll try and incorporate it! I really don't know how it will go because I'm just writing as I can...so there is no set storyline as yet! I just have ideas

One thing I noticed when I re-read the story is that there were ALOT of silly spelling mistakes, so I will pay closer attention to that this time!

Anyway, enjoy

Chapter 1 – Who's getting married?

"Liss, calm down ok. Everything will go as planned and the day will be as perfect as you have always wanted it. You have been planning this for months, years even, so why are you stressed out right now?" I asked a very frantic Lissa, who was currently pacing up and down the hallway not making any sense whatsoever. She just kept repeating the words 'they should be here by now' over and over again. I had already asked who this person was meant to be, but it was like she couldn't hear me. I tried searching the bond, but she was completely blocking me.

I couldn't take it any longer, and she wasn't listening to me anyway, so I went into the lounge room to see if anyone needed my help there. So far this morning, everyone seemed to be ignoring me, everyone except Lily, Mason and Erica, who were constantly trying to make me play with them. Things definitely seemed a little bit suspicious, although they had been for a while now.

You see, Lissa has been planning her wedding for quite a while now, that's right, her and Christian got engaged, and while she knows how much I hate shopping and wedding planning, I had expected her to be hounding me for my input since she started. Instead, I've been completely left out of the loop and to be honest, it kind of hurt. I guess I'd always imagined us planning it together, regardless of how much I whinged. I've been telling myself to stop being irrational and stop over thinking it. I know Lissa thinks I've got enough on my plate and I think that's the reason she did it all herself. Actually no, it wasn't by herself, she had Mia helping her, and that hurt even more. But I guess Mia does have more fashion and decoration sense than me.

"Mama" asked Lily suddenly coming up to stand before me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah baby, I'm fine. Mummy was just thinking" I said giving her a huge smile. Lily was 5 now and had started school. So far we haven't really had any problems, just the usual separation issues that kids have with starting a new school and it only lasted 3 days! The other kids have been great and haven't questioned anything yet. I was never really worried about her first few years though, it's once she reaches her teens that I'm worried about.

"Ok Mama. I love you" she replied.

"Love you too bug" She smiled at her nickname. Yep, the name grew on me gradually too. I don't even know when I began to call her that, it just happened. I guess hearing everyone else call her that, the name just eventually stuck. "Come on, it's time for you three to have some breakfast before getting dressed. We don't want your gorgeous clothes being ruined before the wedding even starts"

I watched as Lily grabbed Mason and Erica's hands and gently steered them towards the kitchen. At 5, Lily was already talking like a 7 year old, but thankfully her growth had slowed down and she was now only a little taller than her friends at school, which a lot of people put down to the fact that she was Dimitri's daughter. Erica had just celebrated her 2nd Birthday, and Mason would be turning 2 in just a few months.

While I got the kids their breakfast, my mind wandered back over the past 2 years since we've been at the Academy. So much had changed, yet it had somehow managed to stay the same, which made my head spin at times. We had quickly settled into routine and our little family of 4, yes I included Andre when talking about our family, had quickly shifted to a family of 5 and we couldn't be happier.

We have had a huge influx of Moroi applying for our Combat class and the classes have almost tripled in size. We have also had to incorporate the class into most other Academies in the United States, and some European Academy's as well. It took roughly six months for the older generation of Moroi to see that we weren't sending their kids (and some adults) unprepared to be slaughtered by Strigoi. Every child/Adult that requested to be part of the program was put through a gruelling 12 weeks of training, and then after that, 12 weeks they were to have their first trial as such. Anyone who passed the trial then advanced to further training and anyone who failed had the choice of pulling out or re-trialling, which meant taking part in another 12 weeks of the beginner training so they could improve their techniques where required.

There were three stages – Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. Once they passed the advanced training stage, then they would be entitled to 'help' in Strigoi attacks. So far, we have had over 50 Moroi at St Vladimir's already pass the advanced training and a further 25 that were just about to start their advanced course. While that may not seem like such a high number, considering that's just one academy, and only 2 years into it, we think that's a brilliant effort.

Of course, the younger generation of Moroi were given the opportunity to start training at a much younger age than our generation, so once they get through school, the figure of Moroi participating in the program will almost triple, quadruple even, at St Vladimir's. So far there have only been 4 kids at school this year, that have chosen not to participate, and when I say they chose, I mean their parents refuse to let them. They were very upset to not be included.

Abe has changed the law's regarding Dhampir relationships with each other. It is no longer Illegal, although still frowned upon by the older generation. We've found in most instances of Dhampir relationships that they have no intentions of walking out on their charges, and willing to keep guarding, as long as they are entitled to see their partners without prejudice. The reason so many Guardian's were running off in recent years is because Tatiana was leaving them no choice. So far, no one has been lost because of these couples. Of course, we are still in early times.

