This is a sequel to my story Hidden. Well, not really a sequel. More like an expansion of Hidden. I recommend you read Hidden first but whatever.

"Hyde, why don't you just come with us to prom? I mean how bad can it be?" Eric asked for the thousandth time that night.

"Man, I'm not going to prom. That's only for losers who can't get laid," Hyde insisted.

"What? I can so totally do it," Eric squeaked.

"If you could, you would," Hyde argued.

"Well I mean, I might not be able to do it with Donna but I could totally find someone to do it with. I just want to do it with Donna."

Hyde smirked over at his oldest friend. "You're such a girl."

"It's not like you're doing it with anyone either Hyde," Eric reminded.

"Yes I am."


"That," Hyde said as he stood up, "is none of your business."

"Where are you going?"

"That is also none of your business," Hyde told him as he grabbed a six pack and a cooler out of the shower.

Without another word Hyde walked out of the basement. He climbed the stairs silently, hoping to avoid Red or Kitty. At the top of the stairway, Hyde noticed Fez and Kelso walking up the driveway in their matching white suits. Hyde rolled his eyes. The two morons had decided that since neither of them could get a date that they would go together to try and pick chicks up. Dumbasses.

"Hello Hyde, my dance hating American friend. Where are you off to?" Fez posed.

"Just going for a drive."

"Aw man Hyde's going to get laid!" Kelso screeched.

"Why is it never Fez who is going to get laid?"

"One day little buddy," Kelso promised, patting Fez's shoulder.

Hyde rolled his eyes and walked down to the Camino. Once he was inside he backed down the driveway. Turning on the radio, he drove towards the water tower.

Hyde climbed up the ladder with the cooler hitched on his arm. At the top of the water tower he sat with his legs over the edge so that he was overlooking the town lights. Immediately he grabbed a beer and cracked it open. He took a long sip before sitting it down next to him so he could grab his cigarettes.

He lit one of the cigarettes and inhaled. After exhaling he brought the can back to his mouth. He sat there for a while just looking at the town he'd grown up in. It was peaceful up here, especially when he was alone. He liked when he had a minute alone. Living in the basement at the Formans' didn't really give him much alone time.

Hyde took a drag on the cigarette again just as he heard clanking on the metal ladder. He waited a minute then looked over just in time to see a girl's head appear.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was up here," she apologized as she began to climb back down.

"That's cool," he shrugged.

He recognized this girl as the cheerleader that had been giving Kelso a hard time. The chick was hot, he had to admit.

He watched her hesitate before climbing back up the ladder and sitting a couple feet to his left. He had to give her credit for not backing down. Most preppy chicks would have taken off with their tails between their legs if they found him all alone on the water tower. He reached over and grabbed another can from the cooler.

"Beer?" he offered.

She hesitated a second. "Sure, why not?"

She took the beer and looked at it for a second. He wondered what she was hesitating for. Even a stupid cheerleader had to know how to open a freaking can. It wasn't all that complicated. Finally she held the can back towards him.

"Can you open it for me?" she asked, her eyes wide as she looked at him. "I just got my nails done and I don't want to chip them or anything."

Hyde raised an eyebrow. She really thought she was a princess or something, unable to open her own freaking beer. Still, he took the can back and popped it open before handing it back to her. He pretended not to notice that her hand brushed against his as she took it back.

"Thanks," she said quietly.

Hyde turned back to the overlook of the town, watching the lights in certain buildings turn on and others turn off. It was silent between them for a minute at most before the cheerleader started chatting away.

"So what are you doing up here? Aren't you a junior?" she quizzed.

"Yeah, so?"

"So, prom's tonight. Why are you here when you could be at prom?"

"Because I don't do dances," Hyde explained.

"Why not?"

"Because they're stupid."

He noticed that as soon as he had said this he said this she looked personally offended. Her eyebrows furrowed and she crossed her arms over her chest as she examined him. Hyde had to stifle a laugh.

"That's not true! Dances, especially prom, are meant to be romantic. You get to go and spend time with someone you really like and dance. The only day more important than prom is your wedding day," she informed him.

Hyde stared at her, amazed. Was she serious? She couldn't seriously think so highly of a night where a hundred plus teens crammed into a small gym with streamers and a cheap disco ball. She looked completely serious though, a dreamy look on her face as she thought about it.

"If it's so special why aren't you there?"

She huffed before explaining. "Because some idiot told all the guys at school I was going with him even though I told him no like a thousand times."

Hyde smirked. The only idiot that would do that was Kelso. Plus, he knew Kelso had been after this chick for a while now.

"So then, why didn't you just say yes to Kelso?" he asked, actually curious.

Not many girls were smart enough to look past his 'man-prettiness' as Kelso called it, yet this cheerleader had managed to do just that. He took in a breath of smoke as he waited for her reply.

"Because he may be a good looking guy but he's like…pretty like a girl, not handsome like a man should be," she explained.

