Special A

"One More Chance"

(Chapter 13: Kei, Memories and Surprises)

~Previously, on "One More Chance"

"Mmm-hmm... yes... good... alright be ready by then." A person, who's locked in a room of darkness hung from the phone and said to himself "I'm not finished yet. I won't let my name get stained. They must be rid of at all cost.. no matter what it takes" and then broke off into an evil laugh.


"Please! One More Time!" cried out a girl who was on her knees crying to no end in front of a wide-eyed boy "Please do a contest with me one more time! Since you lost to me on purpose... we can still do it since we're rivals! Because I'll strive more and more so I can fight against you! Can't we have an earnest match again...?"

With those words said, the boy's eyes went wider in shock. Is she serious? Why did she say that? Why does she want to chase after him? What has she done to him? Why is his chest beating so fast? Normally he would just turn his back with a scowl without another word but...

The boy slowly nodded and the little girl wiped away her tears with a smile of relief "I'm glad... I-I was afraid that you'd refuse and-and leave me... I don't want to part with you... T-T-Takishima"

He gulped and looked away with a flushed face.

'She's adorably cute' he suddenly thought. Seeing her like this... made him feel he wanted to see more. As he stared at her bright smile made him want to protect her. Her bubbly, sunny-bright face made him want to treasure her forever. Why was he suddenly feeling these things? How come he couldn't say anything? What just happened to him?

The boy crouched down to a pile of rocks and lifted one with a pointy edge. He held it steadily and wrote on the bark of a nearby tree. When he was finished, the little girl walked up to him and saw the words "Kei and Hikari = 4ever" engraved on the tree.

"Let's make this tree the witness. Let's make a promise that we'll never stop being friends" he paused for a while and looked at her with a red face "B-Because I always want to be with Hikari-chan"

Little Hikari flushed, but because of her dense nature, unaware of what the little Takishima is currently feeling, she smiled her brightest and did a pinky swear.

Hand-by-hand, they walked back. The promise, not only engraved on that tree, but also in their hearts... forever.


Kei Takishima drove back to his mansion along with 6-year old Kai Hanazono he picked up from school. Little Kai was browsing in Kei's laptop, which he asked permission for, and what pricked his interest was a folder named: Light. Inside, were not only one, not two, but also more than fifteen folders, filled with pictures of only one person – Hikari Hanazono.

"How come you have so much pictures of my mother?" he coughed to get his attention "Are a stalker or something?"

Kei imminently paused and chuckled at the name Kai gave him before answering "I wouldn't say stalker. More like... let's say... obsessed" he said with a somewhat proud grin.

Kai raised an eyebrow "Humor me"

Kei chuckled again. Is this the feeling of your child answering how you and his mother met? Or how they fell in love? "Kai, I was exactly at your age when I met and fell in love with your mother" he looked at him with a smile

The twenty-two year old man laughed softly at Kai's shocked expression. His little mouth slightly open and eyes gleamed with curiosity, urging him to continue

"Your mother and I was introduced when we were six by our fathers. They wanted us to wrestle since they're both pro-wrestling fanatics."

"Yeah, my mom told me that. She says my grandfather trained her in pro-wrestling"

"You're absolutely right. At first I never thought of Hikari as someone special. She annoys me to no end with all her challenges since she said I was the first to beat her and that she wanted to take my number one place," Kei chuckled again at the memory and his face softened "So I planned to lose to her on purpose so that she could stop with all her nonsense challenges. But what she did was the opposite. She continued to chase after me and made me promise to never lose to her on purpose again; that I'd wait for her till she won over me fair and square. At that time I... I don't know... I never understood it at first but... I just realized that... I've fallen in love with her..."