Abe has really built his name as a King and is even more respected now than he was previously. He has shown that you can be a King but still be compassionate towards his people and as long as they don't double cross him, you stay on his good side. As soon as that line is crossed though, you're on the bad side of him permanently. I sighed remembering the first time someone got on his bad side. Unfortunately it was for talking shit about me and Dimitri.


Dimitri and I were sitting in a little Cafe at court during the break of our first Moroi trial. We had held it at Court because there was more vacant land at Court so we could make a better obstacle course than at the Academy, plus we could incorporate more Guardian's into the mix at Court by including the Court Guardians, who were generally more trained than just the patrolling guardians at the Academy (having the King there and all). Lily and Mason were with my parents and Dimitri and I were having a quick break before heading back for more 'Strigoi re-enacting'. Both of us were exhausted as we had been going for three days straight already with only minimal sleep and we were enjoying the quiet time. We were just about to get up and leave when a voice stopped us.

"Well well well, if it isn't good old Belikov and his little teacher's pet" sneered a Moroi I didn't know. I may not have known him, but Dimitri definitely did. I could tell by the way he tensed when he saw who it was...that and the thick Russian accent.

"What do you want?" he growled glaring at him.

"Couldn't cut it in Russia so you had to be sent over here? And forced to Mentor someone like the infamous Rosemarie Hathaway at that! Oh, that's right, your screwing her aren't you" he gave a menacing chuckle. I mean seriously, it wasn't exactly old news that we were engaged and had children together! Of course he was screwing me. But instead of laughing in his face, my rage hit me instead.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I snapped. "Guardian Belikov is one of the most respected Guardian's in this country. The Russian's should be devastated that they lost him. As for your little comment about him being 'just a mentor', he is far more than that and if your nose wasn't so far up your ass, then you'd actually realise that"

"Babe, just let it go. This dick isn't worth getting upset over, or even worth the energy it takes to listen to him" said Dimitri grabbing my hand to leave.

"No you don't Belikov. You don't get to just walk away from me. You may have the rest of Court and the King believing that you are some badass Guardian, but I know differently. Until you are held accountable for Ivan's death, you are nothing to me" spat the Moroi who I still didn't know.

"Nico, you know that Ivan's death was not my fault. I wasn't even on duty when it happened" started Dimitri. Nico cut him off.

"No, but you should have been. He should never have given you the day off. Maybe if you were doing your job, then Ivan would still be alive"

"I know what you are trying to do Nico and it won't work. Thanks to Roza, I found my peace surrounding Ivan's death. I felt guilt for many years, but I now know it was not my fault. I never wanted to take that holiday and you know it. Ivan forced that holiday on me and it's not my fault that Palo hesitated. Had you and Palo not been drinking that night, then maybe they would both still be alive. Now if you would excuse me, I have a job to do" said Dimitri trying to walk around him.

Once again, Nico tried stopping him...by throwing a punch. Neither of us expected it and he connected with the side of Dimtri's face that hard he stumbled back a few steps and his eye swelled immediately. He was obviously part of the offensive magic program and had been taking part in combat classes. I saw red. Before I could react though, arms circled around me, pinning my arms to my side. All three of us had been restrained in seconds so that neither of us could get a hit again. I turned my head to see who restrained me. Pavel. I should have known. When Pavel wasn't running Abe's 'Business', he was following me around. Marco, another one of my father's Guardian's who had been hired to 'Guard' me, had Dimitri's arms pinned to his side as well, although looking at Dimitri, he was only trying to get to me, not Nico. Guess he knew how enraged I would be.

There was another guardian holding Nico, who was still viciously trying to get to Dimitri, and was still yelling a string of abuse at him. Not even two minutes later, my father strolled in, checked that me and Dimitri were ok, pausing when he saw Dimitri's now blackening eye and then strolled up to Nico with a murderous glint in his eyes.

"How dare you come in here and accuse my head Guardian of such bullshit. I know of the events that occurred with Lord Zeklos's death, I'm sure you remember seeing me there at the time, and I can assure you that I know you are more to blame for that event than what Guardian Belikov ever was. Stefen, take him out. He needs to learn respect. Show him please. Pavel, Marco, you can let them go now. Rose, take Dimitri to see Lissa and get that cheek healed" said my father and he turned and walked out of the room without another word. The next day, we saw Nico being pushed out of the Infirmary in a wheel chair with his arm in a sling and a cast on his legs.

*************** End of Flashback *****************

I was brought out of my daydream by Lissa running into the room, still ranting and raving. I sighed and turned to the kids. Even in my daydream, I had managed to finish their pancakes and get them sitting at the table eating. I gave myself a little pat on the back, proud of my accomplishment. You really do learn to multitask once you have kids.

"Liss, why aren't you upstairs getting your hair and makeup done? If you don't get a move on, you'll never make it to the alter" I giggled. I had honestly never seen her so frazzled.

