"Luce, can you get Armeria to give me the information she found yesterday?" Ciel asked.

"Sure, I'll get her to give it to you after breakfast."

*Knock, knock* "Come in,"

Armeria opened and closed the door behind her with one hand, carring a stack of paper in the other.

"I brought the information, as you said Master Ciel," the demoness said.

"Just put it on the desk," Ciel said, pointing to the part of the desk in front of him.

"Yes, understood," Armeria said as she placed the pile of paper on the desk.

"Now, if you'll excuse me,"

"You're dismissed," Ciel said with a impatient tone.

I wonder what Sebastian's master will do with all that information. Armeria thought as she left Ciel's study.

At the Trancy Manor

"Claude, why are you acting so cold towards me?" Alois asked with a sad tone.

"What are you saying your highness?" Claude denied.

"Stop lying to me Claude. You keep staring at me with an empty look just after Ciel left. Why do you treat me like this now? Do you like Ciel better?" Alois cried in fustration.

"Nothing has changed your highness, my energy's still sapped from taking Armeria's demonic spells." Claude lied. Nothing's changed, but the fact that I'm going to go against the contract.

"Well, okay, you better get better soon. I wanna sleep now," Alois said with a yawn.

"I'll prepare the bath, Young Master,"Claude said before he left to heat up the water. After tha water was heated, he left to escort his master to the bathroom.

Claude went over in front of Alois, and kneeled down, "What is it Young Master?"

Alois wrapped his arms around Claude's neck and started crying. "Claude, I really love you. I don't get why you're treating me like this," Alois whined.

"Master, you know I can't return your feelings, I won't cross the line. But if you want to know why... It's because I want Ciel Phantomhive's soul," Claude said as he tore Alois' heart out.

"Good night Alois Trancy," Now, to obtain Ciel Phantomhive's soul...

Hey people,

I'm probably gonna write a sequel for this story about Claude trying to obtain Ciel's soul. But I don't have any inspiration for it so it will take a long time. If you guys have any ideas, please comment on the story. If I actually think of any ideas, I'll update another chapter on this story with all the info on it.


kuroi hime.