Hyde almost chocked on the smoke, surprised by her answer and also highly amused. The cheerleader continued however, oblivious to his amusement.

"Also, he's really stupid. How'd you know he was the one who did it?"

"Cause Kelso's the biggest moron I know," Hyde explained with a shrug. "He's the only person I know that's stupid enough to do that."



With that Hyde finished his beer and dropped the can over the railing and into the trees below. He pulled out another beer and cracked it open. "That and he kept talking about how some cheerleader was playing hard to get by continuously turning him down. There aren't too many cheerleaders smart enough to turn Kelso down."

She nodded and the silence returned. Both sipped at their cans of beer. Hyde took a final pull on the cigarette before stubbing it out on the metal floor.

"So cheerleader, that answers why you're not at prom but why are you up here? Isn't it a little too dirty for you to be hanging out up here, especially with a burnout like me?"

She didn't look at him, instead keeping her eyes fixed on the town below.

"I love the view. It makes me think of Paris."

"Seriously? I mean, looking over Point Place's down town area makes you think of Paris? That's kind of pathetic," he scoffed.

"Well, I've never been to Paris but my mom always tells me about it, or at least she does when she's home. This is the closest I've ever come to matching her description with my own eyes."

Hyde looked over at her and there was something so distant about her voice that it hit home. He just nodded in understanding.

"What are you doing up here?"

"Didn't have anything else to do and Red would kick my ass if he saw me sitting around the basement drinking his beer and smoking."

"Is Red your dad?" she asked.

"What? Oh, I mean, uh, no. He's my friend's dad. I live with them though."

"Huh," she nodded.


It was silent for a moment again before she cleared her throat.

"Do you mind if I ask why you live with them?" she asked quietly and hesitantly.

Hyde looked over at her. She was looking at him with curiosity but not the nosey kind, just kind of wondering, so he told her.

"Well, my dad ran out on me and my mom when I was little. Then last year my mom took off. She'd disappeared for a few days at a time before but after a few weeks she called and said she wasn't coming back. The Formans, that's the family that took me in, they stopped by to check in on me and overheard the conversation. They didn't give me an option other than to say that I should pack my bags 'cause I was moving in with them."

"Well that was nice. It sucks living alone," she sighed with a familiar sadness.

Hyde heard the meaning behind the statement but he had to be sure. There was no way this rich, preppy, innocent cheerleader was living alone. Plus she had already made the comment about her mom not being around much.

"What do you know about living alone cheerleader?"

She looked at him with her eyes even wider than normal and Hyde couldn't help but admit, at least to himself, that she looked kind of cute like that, her wide eyes filled with innocence and panic.

"I, uh, meant that it must have sucked living alone. Also, my name's not cheerleader. It's Jackie."

"Okay Jackie. What do you know about living alone?" he repeated.

"I told you that I didn't mean to make it sound like I knew what it was like to live alone," she replied quickly.


He wasn't going to sit here and press her about it. What did he care if she was living alone in some fucking mansion? Better than sleeping on a cot in some perfect family's basement.

Again the two were silent. Hyde dropped another can over the railing and opened the cooler. Jackie reached over and dropped her can down to the ground too.

"You want another beer?"

"Sure," she agreed, taking the one he extended to her.

They went back to silence but this one was brief.

"So, what's your real name?"

This caught Hyde off guard and he looked over at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, everyone calls you Hyde but that's your last name, right?"

Hyde nodded.

"So what's your first name?"

Hyde didn't make a habit out of telling random girls his first name but he'd also made a few other exceptions with her so why not one more.


"That's cool," she smiled at him.

He smirked back, knowing she was just imitating him from earlier. Normally he'd reply with a whatever but he didn't. Instead he just nodded. "Yup."

Silence fell between them yet again. It wasn't until Hyde heard a gurgling noise from where she was sitting. He looked over at her, amused yet again by the little brunette. He noticed she was blushing and he smirked at her.

"What the hell was that?" he laughed.


"Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure it was your stomach growling," he teased.

"Fine, it was my stomach. I haven't eaten and I'm a little hungry."

Hyde suddenly didn't feel so amused.

"What do you mean you haven't eaten? Haven't eaten since when?"

Jackie shrugged, avoiding his eyes as he stared over at her. Finally she looked up and met his eyes.

"Yesterday," she mumbled.

"What? You haven't eaten since yesterday? Why not?" he demanded, suddenly angry.

He couldn't quite understand why he was angry except for the fact that he had faced hunger a few times and it wasn't fun. He didn't get why this chick, who had a great little body, would optionally starve herself. It wasn't like she needed to lose any weight. She was already fucking hot.

Finally she sighed. "I don't know."

Hyde could tell she was lying to him so he pushed. "Jackie," he said warningly.

She continued to avoid his eyes.

"Come on," he finally said, standing up.

"What?" she asked, glancing up at him.

"Come on," he encouraged, gathering his stuff. "You like shiny things, right?"