However, Kei's tale did not only end there. Kai was intrigued, baffled and amazed. His mother has told him before that she and his father were friends, but that was it. He didn't want to push the subject further whilst he knows how heartbroken she was. Hearing Kei's story was like a novel that came out of a book. Their story rivalled Cinderella's romance about the love of a commoner and a prince; Beauty and the Beast's tale about love that matters more on the inside; Romeo and Juliet's forbidden love; and so much more.

How could a rich, lonely boy, and a poor, sunny girl form a beautiful love story that's fit to rival classic romance?


Both father and son had a gleefully smile plastered on their faces. Kei, telling his child about their love story was something he always wanted to do. However, as the double doors opened, Kei's smile turned into a frown when he saw Hikari talking with his rival for Hikari's love, Iori Tokiwa.

Hikari hugged her son as to welcome him home. Iori greeted the lad with a pet on the head and gave him a box, wrapped around like a gift.

Kei inhaled and exhaled deep to maintain control of himself, knowing that the man before him has gained six years or so around his Hikari during his absence. Hikari smiled back to him and gave him a quick nod before Kai dragged her out of their sights to have his mother help him open Iori's gift.

The blonde made a small smile before turning to face Tokiwa.

"Takishima" Tokiwa said, along with an obvious icy glare "I see that Hikari's doing well now. She's almost back to her usual self"

"Yes, she is" returning back the glare "I gave her the best medical treatment there is. But not only for her health but food and shelter as well, for her brother and Kai"

"So it seems. It looks like your grandfather-"

"My grandfather has nothing to do with this. I am not scheming anything if that's what you're thinking. If that old geezer interferes, I won't hold back if he lays a finger on Hikari's family and I don't care if he's part blood."

"You sound confident"

"I am" Kei held his chin up in pride "Because now I'm repenting for my sins and simply fulfilling my duty as Kai's father"

"Good luck with that" Iori said with disgust on Kei's last three words

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"You do know that Kai's birthday is next week, right?"

Both men stopped their glaring contest when Hikari and Kai returned with Kai holding a book.

"Wow! Storm Dragon by James Wyatt. The first book in the Dragonic Prophecies trilogy. Thanks uncle!" Kai cheered, clutching the book by his chest.

"Sure thing kiddo" Iori knelt to level Kai's height and ruffled his hair with a kind smile. Hikari mouth out the words 'Thank You' to him and answered back "Anything, Hikari" before turning to face Kai again "Take that as an advance birthday gift Kai"

"But my birthday's not till next week"

"I know that Kai, but... I wouldn't be around on your birthday. I'm off to Canada for a business trip for a couple of weeks."


"Hey, don't put on such a face" Iori pats Kai's hair "At least you could be with your mother on your birthday, right?"

"Yeah – Yeah! You're right!"

"Well, Happy Birthday kid." He stood up and face the other two "I'll be off then. My flight starts this evening"

"Oh, okay, Bye Tokiwa! Have a safe trip!" Hikari waved back at him with her angelic smile that made Iori's face soften which made Kei's aura burn with jealousy.

"Yeah, See ya around" Kei answered back as he escorted him out, to make sure he leaves at once.

He closed the doors and sighed frustratingly

'Kai's birthday huh?'


After dinner, Kai immediately went back to his room to read his new book while Hikari remained in the kitchen, which she volunteered to do the dishes. Kei snaked his arms around Hikari's waist from the back and inhaled her sweet lavender scent.

"You smell good Hikari" he whispered to her neck and Hikari only smiled "How come you let Tokiwa in without telling me?"

Hikari sighed, removed his hands from her waist and pulled her hair up into a ponytail "Come on Kei, I know you guys fought over me before but please, not in front of Kai. Besides, Iori's a good friend. He helped me out a bunch of times. Plus, I owe him for being there with Kai..." she paused for a while "Kai needed a father-figure before and he was there to help so... I'm greatly indebted to him"

Kei wrapped his arms around her and pulled her ponytail for her hair to flow back. He rested his chin on her shoulder "I see..." he said in an obvious disappointed tone. He has no right to argue about what she just said. Hikari's right; even though Kai said he didn't need a father, he's still a child who seeks the need of a father's love, what's disappointing him was that it wasn't him, the true father of the boy, to be there for him, and that fact stroke pain and guilt in his heart.

