Allen fell on his knees.

The sheriff had found him.

He smiled kindly.

-Congratulations. You caught the Crimson Fox.

He held out his wrists so he could handcuff him.

The sheriff kneeled before him. The young thief closed his eyes, a single tear rolling down his right cheek.

But instead of the handcuffs' coldness around his wrists, he felt the warmth of two hands on his frozen ones.

He opened his eyes to see a white rose in his hands and the sheriff's ultramarine gaze staring into his own.

A white rose. They were a symbol of unstained feelings, pure love and elegance.

He just stared at the sheriff without understanding.

Kanda pouted.

-This is a confession. Don't make me say it.

Allen blushed. A confession? The sheriff had feelings for him? But he was the Crimson Fox, why would he...?

The dark-haired man wiped the tear from Allen's cheek.

-I won't ask you to answer to my feelings. But take this as a symbol to the end of your career as a thief. You were stealing to save the hospital, right? It's going to be destroyed anyways. But I asked for a new one to be built instead, so everyone there will keep their jobs and their patients.

Allen was shocked.

Was that man always that kind?... He probably was the type of person who hid their feelings...

He looked back at the white rose. It was perfect... Where did it come from?...

He felt the warmth of the sheriff's hand withdraw.



-Hey, don't you dare calling me th... uh...

The boy's smile had just taken his breath away.

-Thank you...

He then placed a hand on the sheriff's cheek and kissed him lightly.

When he pulled away, Kanda could feel his cheeks burning.

-You're... welcome... A-anyways, we should return to...

Heavy rain started to fall outside, and loud thunder could be heard.

Allen smiled.

-I guess we'll have to stay here for a while, right?

Kanda smiled.

-You must be cold with those wet clothes of yours. Let's find some change for you shall we?

-Ha ha, isn't that stealing?

-Hey, I'm the sheriff, it's a requisition.

Allen laughed lightly.

-I love you too, Yû.


As usual, thanks to The Trailblazer for awesome ideas and support, and thanks to sayo-chan64, xx-Yuu-Chan-xx, lonewolfgirl-sademo588, booberry123, Monkey Girl 13624, Haou246, AkixYuseiGRL, You Still Love Me, Creshirecat, IncredibleIdiosyncrasies, NeryToe, fallendestinyxx, Alice Nyte, awesomeliciousnes, RhiannonWolf and latechocox3 for following this story 'till the end!