"Of course. What kind of girl doesn't like shiny things?"

Hyde wanted to laugh. She was in for a real surprise when he showed her what he meant by something shiny. Instead he put on a fake smile and looked down at her.

"Well, we're going to buy you something shiny to cheer you up."

"Okay!" she beamed, pushing to her feet.

Hyde picked up the cooler and began to descend the ladder. Jackie followed him down. Every few seconds Hyde's eyes wandered up his skirt but he couldn't help it. Why had she thought that was an appropriate water tower outfit anyway? His eyes literally could not help sliding up her long, toned, tanned legs and he wanted to see more than just that.

He forced himself to look away as she glanced down at him. He knew he was busted but she didn't say anything and she didn't freak out so when she went back to looking ahead as she climbed down, Hyde risked a glance up again. No wonder Kelso wasn't taking no for an answer with this one.

At the last rung Hyde dropped the foot and a half to the ground. Jackie reached the last rung a second later. Hyde reached out and grabbed her waist. He helped her to the ground. She turned to face him but his hands remained on either side of her body.

"Thanks," she said almost silently to him.

Hyde held her gaze for a minute and was tempted to lean down and kiss her. Instead he nodded.


She stayed between his hands for a second longer before stepping back.

"So, where are we going to find something shiny at ten on a Saturday night in Point Place?" she asked. Suddenly her expression changed to one of pure horror. "You're not going to break into a jewelry store or something are you?"

Hyde chuckled. He loved having the reputation of being ten times more badass than he was. Sure he smoked and got in fights and got suspended and got bad grades but other than that he was pretty clean. He'd never gotten into any real trouble yet everyone seemed to think he did.

"No. Just get in the car," he instructed.

She glanced over his shoulder and saw the Camino behind him. She followed him over and got into the car.

Hyde drove back towards town. He felt Jackie looking at him but he kept his eyes on the road. Driving with someone that hot next to you was a bad freaking idea. It was far too dangerous having her skirt riding up higher than before.

Finally Hyde pulled up to the Fatso Burger drive through. He smiled over at her as he ordered two cheeseburgers, a large fry and two pops.

Pulling up to the pickup window, he finally risked looking over at her. She was glaring at him.

"You promised me something shiny," she reminded him.

"And here it is," Hyde grinned, handing her one of the cheeseburgers wrapped in tinfoil.

"You suck," she told him with a pout.

"Why? I promised you something shiny and here's something shiny. You have no right to be mad."

Hyde chuckled as he pulled into a parking spot in front of the building. He shifted into park and began to set out the food.

"You suck," she repeated angrily.

"Whatever. Just eat."

"Do you know how unhealthy this is for you?"

"Um, yeah but that's what makes it great," he shrugged.

"It's also what makes you fat."

"Jackie, you have a great body. One Fatso burger is not going to kill you."

He mentally kicked himself for letting that slip out of his mouth. He hadn't meant to boost her ego. Cheerleaders' egos were big enough as it was.

"You think I have a great body?" she smiled, reaching over and touching his knee lightly.

"What?" he asked, trying to hide what he'd just said.

"You do," she beamed.

"Whatever," he grunted, biting into his burger. "Just eat your food."

He smirked as Jackie opened her burger wrapper and slowly bit into it.

"See? It's not that bad."

"Oh whatever Steven."

"It's Hyde," he grunted.

"I like Steven better."

"I don't."

That wasn't normally a lie. He didn't like people calling him Steven but for some reason, coming out of her mouth it sounded so fucking hot.

"Well, why can't I call you Steven?"

"Because it's lame."

"I like it," Jackie shrugged.

"You want some fries?" Hyde asked, holding out the fries.

"Sure, why not? I'm already going to have to work this off tomorrow anyway."

"I know a great way to work that off," he informed her suggestively.

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Take me home you pig."

Hyde smiled and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Where do you live?"

"On Remington Place."

That was the really nice section of Point Place. With like mansion, mansions. He let out a low whistle as he thought about how big her house probably was.

"You really are loaded, aren't you?"

Jackie blushed and nodded slightly.

"That's cool."


Hyde looked over at her. Was she seriously doubting that wealth was a good thing? He could only wish he was loaded.

"Yeah, it's cool."


Hyde turned the radio on as he drove towards Remington. When he got onto the street Jackie gave him directions to her house. It was a minute later that he was pulling into a long driveway. It was a good quarter mile long.

"I had a lot of fun with you tonight," Jackie said shyly.

"That's cool."

Jackie examined his face, trying to figure out what that meant. Hyde just stared back at her. Finally she shrugged.

"Well, goodnight. Thank you for dinner and the beer."


Jackie leaned over and kissed his cheek before quickly getting out of the car and walking into her house. When the front door was shut behind her she leaned against it and let out a breath. She couldn't remember ever the butterflies in her stomach going as crazy as they were at that moment. It was probably the beer. Cheap stuff often did that to her, made her feel weird and off.