
I pull up to the parking lot in the park for again. Annamarie and Colton are sitting silently in the back seat behind me. I look over to my left to see an empty parking place. My right side is just as vacant.

I put my car in park and sit in my seat. My mind wanders to old memories of Dimitri and I while I wait for him to show up. This part, the waiting, was the second hardest thing about this whole joint custody thing. The first was the fact that I had to see him. He would never know just how much I still love him, how much I still miss him. I feel my eyes start to tear up and my heart shred into a million pieces again. This had become so normal that I don't flinch at the pain anymore.

I blink rapidly to clear my vision just as Dimitri pulls up beside me. I get out to get my kids' things as they run off to their father. He hugs them and I see the love and pride in his eyes. He loves our children more than anything else in this world. It breaks my heart to know that I can't see that love and pride everyday at a home that we share as a family.

So I don't tell him I miss him

(I don't tell her I need her)

She's over me, that's where we are

We're as close as we might ever be again

Every other weekend.

I walk over with the duffle bags as Dimitri helps Annamarie with her seat bealt. He turns around and looks at me before taking the bags and dumping them in the trunk.

"Colton's got a soccer game sometime this week. He'll tell you dates, times, and places if you ask him," I say.

"Won't you be there?" Dimitri asks

"Only if you want me to be," I whisper softly.

Dimitri stares at me. My words have caught him off guard. He recovers though, and reaches for my face. His fingers brush against my cheek and jaw line. I stare into his deep chocolate eyes that I love so much. I reach up and lightly kiss his lips. It was barely a touch, but it was enough for the familiar electric shock to course through my body. I feel at home once again.

Yeah, for fifteen minutes

We're a family again

God, I wish that he was still with me again

Every other weekend.

Okay guys, that's the end of this story. I hope that you all enjoyed this little song-fic and don't hate me too much for ending it. I enjoyed writing this and listening to Reba on repeat to make sure that the lyrics are right.

With Love,