"They should be here by now Rose. If they don't get here soon, my day is ruined"

"What in the world are you talking about Liss?" I questioned just as there was a knock at the door.

"Finally" she called running to answer it. I walked out to see who she was talking about and was shocked to see Dimitri's family on the other side.

"Babushka" called Lily running to Olena for a cuddle. Little Mason toddled up to her with his arms high above his head asking to be picked up. Viktoria scooped him up kissing him all over.

"What are you guys doing here?" I exclaimed running to give them all cuddles as well.

"This Rose, is who I have been waiting for all morning!" said a very excited Lissa. All of her frazzled demeanour was gone and in her place was the excited Bride to be that should have been there all morning. I was completely and utterly confused.

"What are you doing here? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to see you, but I didn't know you were coming?" I questioned. In the back of my mind I was looking around my house thinking oh my god Olena is going to be disgusted, the house looks like a bomb has hit!

"Rose, sweetie, I kind of have something to tell you" said Lissa quietly. "You see...ummm, today...well"

"Oh just spit it out already Liss" I said growing impatient.

"It's not Lissa getting married today Roza. It's you" said Viktoria grinning wildly.

"WHAT?" I screeched. "Please tell me you are joking?"

"Rose, please listen before you get your knickers in a knot" begged Lissa. It all clicked now, all the secrecy with the wedding. "You and Dimitri would never tie the knot if we didn't plan it. You would have constantly made excuses and put someone else first, like you did with my 'wedding'. I wasn't going to let that happen. You and Dimitri deserve this day a lot more than any other couple I know, including me and Christian. Please don't be mad Rose"

Honestly, how could I be mad at this woman? What she was saying was true. If it were up to me to organise the wedding, it would never have happened.

"But Liss, what about your big day? This was meant to be your day. We even had a hen's day for you" I said still trying to get my head around it.

"Well, you were the only one that thought it was for me. Didn't you realise that all the games revolved around you" laughed Lissa. And she was right. I remembered thinking on the night that it was strange how much my name popped up in everything. I figured she was just trying to get me involved being the Maid of Honour and all that.

"Wait, so everyone else knows?" I mumbled. "Does Dimitri know?"

"Of course he does silly. As if I could of done it all myself. That man has amazing organisational skills. Are you sure he's not gay" asked Lissa.

"Oh I'm positive about that one" I laughed. "Liss...I don't know what to say. I can't believe this. Honestly, how did you manage it all?"

"It was tricky at times, but we managed. What can I say? I am the party organiser of this century!" she grinned.

"I'll say" I smiled. Then I had a sudden thought. "Wait, if you're not getting married, what did you do to your wedding dress? And what about me? Oh my god Liss, you didn't get me a bright pink dress or something did you"

"Rose, I got that wedding dress for when Christian and I do get married, which is in a month by the way, so the dress we picked for your bridesmaid dress won't even go to waste. And as for your wedding dress, well let's just say that's why I've been stressing out"

"What do you mean?"

"Rose, do you remember the dress you tried on last time you were in Russia?" asked Viktoria with a little spark in her eye. Three months ago, we had gone on a little getaway to Russia to see Dimitri's family. I nodded too shocked to speak. The dress had been absolutely gorgeous. Simple, yet gorgeous. Oh it wasn't a proper wedding dress, but then again, I'm not a traditional girl. When we had gone into the dress shop we had said we would each try on the dress of our dreams just for fun. I had tried on this stunning light blue coloured dress that clung in all the right places. It was a silk material with some lace incorporated. When I had tried it on, I had said this was my dream wedding dress but in white. On the day, they all laughed at me and said no way 'because it's not a wedding dress'

"Are...are you telling me what I think you're telling me?" I stammered.

"Yes Rose. That dress, is your wedding dress" smiled Olena handing over a long dress bag. "The girls told me how amazing you looked in it and the owner of the shop happens to be a good friend of mine. She got onto the designer and they organised it to be made in white. Here is your dress"

"I...I don't know what to say. Olena, I can't accept this. I know how much that dress cost" I said shaking my head. It had cost more than Olena would make in a year!

"Hush now Kiz. It's time for you to start getting ready" said Abe walking up the path and through the front door, which I had left open in my shock. "You have two hours Kiz, so get working. Lissa, where would you like Ebony, Shamika and Alyssa?" I looked around him and saw 3 women standing there with makeup cases in one hand and hair styling products in the other.

"You were in on this? You got the dress?" I questioned my father.

"Of course I was in on this. Nothing gets passed your old man" he chuckled. One thing I loved about my father was that being King had not changed a single thing in him. I quickly hugged and kissed him and started jumping up and down on the spot. Then I ushered everyone into the house, showed Olena where they could put their bags and then waited for Lissa to situate us for hair and makeup.

I couldn't believe that in 2 short hours, I would be getting married.