Basically I have no idea how to write epilogues so this may be a bit lame and I know it's short but this is all I can come up with for now. Well In a sec I may edit some of last chapter meaning add some bits to it.

Also today I have received my GCSEs and my Polish AS results and basically I did quite well - only failed Re (got D) and got my dreamed up A* in maths. So I'm in great mod today.

When I first posted prologue to my story 'Missing and Found' I got quite a positive reaction but as I look at it now I am unsure if anyone ever reads it for the lack of feedback received. Therefore if you read this story too please review.

"Oh good, you're finally back." Came the voice from the doorway as the time travellers were standing in the middle of their living room.

"Si-Sirius?" Harry stuttered adjusting his glasses, as if he didn't believe in what he was seeing.

"Yes, who other could it be?" He asked still standing in the doorway.

"But you're supposed to be dead" Harry said decreasing the stuttering.

"Well I'm not." Sirius stated matter of fact, "These meddlesome kids of yours pup were useful for something." The kids beamed.

"Errm, Izie, why do you look older and so do you Jamie?" Albus asked out of blue and Harry after getting a good look at his children realised that they do indeed look older than they were looking just seconds before.

"What are you talking about?" Isabelle and James said in unison.

"No, he's right." Daphne said, apparently she also saw this little creepy fact. "But you Albie do so to." She added.

"I think I could explain this." Sirius came in and every Potter as well as Malfoy and Zabini looked at him.

"Well you see, the two of you got together earlier so you decided that you wanted children a bit earlier and well let's just say Izie was born when you were 21 not 23 making her two years older with James following just one and a half year after and Albus here year after and then 3 years later you had Lily. So basically Izie is 17 and just about to enter her seventh year, and then there is James at 15 and Albus at 14 while Lily is 11." Sirius explained with a smile crackling on his lips.

The two eldest Potters looked at each other and then at Sirius. "Did anything else change?" They asked together.

"Well quite a bit changed really, well I am not really sure how much since they didn't tell us so much but well Voldemort was destroyed by you in your fifth year for your favourite godson told his daddy about horcruxes, and yes the Lupins are alive and Hermione isn't with Ron, if you're interested instead she married a muggle born from your year too named Justin Flinch-Fletchley." The Potters once again exchanged looks but this one was quite relieved and not so much confused.

"Come on pup, everything is changed for the better. Now come on you must be starving." Yes food and Sirius, this will never change. Harry thought as he led his family behind his god father to the dining room.

I know this is kind of short but this is all I can come up with. I can write actual stories but not epilogues.