The raven-haired felt him shiver behind her and grew concerned.

"Kei? Is there something wrong?" she asked, concern laced in her voice

"Do... Do you think... that Kai... could give me a chance?" Hikari turned and faced the man, whose expression was like a child's, that lost his favourite toy "You know, like... Will he accept me as his father?"

He looked at her, his eyes portrayed sincere truth.

"Of course Kei, you're Kai's father. You're his blood and flesh. It may take a while but... ...I know Kai. And by the looks of things, I think Kai's starting to like you. You two have gotten really close these days" she told him with a smile he absolutely adored. She put a hand on his cheek. He kissed the palm of her hand before holding it to his cheek.

"If Hikari says so, then I believe it." Hikari smiled "I'm so happy that Hikari-chan gave me a chance, a chance to prove myself. I'll do anything because I love Hikari more than she could ever know. I'm overjoyed because my Hikari still loves me even after what has happened. Forgive me my love, I promise that it will never happen again. You're so precious to me"

she wrapped her arms around his neck "Of course I do Kei. I love you"

those words coming out of her was enough for him to feel the presence of heaven. Her face completed his day. Her exquisite body was perfectly modelled, like angels have carved them. Her skin, so smooth and flawless. Her eyes were hypnotizing onyx orbs that sparkle brighter than the stars above. Her hair, painted like the night sky that flowed back by the wind like the best silk. All these traits can be found in a model's, a goddess', and etc.

However, he didn't only loved her because of these features. Hikari is kind, cheerful, trustworthy, and loved. She always thinks of others first before herself. She rarely disappoints anyone, except at times because of her dense nature which regards to love. Her heart was pure, filled with love and happiness. A girl that loved him for him.

He sucked in a lungful of her scent before exhaling "I wonder where I should start for Kai?"

Hikari chuckled by his ear "You can start, by Kai's 6th birthday next week"

"Then when and where should I start with you, my love?" he held her tighter

"Hmmm... we'll see" she gleefully said before Kei's lips crashed into hers. Their lips danced as their bodies were pressed to one another. Their kiss were slow and teasing at first but soon moved into a rather fast and beastly rhythm. However, they abruptly stopped as Hikari suddenly felt dizzy. Kei looked at her with great concern but sighed in relief to find out that she's alright, that she only needed her medicine and a shut eye.

Hand-by-hand, Kei carefully led her back to her quarters. A determined grin flashed across his face.

'I'll do the best I can. I need to make up for the lost time. And if things go well, I might have a chance to ask Hikari's hand in marriage so that Me, Hikari, and Kai, could be a family'


Around the age of eight, wearing a simple kimono her mother made her, she hurriedly pulled another youngster's hand by hers across the crowded festival night. They settled on a bench under a tree they both secretly found that could give them a full view of the beautiful full moon and twinkling stars above and of the beautiful brightly colored festival lights below.

"Look Takishima! A falling star! Make a wish! Quick!" she exclaimed and clasped her hands tightly and muttered her wish

The lad just simply smiled at her, adored her childish behaviour and laughed at himself before putting his hands together and silently told the star his wish.

"So, miss ranked number two, what did you wish for?" he asked with a grin after they made their wishes

The young lass pouted her lips and a vein throbbed by her head as she heard that cursed nickname "I wished that I could finally beat you in a challenge and become number 1!" she threw her fist in the air in pride

'So cute...' he thought before pulling back into reality as she asked him

"What about you? What did you wish for, Takishima-kun?" with that smile that he couldn't resist, he merely chuckled and looked at her with a softened face.

"I wished... that you would be mine" but before she could utter a word, she squeaked as she felt his soft lips crashed into hers.